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Day 1:Introduction


1.1 Why use a language like C++

    1. Conciseness
    2. Maintainability
    3. Portability

1.2 The compilation process

         sorce file>>>Prcessed code>>>Object file


1.3 General notes on C++


             case sensitive

2.1 hello world

 * File:   main.cpp
 * Author: Gong Li
 * Created on June 24, 2011, 9:18 PM

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    return 0;

2.2 Tokens

            keywords, identifiers,literals, operators, punctuation, whitespace


2.3 Explaination


  • comment:           //.... or /*....*/
  • #include:           the preprocessor dumping in the content of another file.
  • int main(){}:     execute when the program starts up
  • cout <<:            outputting some piece of text
  • namespaces:    like std includes a group of idemntifiers
  • strings:             Hello, world!
  • escape sequence: \b  \n...
  • return 0:           tell the OS it has completed successfully


3 Input

      Input  cin >> x

     Output cout << "hello"   





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