<div style="padding-left: 10px;" mce_style="padding-left: 10px;">
<p>< ?=nl2br(html_entity_decode($selnwsres->news_desc))?>--><!--</p>
STEP-1: Create allocation cost element
Accounting>>Controlling>>Cost Element Accounting>>Master Data>>Cost Element>>Individual Processing>> Create Secondary
T code: KA06
Enter your controlling area in the pop up screen for ‘Set Controlling Area’
Cost element
Valid from
Click on Master Data button
Name < Enter name of the cost element>
Cost element category
STEP-2: Create activity type
Accounting>>Controlling>> Cost Center Accounting>> Master Data>> Activity Type>> Individual Processing>> KL01 - Create
T code: KL01
Activity Type
Valid from
Click on Master Data button
Activity Unit
Cost center categories < *>
Activity type category
Allocation cost element
Price indicator
STEP-3: Set Planner Profile
Accounting>>Controlling>> Cost Center Accounting>> Planning>> Set Planner Profile
T code: KP04
Select in the pop up screen for ‘Set Planner Profile’
Click on green check mark
STEP-4: Create 3 new cost centers (T code-KS01) and post transactions in one of this cost center in current date. This cost center you will use as sender cost center and the other two cost centers you will use as receiver cost centers.
STEP-5: Enter activity price
Accounting>>Controlling>> Cost Center Accounting>> Planning>> Activity Output/Prices>>Change
T code: KP26
From period to period
Fiscal Year
Select the radio button for Form Based option
Click on
Enter activity price for all periods in the presented screen in the column for fixed price.
STEP-6: Enter Activity Allocation
Accounting>>Controlling>> Cost Center Accounting>> Actual Postings>> Activity Allocation>>Enter
T code: KB21N
Sender cost centre
Sender Activity Type
Receiver cost center-1
Total quantity
Receiver cost center-2
Total quantity
STEP-7: Confirm the allocation postings in receiver and sender cost centers in cost center line item report. T code-KSB1
[基于QoS的资源分配与收发机优化]QoS-Based Resource Allocation and Transceiver Optimization
Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks with Femtocells
《多目标资源分配在NOMA认知无线电网络中的应用》 认知无线电网络(CRN)是一种先进的无线通信技术,旨在提高频谱效率并减少无线通信中的干扰。非正交多址接入(NOMA)是近年来发展起来的一种创新的多用户接入技术...
### 跨层资源分配与调度在多用户空间时间分组编码MIMO-OFDM系统中的应用 #### 摘要解读 本文提出了一种适用于多用户MIMO/OFDM系统的跨层自适应资源分配和调度方法。具体而言,研究考虑了一个结合了空间时间分组...
约翰·吉汀斯(John Gittins)的第一版标志着一个时代的终结,在这个时代,一连串的研究人员为了解和“解决”多臂匪徒问题而奋斗。我在那一版的序言中庆祝了这种理解的获得,因此应该保留这种理解似乎是适当的。...
### 毫米波大规模MIMO中的能效功率分配 #### 概述 本文献探讨了在毫米波(mmWave)大规模多输入多输出(MIMO)系统中采用非正交多址接入(NOMA)技术时的能量效率(EE)问题。文中提出了一种混合模拟/数字预编码...
本项目"optimal-power-allocation-in-downlink-noma"主要探讨的是如何在NOMA的下行链路中进行最优功率分配,以实现吞吐量和能效的最大化。 NOMA的基本原理是利用功率分层解码,用户根据接收到的信号功率大小进行...
USB4 1.0 ECN - DP Resource Allocation.pdf
### Gibbs抽样在潜在狄利克雷分配(Latent Dirichlet Allocation, LDA)生成模型中的应用 #### 概述 潜在狄利克雷分配(Latent Dirichlet Allocation, LDA)是一种主题模型,它能够从文档集合中自动发现隐藏的主题...
分配与配分(Allocation and Distribution)** 分配是指将成本或收入从一个成本要素转移到另一个成本要素的过程,通常基于预设的比例或规则。配分则是在多个成本中心之间分配成本,这可能基于成本产生的原因(如按...
标题 "cognitive-radio-spectrum-allocation.rar_cognitive radio_user fai" 涉及到的是认知无线电中的频谱分配问题,特别关注用户公平性。认知无线电是一种智能无线通信技术,它允许设备动态地感知、学习并适应环境...
Lecture 2-C Library Interfacing and Allocation 本资源是中田纳西州立大学 CS3130 《汇编与计算机组成》课件,主要讲解 C 语言库接口和静态数据分配。在本讲义中,我们将学习 C 语言编程、汇编语言、静态数据分配...
ofdma功率分配经典文献 "A Low Complexity Algorithm for Proportional Resource Allocation in OFDMA Systems"的相应MATLAB代码
USB4 1.0 ECN - DP BW Allocation 本资源摘要信息是关于USB4 1.0工程变更通知(ECN),其标题为DP BW Allocation,主要讲述的是DisplayPort带宽分配的可选功能。下面是对该ECN的详细解释: 一、功能变更概述 该...
In this paper, we study the resource allocation algorithm design for multiuser orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) downlink systems with simultaneous wireless information and power ...
This file includes some sample matlab codes for resource allocation in LTE system.