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  • 来自: 北京

SD--Adding Custom Fields to VBAP and VBAK / Additional data B screen

  • choose the table VBAP or VBAK ( depending on header or item)
  • click on button "append Structures" .
  • it will propose you the standard name for the table ZAVBAP or ZAVBAK
  • add fields with prefix ZZ
  • trans SE51 maintain user exit screens in program SAPMV45A
  • 8459 user exit item level
  • 8309 user exit header level
  • you can then design your own layout. and define your flow logic
  • PBO modules MV45AOZZ
  • PAI modules MV45AIZZ
  • Data definitions MV45ATZZ
  • Subroutines in MV45AFZZ
  • 分享到:



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