在Flex4 中,运行一个Flex application程序时,
Process terminated unexpectedly.
application descriptor not found
Launch command details: D:\java\Adobe\flexsdk\bin\adl.exe -runtime D:\java\Adobe\flexsdk\runtimes\air\win D:\backup\rds\RDSMobile\bin-debug\ui\step\DynamicMenu-app.xml D:\backup\rds\RDSMobile\bin-debug\ui\step
通常是由于所运行的application在项目src中的位置和在 项目bin-debug, bin-release-temp中的位置不一致导致的。
- Open the yourAppName-app.xml file that is sat in the src folder of your project, search for the <content> tag, delete whatever default rubbish exists between the tags, and replace it with yourAppName.swf (where ‘yourAppName’ should be whatever you named your app!). Example:
1 |
<content>yourAppName.swf</content> |
- Having saved the changes, copy the xml file over to the bin-debug folder (copy, not move, else Flex will complain).
Note: only edits made to bin-debug/yourAppName-app.xml will take effect.
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[ ] eigenbase-properties-1.1.4-javadoc.jar 06-Dec-2013 18:28 83K [ ] eigenbase-properties-1.1.4-javadoc.jar.md5 06-Dec-2013 18:28 32 [ ] eigenbase-properties-1.1.4-javadoc.jar.sha1 06-Dec-2013 18:28...
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在使用MyEclipse进行Web开发时,可能会遇到一个常见的错误提示:“Can not find the tag library descriptor for 'http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core'”。这个错误通常意味着你的项目缺少JSTL(JavaServer Pages ...
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Device Descriptor: bcdUSB: 0x0110 bDeviceClass: 0xFF bDeviceSubClass: 0x00 bDeviceProtocol: 0xFF bMaxPacketSize0: 0x20 (32) idVendor: 0x064F (Xsh-Systems AG) idProduct: 0x0BD8 bcdDevice: 0x0106 ...
javax.servlet.descriptor javax.servlet.http ``` # 含有的 Java class(类)(此处仅列举3个): ``` javax.servlet.AsyncContext javax.servlet.AsyncEvent javax.servlet.AsyncListener ...... ```
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2029: Message type in message descriptor not valid.** - **含义**:消息描述符中的消息类型无效。 - **解决方案**:验证消息类型的有效性。 **29. 2030: Message length greater than maximum for queue.** - *...
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4. 测试设备在不同操作系统上的行为,如Windows、macOS和Linux。 5. 生成C代码或二进制文件,方便集成到固件项目中。 在实际应用中,HID Descriptor Tool 可以帮助开发者快速迭代和调试HID设备,大大减少了开发时间...