转自 http://karim-ouda.blogspot.com/2011/04/comparing-php-frameworks-symfony.html
Comparing PHP Frameworks ( Symfony, CakePHP, YII and CodeIgniter)
I went through the exersice of choosing a PHP Framework, i found it
really hard to decide since most of them are similar and there are many
good frameworks out there, however at the end i narrowed down to 4
frameworks and the winner was Symfony
To decide i had to try a simple application with each Framework
Why Symfony
is an enterprise level framework which is used by Yahoo and other big
websites, it is proven and powerful, also Symfony 2 overcomes all
problems of old symfony versions like speed, templating ... etc
when i used it i found it well structured, relatively easy to learn, it
provides a very good command line and the ORM was great (Symphony uses
Why Not Others
: some of the reasons are more subjective than objective
was easy to learn and you will have a great community support but i
disliked the ORM and the naming convention constraints, i wasn't moving
fast when i used it
is very easy, fast but it is more simple than what i was looking for and has no ORM
is lovely however the model/module generation is done using GUI plug-in
( i didn't investigate other options) and i didn't like the folder
structuring and the generated code, however if i didn't use Symfony i
would have used YII
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