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《博客园精华集》web标准分册第2论筛选结果文章列表 -
物理运动模拟引擎 -
This page lists "small" pieces of geometric software available on the Internet. Most of the software is available free of charge. Unless otherwise specified, C or C++ source code is available for all programs. Software libraries and collections and programs that can be run interactively over the web are listed on separate web pages.
Caveat Surfor! I can't make any claims about the usefulness or quality of the programs listed here. I don't have the time or equipment to try them all. If you have experience with any of these programs, either positive or negative, please tell me about it.
The programs on this page are divided into several categories, some of which are divided into further sub-categories. (Eventually, each category will get its own separate web page.) Each program is listed only once, but I've provided cross-links between overlapping categories, and I've tried to arrange similar categories near each other.
- Robust low-level primitives
- Combinatorics and discrete math
- Geometric optimization
- Convex hulls and convex polyhedra
- Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations
- Operations on polygons
- Mesh generation and manipulation
- Geometric modeling
- Visibility computation
- Visualization tools
- Other
Items marked have been recently added or modified.
Robust low-level primitives
Avoid roundoff and precision errors! Use this code instead of naïve floating point or integer arithmetic.- Relevant pages from DCGS:
- Ken Clarkson's Hull contains code to compute signs of determinants. See this paper for a description of his algorithms.
- Sylvain Pion's Modular package, based on the algorithms in "Modular Arithmetic for Geometric Predicates" by Hervé Brönnimann, Ioannis Z. Emiris, Victor Pan and Sylvain Pion.
- Adaptive precision floating point predicates used in Jonathan Shewchuk's Triangle package.
- Libraries for affine arithmetic and interval arithmetic (the first requires the second) from Jorge Stolfi's software collection
- Several algorithms to compute the exact sign of a deteminant (also here), collected by Mariette Yvinec. Part of the PRISME project at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis.
- The LEDA libraries includes code for exact arbitrary-precision integer, rational, floating point, and "real" arithmetic.
Combinatorics and discrete math
- LINK: A Software System for Discrete Mathematics under development at DIMACS
- Ulli Hund's program om2ps for visualizing oriented matroids as arrangements of pseudospheres. Sample output is available.
- Jorjeta Jetcheva's program to draw "clusters of stars", using an algorithm of Ileana Strienu (requires LEDA)
- Komei Fukuda's Reverse Search mathematica package for enumerating triangulations and connected induced subgraphs. Requires Steve Skiena's Combinatorica package.
Geometric optimization
- Relevant pages from DCGS:
- Code by Ken Clarkson:
- From Graphics Utilities by David Eberly:
- Mike Hohmeyer's implementation of Seidel's linear programming algorithm, courtesy of Seth Teller
- ANN: Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching, by David Mount and Sunil Arya
- Dave White's smallest enclosing ball software
Convex hulls and convex polyhedra
Most convex hull programs will also compute Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations. (Actually, all of them do, if you look at them the right way.)Relevant pages from DCGS:
- Arbitrary dimensional convex hull, Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation
- Low dimensional convex hull, Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation
Low-dimensional convex hulls
- Two-dimensional convex hulls by Ken Clarkson
- From Graphics Utilities by David Eberly:
- 2d convex hulls: conhull2.h, conhull2.c
- 3d convex hulls: conhull3.h, conhull3.c
- ZRAM, a library of parallel search algorithms and data structures by Ambros Marzetta and others, includes a parallel implementation of Avis and Fukuda's reverse search algorithm.
- Geometric software by Darcy Quesnel:
- Randomized parallel 3D convex hull, with documentation
- 2D Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, and convex hull (requires LEDA)
- Harald Rosenberger's implementation of the beneath-beyond method for 3- and 4-dimensional convex hulls, courtesy of Ernst Mücke's GeomDir.
Arbitrary-dimensional convex hulls
- lrs 3.1: the first "official" distribution of David Avis' implementation of Avis and Fukuda's reverse search algorithm for vertex/facet enumeration. (This is an updated version of an earlier preliminary implementation.) An extensive user's guide is included.
- Qhull by Brad Barber, David Dobkin, and Hannu Huhdanpaa
- Also available from this mirror site in Spain
- The latest version (2.5) was released February 4, 1998.
- Primal-dual methods for vertex and facet enumeration by David Bremner, Komei Fukuda, and Ambros Marzetta
- Hull: Arbitrary-dimensional convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulations, and alpha shapes, by Ken Clarkson
- PORTA, a collection of tools for analyzing polytopes and polyhedra, by Thomas Christof and Andreas Loebel, featured in Günter Ziegler's Lectures on Polytopes.
- Computational geometry software by Ioannis Emiris: perturbed convex hulls in arbitrary dimensions, exact convex hulls in two and three dimensions, mixed volume in arbitrary dimensions, and mixed subdivisions in the plane.
- Polytope software by Komei Fukuda
- cdd and cdd+: arbitrary-dimensional convex hulls using Motzkin's double description method
- A Mathematica package for Vertex enumeration of polytopes and arrangements
- Kurt Mehlhorn's programs for generating higher dimensional convex hulls and Delaunay triangulations and checking geometric structures. (C++WEB output only)
Measure properties
- Vinci (also here): a program for computing volumes of convex polytopes, presented as either the convex hull of a set of points, the intersection of a set of halfspaces, or both (with the vertex-facet incidence graph). Extensive online documentation and sample polytope files are available. Written by Benno Büeler, Andreas Enge, and Komei Fukuda.
- Ehrhart, a program to count integer points in convex polyhedra and compute Ehrhart polynomials, by Philippe Claus, Vincent Loechner, and Doran Wilde.
- Fast and accurate computation of polyhedral mass properties by Brian Mirtich, published in journal of graphics tools 1.2:31-50 (1996)
Boolean operations on polyhedra
- Polymake, a general-purpose polytope and polyhedron manipulation tool by Ewgenij Gawrilow and Michael Joswig Requires either cdd+, lrs, or porta for some computations and geomview for visualization. [C++ and Perl]
- Polylib, a library of polyhedral functions by Doran Wilde, includes code to compute convex hulls and perform boolean operations on unions of polytopes in any dimension.
Interesting and/or pathological polytope data
- Examples of pathological polytopes collected by David Bremner. See "How Good are Convex Hull Algorithms?" by Avis, Bremner, and Seidel for details. (data only)
- A collection of polytopes, mostly due to Günther Ziegler, from the polymake web site. (data only)
- A Mathematica package for unfolding 3D polytopes ( README) by Komei Fukuda; see "Strange Unfoldings of Convex Polytopes" for details.
- PUNTOS, a Maple package for computing triangulations of polytopes, regular triangulations of point sets, and their underlying oriented matroids, by Jesús de Loera
- Convex polyhedron code from a collection of mathematical programming software at the Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik, Berlin.
Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations
See also the implementation page from Christopher Gold's site www.Voronoi.com.Relevant pages from DCGS:
- Arbitrary dimensional convex hull, Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation
- Low dimensional convex hull, Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation
- Medial axis and constrained Delaunay triangulation
Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations of points
Many convex hull programs can also compute Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations.- 2d and 3d Delaunay triangulations by Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Olivier Devillers, Stefan Meiser, and Monique Teillaud, from the PRISME project at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis.
- The Delaunay hieararchy, a data structure for 2d Delaunay triangulations that supports dynamic insertions (and deletions, but those aren't implemented), by Olivier Devillers, from the PRISME project at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis. (Solaris and SGI executables only)
- Graphics utilities by David Eberly:
- GAMBINI: a program for constructing multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagrams for points in the plane, by Barry Boots. (Windows 3.1/95/NT executable only)
- Ernst Mücke's Detri, from his GeomDir, robustly computes 3D Delaunay triangulations.
- A simple divide-and-conquer Delaunay triangulation algorithm from Jorge Stolfi's software collection. Requires Stolfi's quad edge data structure library.
- Software by John Sullivan includes code to compute either standard Voronoi diagrams in Euclidean 3-space or periodic Voronoi diagrams in the 3-torus.
- Dave Watson's incremental convex hull/Delaunay triangulation program nnsort.c and a description of the algorithm
- Roman Waupotitsch's MinMaxer generates Delaunay, regular, and various other triangulations of two-dimensional point sets.
- Software on the Web, from the CNR-Pisa Visual Computing Group, includes code for 3D Delaunay triangulations
Constrained Delaunay triangulations
See also mesh generation and manipulation.- Super Delaunay, a commercial fully dynamic constrained Delaunay triangulation package from David Kornmann (description only). Interactive demo versions for Sun Solaris and Linux are available here (binaries and data only). Demo versions for other architectures are available from the author.
- Dani Lischinski's incremental constrained Delaunay triangulation program CDT.
- Robert J. Renka's TRIPACK, Collected Algorithms of the ACM #751, computes constrained Delaunay triangulations, convex hulls, polygon areas, nearest neighbors, and shortest paths. (FORTRAN)
Medial axes and Voronoi diagrams of line segments
- Voronoi Diagrams of 2D Shapes by Martin Held. Robust computation of Voronoi diagrams and offset curves for planar shapes bounded by straight line segments and circular arcs. The web site only describes the software and illustrates some of the results; the code is available by email.
- Voronoi diagrams of line segments by Toshiyuki Imai (FORTRAN)
- Robert L. Ogniewicz's image skeletonization software
- avd, a LEDA extension package to compute abstract Voronoi diagrams in the plane, by Michael Seel. Code for Euclidean Voronoi diagrams of points and line segments is included.
- VoronoiImage by Marc Grundland: an image processing program that uses nested Voronoi diagrams to acheive stained-glass effects (Mac binaries only) [Warning: frames!]
- Alpha Shapes project at NCSA [Warning: frames!]
- Online demo (also requires Java and VRML)
- User's guide
- Downloading instructions
- Installation instructions
- Documentation from Ernst Mücke's GeomDir
Operations on polygons
Relevant pages from DCGS:
- Medial axis and constrained Delaunay triangulation
- Polygons: decomposition, point location, intersection, visibility
- Triangulation
Point location
- Paul Bourke describes how to tell if a point is inside a polygon and how to calculate the area of a polygon, with C source code. From his Geometry pages.
- PNPOLY: William Randolf Franklin's point-in-polygon test, from the comp.graphics.algorithms FAQ
- Eric Haines' point-in-polygon code and experimental results from Ray Tracing News, Volume 5, Number 3. Newer, more optimized code is also available in Graphics Gems IV.
Boolean operations
- Constructive Planar Geometry by David Eberly: standard boolean operations on generalized polygons (only intersection is actually implemented)
- Boolean operations on polygons by Matej Gombosi.
- Boolean operations on sets of 2d polygons, by Klaas Holwerda, includes interactive visualization software (Sun and Windows only) and a complete description of the algorithms and data structures used. Results are "snap-rounded" to the integer grid.
- Polypack, a package of routines to manipulate polygons, by David J. Kennison (FORTRAN, description only)
- Alan Murta's generic polygon clipping library computes intersections, unions, and differences between possibly self-intersecting, possibly multiply-connected polygons, possibly with holes.
- Klammer Schutte's clippoly computes intersections and differences of nonconvex polygons. (Warning: The source contains over 10,000 lines of C++ code!)
- An updated version of clippoly by Gregg Keichtman runs on a few more platforms than the original version. A Macintosh PowerPC executable and MATLAB versions are also available.
<!-- 07 Jan 1999 -->A much smaller version of the same algorithm, written in C by Alexy Nitikin and Michael Leonov, also handles polygons with holes. [New URL]
Triangulation and quadrangulation
See also the sections on Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations and mesh generation and manipulation.- FIST: Fast Industrial-Strength Triangulation, by Martin Held, computes triangulations of polygons with holes, even in the presence of degeneracies or self-intersections. The web site only describes the software and illustrates some results; the code itself is avialable by email.
- Fast polygon triangulation code (also available here) by Atul Narkhede and Dinesh Manocha, published in Graphics Gems V, triangulates polygons in O(n log* n) expected time using a randomized incremental algorithm of Raimund Seidel. Their code also handles polygons with holes.
- Polygon triangulation code by Ken Sloan, which optionally tries to merge as many triangles into quadrilaterals as possible.
- Thomas Auer and Martin Held's RPG implements several heuristics for randomly generating simple polygons from a given set of vertices. See also Auer's master's thesis.
- Source code from "Computing Common Tangents Without a Separating Line" by David Kirkpatrick and Jack Snoeyink (WADS 1995)
Mesh generation and manipulation
See also the sections on Delaunay triangulations and geometric modeling.- Relevant pages from DCGS:
- Other collections:
- Meshing programs, libraries and related programs collected by Christian Klesper for his extensive survey of meshing programs. [Warning: some parts of the survey require a frames-capable browser.]
- Mesh generation software from Robert Schneiders' Mesh Generation & Grid Generation on the Web.
- Scott Mitchell's triangulation results includes code to generate linear-size nonobtuse triangulations of polygons, using the circle-packing algorithm of Bern, Mitchell, and Ruppert. (MATLAB and C++)
- EasyMesh by Bojan Niceno builds constrained and conforming Delaunay triangulations (and their dual Voronoi diagrams) and performs local mesh coarsening, refining, relaxation, and smoothing. Written by an applied physicist using algorithms developed by other applied physicists.
- Triangle, a comprehensive package by Jonathan Shewchuk for generating Delaunay triangulations and guaranteed-quality meshes.
- Research credits, including Shewchuk's own paper about the program
- Code for the adaptive precision floating point predicates used in Triangle are available separately.
- QMG: mesh generation and related software by Steven Vavasis
- Source code (C++ and MATLAB)
- The Chopper, a semi-automatic hexahedral mesh generator, by the Finite Element Modelling Group, Queen's University of Belfast (descriptions only)
- STRIPE breaks a polygonal model into few triangle strips.
Geometric modeling
See also the section on mesh generation and manipulation.Relevant pages from DCGS:
Binary space partition trees
- A BSP tree library in ANSI C, by A. T. Campbell, III; a slightly older version in C++ is also available.
- Bretton Wade's binary space partition tree source and demos for the Mac and Win95 machines. (An X version is reportedly in the works.) Several more BSP implementations are listed in his excellent BSP FAQ.
- Large geometric data sets, primarily models of Soda Hall, courtesy of Seth Teller.
Collision detection
- SOLID version 2.0: collision detection for moving three-dimensional objects, by Gino van den Bergen.
- Stephen Cameron's implementation of an algorithm of Gilbert, Johnson, and Keerthi to compute distances between convex polyhedra. Qhull is required for some features.
- Geometric software by Brian Mirtich:
- A fast triangle-triangle intersection test by Tomas Möller, from journal of graphics tools, 2.2:25-30 (1997)
- Algebraic and geometric software from the UNC Research Group on Modeling, Physically-Based Simulation and Applications
- Surface reconstruction software by Hughes Hoppe and others, and accompanying range data for several 3d models
- Nuages, a package for 3D reconstruction from cross sectional data, from the PRISME project at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
- Michael Garland's terrain simplification programs scape and terra.
- Qslim: surface simplification code, using quadric error metrics, by Michael Garland
- Jade, a tool for simplifying triangular meshes, from the CNR-Pisa Visual Computing Group.
- Simplification Envelopes from the UNC Research Group on Modeling, Physically-Based Simulation and Applications
Visibility computation
- Heather Alef's X-windows visibility graph exploration tool
- Fast, minimum storage ray-triangle intersection by Tomas Möller and Ben Trumbore, from journal of graphics tools 2.1:21-28 (1997)
- VisPak: a package of visibility-related algorithms implemented by Helen Pinto and Lillanne Jackson at the University of Lethbridge. Requires LEDA to compile, but Sun binaries are provided.
- Michel Pocchiola and Gert Vegter's Greedy Flip Algorithm in Action, an implementation of the authors' algorithm for constructing visibility complexes by evolving pseudo-triangulations.
- Visibility Graphs and Motion Planning by Kittiphan Techakittiroj (Windows 3.1 executable only)
Visualization tools
You should also look for the thing being visualized! See also my list of programs that can be run over the web.- Relevant pages from DCGS:
- UNREAL, a GeomView module for "hand-drawing" mathematical objects, by Nina Amenta, Danek Duvall, and Tim Rowley
- Javier Elices's GeomView module for visualizing the Dobkin-Kirkpatrick hierarchy
- Graphviz, tools for viewing and interacting with graph diagrams, by John Ellson, Eleftherios Koutsofios, and TopoVista: fly over USGS Digital Elevation Models, using right triangular irregular networks to maintain variable levels of detail, courtesy of Will Evans and Gregg Townsend. Requires OpenGL and Glut.
- DUST, a program for visualizing Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulations, minimum spanning trees, and matchings in various metrics. From Michael Jünger's research group at Universität zu Köln.
- Peek by Gordon Kindlmann, a program for visualizing high-dimensional polytopes through their cross-sections and projections (or as Amenta and Ziegler would have it, their shadows and slices).
- Cinderellas Café, a "dynamic geometry" Java program written by Ulrich Kortenkamp and Jürgen Richter-Gebert, dynamically maintains sets of geometric objects (points, lines, circles, and conics) as the user moves their defining points around, provides primal and polar views of the same objects, supports spherical and hyperbolic geometry, and even includes some automatic theorem proving! A demo version is available. Information is currently available in German only.
- Geomview, the Geometry Center's 3d geometric visualization program, written by Stuart Levy, Tamara Munzner, Mark Phillips, and a cast of thousands. Also available from a mirror site in Berlin.
- JGV, a successor to GeomView written in Java, also from the Geometry Center. (Java, source not available)
- Bob Lewis's homogeneous coordinates and duality visualization program VideHoc (SGI executable only)
- Michael Murphy's Ranger, a program for visualizing high-dimensional nearest neighbor and orthogonal range searching data structures. From Steve Skiena's Practical Algorithm Reference
- The GeoPrO distributed visualization enviornment, by Pedro J. de Rezende, Guilherme Albuquerque Pinto, Alexandre Volpim, and Frederico Guth. (description only so far)
- Otfried Schwarzkopf's extendible drawing editor Ipe
- Toposcope: Automatic visualization of the topology of 2D cell complexes by Jorge Stolfi, Rober Marcone Rosi, C. F. Xavier de Mendonça, and L. P. Lozada
- Shastra, a geometric modeling and visualization system being developed at Purdue University (descriptions only)
- Software on the Web, from the CNR-Pisa Visual Computing Group, includes code for volume visualization.
- ZEUS, an algorithm animation system developed at DEC SRC (Modula-3)
- Algorithms for partitioning multi-dimensional data sets, collected by Charles Alpert
- DemoKin, a demonstration of kinetic data structures for convex hulls, closest pairs, Voronoi diagrams, and minimum spanning trees, by Julien Basch, Leo Guibas, Craig Silverstein, and Li Zhang. Requires LEDA, XForms, and OpenGL to compile; an SGI executable is available.
- MAXRAD: software to find the maximum radius sphere touching each point (atom) in a set (molecule) using inversion and convex hulls, by Todd Yeates. (FORTRAN)
《C++ 孔令德计算机图形学习题答案源代码》是一个专门为学习计算机图形学的学生或爱好者准备的资源,其中包含了孔令德教授课程中的习题解答。这些源代码是使用C++编程语言编写的,因此对于熟悉C++的读者来说,它们...
孔令德版的“计算机图形学60案例-源代码”是针对这门学科的一个实践性资源,旨在帮助学习者通过实际操作理解并掌握计算机图形学的基本概念和应用。 这个压缩包包含了一系列的源代码文件,每个文件都对应一个特定的...
计算机图形学是一门涵盖广泛的...总的来说,这个"计算机图形学 VC++ 源代码"是一个宝贵的教育资源,它可以帮助学习者将理论知识与实际编程相结合,提升对计算机图形学的理解,并为今后的图形学项目开发打下坚实的基础。
这个压缩包“计算机图形学全部实验和代码”显然包含了与计算机图形学相关的多个实验和对应的源代码,总计40多个,对于学习和理解计算机图形学原理及其应用具有极高的价值。 计算机图形学的基本知识点包括: 1. **...
本资源"VS-计算机图形学前30个案例-源代码"是由孔令德编写的,旨在帮助学习者通过实践掌握计算机图形学的基础知识。该资源使用了Visual Studio(VS)作为开发环境,因为VS提供了一整套强大的工具,包括编译器和调试...
本教程源代码提供了深入理解计算机图形学原理与算法的实践机会。 "在VC下调试过都可运行"这一标签表明,这些源代码是为在Visual C++ 6.0环境下编译和执行而设计的。VC6.0是一款经典的C++集成开发环境,虽然现在有...
在本资源"VS-计算机图形学后30个案例-源代码.zip"中,我们得到了孔令德版的30个计算机图形学案例的源代码,这些案例都是基于Visual Studio(VS)编译器开发的。对于学习计算机图形学和编程的同学来说,这是一个非常...
在这个"计算机图形学课程设计指导书和源代码1"中,我们可以看到学生们进行课程设计时可能会接触到的一些核心概念和实践项目。 首先,"计算机图形学课程设计指导书"可能包含了一系列的理论讲解、编程实践以及项目...
本资料包中的源代码与OpenGL版本的计算机图形学课程相关,旨在帮助学习者深入理解计算机图形学的基本原理和实践应用。 OpenGL提供了一组强大的图形功能,包括顶点处理、几何变换、光照计算、纹理映射、深度测试等。...
"计算几何算法讲解和源代码"这个资源集合可能是为了帮助开发者和学习者深入理解这一主题,通过实例和代码来教授各种计算几何算法。 1. **基础概念**:计算几何的基础概念包括点、线、面、多边形、曲线和曲面等基本...
标题中提到的"计算机图形学的课本及其源代码",意味着你将获得一本深入学习计算机图形学的教材,并且附带有用VC++编写的源代码示例,这对于理论学习和实践操作都是非常宝贵的资源。 描述中提到,这些源代码是基于...
在"计算机图形学课程实例源程序代码"这个资源中,我们很可能会找到一系列与这些概念相关的编程实践。 首先,源程序代码通常使用编程语言如C++、Python或OpenGL的着色语言GLSL来实现。这些代码可能包含各种图形库的...
计算机图形学是一门深入研究如何在计算机中表示和操纵图形的学科,它涵盖了从基本的几何建模到复杂的渲染算法,再到交互式图形用户界面设计等多个方面。VC,即Visual C++,是Microsoft开发的一种集成开发环境,常...
计算机图形学是一门涵盖广泛领域的学科,主要研究如何在计算机中表示、处理和显示图形。在本课程设计中,我们关注的是"立方体旋转"这一主题,这涉及到三维空间中的几何变换以及图形渲染技术。"Circumgyrate cube...
在这个主题中,"计算机图形学动态图形实例源代码" 提供了一系列基于 C 语言的动画程序设计实例,旨在帮助学习者理解如何利用编程技术创建动态视觉效果。 1. **跳动的小球**:这个实例可能涉及了基本的物体运动模拟...
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