After the servlet is initialized, the container may keep it ready for handling client
requests. When client requests arrive, they are delegated to the servlet through the
service()method, passing the request and response objects as parameters. In the
case of HTTP requests, the request and response objects are implementations of
HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse respectively. In the
HttpServlet class, the service() method invokes a different handler method for
each type of HTTP request, doGet() method for GET requests, doPost() method for
POST requests, and so on.
some more,
GET method
The GET method is used to retrieve a resource (like an image or an HTML page) from
the server, which is specified in the request URL. When the user types the request
URL into the browser's location field or clicks on a hyperlink, the GET method is
triggered. If a tag is used, the method attribute can be specified as "GET" to cause the
browser to send a GET request. Even if no method attribute is specified, the browser
uses the GET method by default.
We can pass request parameters by having a query string appended to the request
URL, which is a set of name-value pairs separated by an "&" character. Here we have passed the parameters studname and studno, which have the values
"Tom" and "123" respectively. Because the data passed using the GET method is
visible inside the URL, it is not advisable to send sensitive information in this manner.
The other restrictions for the GET method are that it can pass only text data and not more than 255 characters (i read somewhere that it depends on browser support).
POST method
The purpose of the POST method is to "post" or send information to the server. It is
possible to send an unlimited amount of data as part of a POST request, and the type of
data can be binary or text.
This method is usually used for sending bulk data, such as uploading files or updating
databases. The method attribute of the <form> tag can be specified as "POST" to
cause the browser to send a POST request to the server.
Because the request parameters are sent as part of the request body, it is not visible
as part of the request URL, which was also the case with the GET method.
doGet与doPost之间的区别 doGet 和 doPost 是 Servlet 中两个重要的方法,它们都是 HttpServlet 中定义的抽象方法,分别对应着 HTTP 的 GET 和 POST 请求。了解 doGet 和 doPost 之间的区别对于 Servlet 的开发和...
标题与描述概述的知识点主要集中在GET与POST请求方法的区别,以及它们在Web开发,特别是Java Servlet环境中的应用。为了深入理解和掌握这些知识点,我们可以从以下几个方面进行详细探讨: ### 安全性差异 GET请求...
总结来说,`doGet`和`doPost`在Java Web中扮演着不同角色:`doGet`常用于展示信息,而`doPost`则适合处理更复杂的数据提交,包括文件下载。在实际应用中,你需要根据具体需求选择合适的方法,并正确处理请求和响应。
DOGET和DOPOST中文乱码问题解决方案 DOGET和DOPOST是常用的HTTP请求方法,分别对应GET和POST请求。在Web开发中,中文字符的乱码问题是一个常见的问题,特别是在使用DOGET和DOPOST请求时。今天,我们将讨论DOGET和...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨Servlet的访问流程、生命周期以及doGet和doPost方法的工作原理。 首先,让我们了解Servlet的访问流程。当用户在浏览器中输入URL并提交请求时,这个请求会被发送到服务器。Tomcat这样的Web...
我们在javaWeb项目时,使用doget和dopost总是会出现各种原因的中文乱码问题,楼主在查阅大量资料后,将为什么有这样的问题,和如何解决这种问题做个总结。 思维导图: 1. 应答乱码处理(response输出页面时乱码) 1.1 ...
`doPost`方法接收的参数与`doGet`相同,但在处理复杂数据或大容量数据时更为适用,因为它允许将大量数据放在请求体中。 ```java protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse ...
### doget 与 dopost 的区别详解 #### 一、HTTP 请求方法概述 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 是互联网上应用最为广泛的一种网络协议,主要用于网页信息的传输。HTTP 协议定义了一系列请求方法来完成不同的...
了解这两种方法的区别对于编写高效、安全的Web应用程序至关重要。 首先,GET是HTTP请求中最常见的一种方式,它主要用于获取资源。当用户在浏览器地址栏输入URL或点击链接时,通常就是GET请求。在Servlet中,`doGet...
在这个特定的场景中,我们关注的是如何在Servlet的`doGet`方法中进行字符编码的转换,特别是将数据从一种编码格式转换为UTF-8。 首先,让我们了解字符编码的基本概念。字符编码是将字符(如字母、数字和符号)转换...
三、HTTP方法与doGet()、doPost() 在用户注册场景中,通常使用POST方法提交数据,因为POST可以传输大量数据且数据不会显示在URL中。Servlet通过重写doPost()方法来处理POST请求。doGet()方法则用于处理GET请求,但...
每当有请求到达时,Servlet容器(如Tomcat)会调用Servlet的service方法,根据请求类型分派到对应的doGet或doPost方法。在web.xml配置文件中,我们需要为Servlet指定URL映射,以便服务器知道如何路由请求。 在实际...
String getString=WebUtils.doPost(path, map2,"GBK") ; if("1".equals(getString.trim())){ MainForm.log("成功导入|i="+i+":userName="+employee_no); }else{ MainForm...
文章目录一、Servlet(Server Applet)1、Servlet概述:1、ServletConfig API:2、GenericServlet类2、HttpServlet类:(重点掌握)1、doGet和doPost的区别:2、Servlet细节:3、web.xml文件(了解)4、...
本实验报告的主要目的是掌握 Servlet 应用,熟悉 web 开发的 MVC 模式,了解 servlet 的工作流程和作用,并掌握 servlet 的方法 init()、destory()、doGet()、doPost()。 一、实验目的 1. 掌握 Servlet 应用,熟悉...