the layers of a network:
As to java programmer,the internetLayer is very important,the layer contains the ip datagrams,
and each datagram contains a header between 20 and 60 bytes(which is goes by the 4-bits
header length) and a payload that contains up to 65515 bytes datas.
The structure of an IPv4 datagram
4-bits version number :0100 for ipv4,0110 for ipv6.
4-bits header length:the maximum is 15,15*4=60, so the header can be at most 60 bytes long.
1 byte type of service: 2 bytes datagram length (including the header and payload).
1 byte protocol:6 for tcp,17 for udp, and the others ..
4 byte ip address of the sending node(computer)
4 byte ip address of destination node.
java notejava notejava notejava notejava notejava notejava note
《Java并发编程之美》学习笔记 《Java concurrency programming》learning note
A general familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts and the Java programming language is necessary. The Java language essentials tutorial can help. copyright 1996-2000 Magelang ...
【标题】"note笔记java demo"揭示了这是一个关于Java编程的实践示例,特别是针对SSM(Spring、SpringMVC、MyBatis)框架的使用。SSM是Java Web开发中常用的三大组件,用于构建基于Model-View-Controller(MVC)设计...
You'll also find a note on errors and a section on other resources you can use to learn about driver programming. Looking ahead, Chapter 1 explains how the two main branches of the Windows family ...
JavaNote 是一篇关于 Java 语言基础知识的笔记,主要涵盖了标识符、关键字与保留字、字符与字符串的区别、变量类型转换、局部变量与全局变量的定义与作用域、循环控制语句(break、continue、return)以及内存分配...
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Java学习笔记:全面掌握Java编程的核心知识与技能 在当今的软件开发领域,Java作为一种流行的、功能强大的面向对象编程语言,被广泛应用于各种场景,包括Web应用、移动应用、企业级应用等。本篇Java学习笔记旨在为...
Highly up-to-date with new content and information regarding the use of Java, this text introduces readers to the world of programming through a widely used and relevant language. Also Available ...
A computer program, from one perspective, is a sequence of instructions that dictate the flow of electrical impulses within a computer system. These impulses affect the computer’s memory and interact...
【标题】"cloudnote_java_" 指向的可能是一个基于Java开发的云笔记应用程序,这个项目可能是某个在线教育平台,如X内的结业作业。在这个项目中,学生或学员被要求利用Java编程语言来设计并实现一个云笔记系统,以此...
Chapter 2 Evolution of the Major Programming Languages 39 2.1 Zuse’s Plankalkül 40 2.2 Minimal Hardware Programming: Pseudocodes 43 2.3 The IBM 704 and Fortran 45 2.4 Functional Programming: ...
Programming Adages General Design Declarations switch Statement Preprocessor Style Compiling The Ten Commandments for C++ Programmers Final Note Answers to Chapter Questions Part VI. Appendixes A. ...
Note the use of the "two stars" wildcard ('**') in the previous command. It is handled by Jad rather than the command shell, so on UNIX the last argument should be single-quoted: jad -o -r -sjava -...
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【标签】"cloudnote Java"进一步确认了CloudNote是用Java语言编写的,这可能意味着开发者或学习者需要对Java编程有一定的了解,才能深入研究CloudNote的源代码。Java是一种广泛使用的面向对象的编程语言,以其跨平台...
Thomas H Lee - THE DESIGN OF LOW NOISE OSCILLATORS It is hardly a revelation to note that wireless and mobile communications have grown tremendously during the last few years. This growth has placed ...
这个是个人笔记而已。 在我的日志里有介绍,一些JAVA里的重要概念的收集。