This is a neat trick: (ajax-version)
link_to_remote('submit', :url => {:action => 'blabla', :id =>
'optional'}, :submit => "id_of_element_around_your_checkboxes")
The important part is the :submit option ofcourse, just wrap the
elements you want to submit in a <div> (or whatever) and everything in
it will be posted as if it was in a form.
Very usefull for posting rows of a table, because you can't put a form
around a complete row. Or for posting something that's inside a form
(forms in forms are not allowed)
CONNECT TO [remote_user] IDENTIFIED BY [remote_password] USING '[service_name]'; ``` 其中,link_name是本地数据库中DB_LINK的名称,remote_user是远程数据库的用户名,remote_password是对应的密码,...
1. "How to upgrade TP-LINK ADSL Modem Router (TrendChip Solution).pdf" - 这个PDF文件提供了关于如何升级使用TrendChip解决方案的TP-Link ADSL调制解调器路由器的详细步骤。TrendChip是一家提供网络芯片解决方案...
例如,Rails提供了一些方便的路由和辅助方法,如`link_to_remote`和`form_remote_for`,可以直接生成AJAX链接和表单,简化了前端与后端的交互。 然而,虽然Rails简化了AJAX开发,但仍然需要理解JavaScript、...
CONNECT TO remote_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_password USING 'remote_db_address'; ``` 这里`remote_db_address`应替换为远程数据库的连接字符串,例如`'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=remote_host)...
CONNECT TO remote_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_password USING 'REMOTE_DB_LINK'; ``` 这里,`remote_link`是本地数据库链接的名称,`remote_user`是远程数据库的用户名,`remote_password`是对应密码,`REMOTE_...
DLL: Infineon TLE98xx: Some J-Link LITEs could not connect establish a successful target connection due to missing firmware functionality. Fixed. DLL: JTAG: When only having 1 TAP in the JTAG chain ...
CONNECT TO remote_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_password USING '(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=remote_host)(PORT=remote_port))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=remote_service_name))...
%= table_for Article, @articles do |t| %> <%= t.column :title %> <%...= link_to 'Destroy', article, method: :delete, remote: true %> <% end %><% end %>
CONNECT TO remote_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_password USING 'remote_db'; ``` 其中,`my_link`是本地数据库中的链接名,`remote_user`和`remote_password`是远程数据库的认证信息,`remote_db`是远程数据库的...
例如,如果我们有一个远程表`remote_table`,位于`remote_db`数据库链接下,我们可以在本地创建一个Synonym: ```sql CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM local_tab FOR remote_table@remote_db; ``` 之后,用户就可以像操作本地...
CONNECT TO remote_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_password USING '(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=remote_host)(PORT=remote_port))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=remote_service_name)...
CONNECT TO remote_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_password USING ('HS_LINK_NAME'); ``` 这里,`HS_LINK_NAME`是在tnsnames.ora中定义的HS连接的名称,`remote_user`和`remote_password`是远程数据库的凭证。 配置...
CONNECT TO remote_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_password USING 'remote_service_name'; ``` 其中,`remote_user`和`remote_password`是远程数据库的用户名和密码,`remote_service_name`是远程数据库的服务名。...
CONNECT TO remote_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_password USING 'remote_db_connection_string'; ``` 其中,`dblink_name` 是本地数据库上的 DBLink 名称,`remote_user` 和 `remote_password` 分别是远程数据库...
CREATE DATABASE LINK remote_link CONNECT TO remote_user IDENTIFIED BY password USING 'REMOTE_DB'; ``` 一旦DBLINK建立成功,你就可以在本地数据库中像操作本地表一样操作远程数据库的表。比如查询远程表:...
input [31:0] remote_ipaddr, //PC ip address input [15:0] local_port, //FPGA port number //interface to ethernet phy output mdc, inout mdio, output phy_rst_n, output is_link_up, `ifdef RGMII_IF...
CONNECT TO remote_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_password USING 'remote_database_connect_string'; ``` 例如,如果要从本地数据库连接至名为ORCL的远程数据库,可以使用以下命令: ```sql CREATE DATABASE LINK ...
CONNECT TO remote_user IDENTIFIED BY remote_password USING 'remote_service'; ``` ##### 2.2 使用DBLink 一旦创建了DBLink,就可以在SQL语句中引用它来访问远程数据库中的表或视图。基本语法如下: ```sql ...
create public database link link_vltdb70 connect to c##clone identified by "remote_clon55e_user" using '(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=