Our outputs have some background colors for important fields to have better visibility. This works fine for the normal printout. But, when send a SmartForm Output as a FAX, output comes with a BLACK background wherever we have the background color. And this makes the output unreadable (BLACK font with BLACK background).
Possible ways to handle the problem:
- Don't send a FAX: This is not feasible, as some customers would like to have there forms as FAX
- Create a clone of the existing forms and remove the background color andcall them whenever we have to send as FAX: This doesn't make sense because this will lead to more maintenance; change to the primary form leads the change to the clone form.
- Find out some way to remove the background color dynamically: This seems to be the best choice, but next question is how to do it.
I had debugged the SmartForm function modules over and over to get the point where it sets the background color, borders etc to the output and what I found, there is only main internal table, with deep structure, which handles everything to generate the layout for the output.
I have started with creating a test Smartform. I created some tables lines with background colors. Than I made a coding node in the SmartForm and tried to change the internal table, which holds the entire layout related information, with help of field-symbols to remove the background color and BINGO - I got the background color removed.
With Background Color:
Without Background Color:
Download the uploadable .XML Save this file as ZTEST_NP_DYN_BGCOL.XML.To Upload,go to tcode SMARTFORMS and upload this file from Utilities > Upload Form.
The Main logic which handles the dyanmic coloring is inside the Smartform under window DUMMY.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <sf:SMARTFORM xmlns:sf="urn:sap-com:SmartForms:2000:internal-structure" xmlns="urn:sap-com:sdixml-ifr:2000" sf:language="EN">
Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics
SMARTFORMS 是 SAP ABAP 开发中一种重要的报表工具,它建立在 SAPScript 的基础上,提供了一种更加直观和高效的报表设计方式。与传统的 SAPScript 相比,SMARTFORMS 具备更强大的功能和灵活性,并且简化了开发过程中...
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### ABAP Smartforms 学习操作手册精要 #### SMARTFORMS:新一代报表设计利器 SMARTFORMS,作为SAPScript的升级版,...对于希望在SAP环境中创建高质量打印输出的专业人士来说,熟练掌握SMARTFORMS无疑是至关重要的。
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在IT领域,特别是针对SAP系统的开发与设计中,SAP SmartForms是一种强大的工具,用于创建复杂的打印格式和用户界面输出。本文档旨在深入解析如何利用Table、Template、Loop以及Command这四大元素,在SAP SmartForms...