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我想在freerunner(一个开源linux手机)上查看fso(openmoko的诸多软件版本之一)的dbus信息。但fso的python没有gtk模块,跑不了d-feet。在上一讲我介绍了d-feet的基本思路:用“org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames”枚举消息总线上的连接,用“org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect” 从"/"开始遍历连接的对象树。上一讲我们手工查看了两个连接,那么我们能不能写一个程序自动遍历连接的对象树,输出指定连接的所有对象的所有接口的所有方法和信号?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <node name="/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device"> <interface name="org.freesmartphone.GSM.SMS"> <method name="SendMessage"> <arg name="number" type="s"/> <arg name="contents" type="s"/> <arg name="featuremap" type="a{sv}"/> <arg type="i" direction="out"/> </method> <signal name="IncomingMessage"> <arg name="address" type="s"/> <arg name="contents" type="s"/> <arg name="features" type="a{sv}"/> </signal> </interface> </node>
其实前两讲已经看过很多例子了。node就是接口中的对象,node可以包含node,构成对象树。 dbus的接口描述文件统一采用utf-8编码。我相信读者很容易理解这个接口描述文件。我只想解释一下描述参数数据类型的type域。 dbus的数据类型是由"s"或"a{sv}"这样的类型签名(Type Signatures)定义的。类型签名中可以使用以下标记:
a | ARRAY 数组 |
b | BOOLEAN 布尔值 |
d | DOUBLE IEEE 754双精度浮点数 |
g | SIGNATURE 类型签名 |
i | INT32 32位有符号整数 |
n | INT16 16位有符号整数 |
o | OBJECT_PATH 对象路径 |
q | UINT16 16位无符号整数 |
s | STRING 零结尾的UTF-8字符串 |
t | UINT64 64位无符号整数 |
u | UINT32 32位无符号整数 |
v | VARIANT 可以放任意数据类型的容器,数据中包含类型信息。例如glib中的GValue。 |
x | INT64 64位有符号整数 |
y | BYTE 8位无符号整数 |
() | 定义结构时使用。例如"(i(ii))" |
{} | 定义键-值对时使用。例如"a{us}" |
- "as"是字符串数组。
- 数组"a(i(ii))"的元素是一个结构。用括号将成员的类型括起来就表示结构了,结构可以嵌套。
- 数组"a{sv}"的元素是一个键-值对。"{sv}"表示键类型是字符串,值类型是VARIANT。
可以从这里下载dteeth的源代码。其中包含两个python脚本:dteeth.py和_introspect_parser.py。 dteeth.py是我写的。_introspect_parser.py是个开源模块,可以分析Introspect返回的xml数据。
$ ./dteeth.py -h Usage: dteeth [--system] <name of a connection on the bus >
$ ./dteeth.py org.fmddlmyy.Test org.fmddlmyy.Test /TestObj org.fmddlmyy.Test.Basic methods Add( in i arg0 , in i arg1 , out i ret ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s data ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties methods Set( in s interface , in s propname , in v value ) GetAll( in s interface , out a{sv} props ) Get( in s interface , in s propname , out v value )
org.freesmartphone.ogsmd /org/freedesktop/Gypsy org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Time signals TimeChanged( i time ) methods GetTime( out i ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Device signals FixStatusChanged( i fixstatus ) ConnectionStatusChanged( b constatus ) methods GetConnectionStatus( out b ) Stop( ) Start( ) GetFixStatus( out i ) org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Course signals CourseChanged( i fields , i tstamp , d speed , d heading , d climb ) methods GetCourse( out i , out i , out d , out d , out d ) org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Position signals PositionChanged( i fields , i tstamp , d lat , d lon , d alt ) methods GetPosition( out i , out i , out d , out d , out d ) org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Accuracy signals AccuracyChanged( i fields , d pdop , d hdop , d vdop ) methods GetAccuracy( out i , out d , out d , out d ) org.freesmartphone.Resource methods Enable( ) Disable( ) Suspend( ) Resume( ) org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Satellite signals SatellitesChanged( a(ubuuu) satellites ) methods GetSatellites( out a(ubuuu) ) org.freesmartphone.GPS.UBX signals DebugPacket( s clid , i length , aa{sv} data ) methods SendDebugPacket( in s clid , in i length , in aa{sv} data ) GetDebugFilter( in s clid , out b ) SetDebugFilter( in s clid , in b state ) org.freedesktop.Gypsy.Server methods Create( in s device , out o ) Shutdown( in o path ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/Audio org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Device.Audio signals SoundStatus( s name , s status , a{sv} properties ) Scenario( s scenario , s reason ) methods SetScenario( in s name ) GetInfo( out s ) GetAvailableScenarios( out as ) PushScenario( in s name ) GetScenario( out s ) PullScenario( out s ) StopSound( in s name ) StopAllSounds( ) PlaySound( in s name ) StoreScenario( in s name ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/Display/pcf50633_bl org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Device.Display methods SetBrightness( in i brightness ) GetName( out s ) SetBacklightPower( in b power ) GetBrightness( out i ) GetBacklightPower( out b ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/IdleNotifier/0 org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Device.IdleNotifier signals State( s state ) methods SetState( in s state ) GetState( out s ) SetTimeout( in s state , in i timeout ) GetTimeouts( out a{si} ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/Info org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Device.Info methods GetCpuInfo( out a{sv} ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/Input org.freesmartphone.Device.Input signals Event( s name , s action , i seconds ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/LED/gta02_aux_red org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Device.LED methods SetBrightness( in i brightness ) GetName( out s ) SetBlinking( in i delay_on , in i delay_off ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/LED/gta02_power_blue org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Device.LED methods SetBrightness( in i brightness ) GetName( out s ) SetBlinking( in i delay_on , in i delay_off ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/LED/gta02_power_orange org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Device.LED methods SetBrightness( in i brightness ) GetName( out s ) SetBlinking( in i delay_on , in i delay_off ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/LED/neo1973_vibrator org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Device.LED methods SetBrightness( in i brightness ) GetName( out s ) SetBlinking( in i delay_on , in i delay_off ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerControl/Bluetooth org.freesmartphone.Device.PowerControl signals Power( s device , b power ) methods Reset( ) GetName( out s ) SetPower( in b power ) GetPower( out b ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Resource methods Resume( ) Enable( ) Disable( ) Suspend( ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerControl/UsbHost org.freesmartphone.Device.PowerControl signals Power( s device , b power ) methods Reset( ) GetName( out s ) SetPower( in b power ) GetPower( out b ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerControl/WiFi org.freesmartphone.Device.PowerControl signals Power( s device , b power ) methods Reset( ) GetName( out s ) SetPower( in b power ) GetPower( out b ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Resource methods Resume( ) Enable( ) Disable( ) Suspend( ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerSupply/apm org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Device.PowerSupply methods GetName( out s ) GetEnergyPercentage( out i ) GetOnBattery( out b ) GetInfo( out a{sv} ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerSupply/bat org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Device.PowerSupply signals PowerStatus( s status ) Capacity( i percent ) methods GetEnergyPercentage( out i ) GetInfo( out a{sv} ) IsPresent( out b ) GetName( out s ) GetCapacity( out i ) GetPowerStatus( out s ) /org/freesmartphone/Device/RealTimeClock/rtc0 org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Device.RealTimeClock methods GetWakeupReason( out s ) SetCurrentTime( in s t ) Suspend( ) GetWakeupTime( out s ) GetName( out s ) GetCurrentTime( out s ) SetWakeupTime( in s t ) /org/freesmartphone/Events org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Events methods AddRule( in s rule_str ) TriggerTest( in s name , in b value ) /org/freesmartphone/Framework org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Framework methods GetDebugLevel( in s logger , out s ) GetDebugDestination( out s , out s ) ListDebugLoggers( out as ) ListObjectsInSubsystem( in s subsystem , out as ) SetDebugDestination( in s category , in s destination ) SetDebugLevel( in s logger , in s levelname ) ListObjectsByInterface( in s interface , out ao ) ListSubsystems( out as ) /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device org.freesmartphone.GSM.Call signals CallStatus( i index , s status , a{sv} properties ) methods Activate( in i index ) Emergency( in s number ) SendDtmf( in s tones ) ReleaseHeld( ) HoldActive( ) ReleaseAll( ) Initiate( in s number , in s type_ , out i ) ListCalls( out a(isa{sv}) ) Transfer( in s number ) Release( in i index ) ActivateConference( in i index ) org.freesmartphone.GSM.Debug methods DebugInjectString( in s channel , in s string ) DebugCommand( in s command , out as ) DebugEcho( in s echo , out s ) DebugListChannels( out as ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.GSM.Device methods CancelCommand( ) GetInfo( out a{sv} ) GetAntennaPower( out b ) SetSimBuffersSms( in b sim_buffers_sms ) GetFeatures( out a{sv} ) SetAntennaPower( in b power ) GetSimBuffersSms( out b ) org.freesmartphone.GSM.SMS signals IncomingMessage( s address , s text , a{sv} features ) methods SendMessage( in s number , in s contents , in a{sv} featuremap , out i ) org.freesmartphone.GSM.SIM signals ReadyStatus( b status ) MemoryFull( ) AuthStatus( s status ) IncomingStoredMessage( i index ) methods RetrievePhonebook( in s category , out a(iss) ) SendAuthCode( in s code ) ChangeAuthCode( in s old_pin , in s new_pin ) SendGenericSimCommand( in s command , out s ) ListPhonebooks( out as ) SetServiceCenterNumber( in s number ) GetHomeZones( out a(siii) ) RetrieveEntry( in s category , in i index , out s , out s ) DeleteMessage( in i index ) SendRestrictedSimCommand( in i command , in i fileid , in i p1 , in i p2 , in i p3 , in s data , out i , out i , out s ) GetMessagebookInfo( out a{sv} ) GetSimReady( out b ) GetPhonebookInfo( in s category , out a{sv} ) GetSimInfo( out a{sv} ) SendStoredMessage( in i index , out i ) SetAuthCodeRequired( in b required , in s pin ) GetAuthStatus( out s ) StoreMessage( in s number , in s contents , in a{sv} featuremap , out i ) GetAuthCodeRequired( out b ) RetrieveMessage( in i index , out s , out s , out s , out a{sv} ) StoreEntry( in s category , in i index , in s name , in s number ) Unlock( in s puk , in s new_pin ) GetServiceCenterNumber( out s ) RetrieveMessagebook( in s category , out a(isssa{sv}) ) DeleteEntry( in s category , in i index ) org.freesmartphone.GSM.Network signals Status( a{sv} status ) SignalStrength( i strength ) IncomingUssd( s mode , s message ) methods EnableCallForwarding( in s reason , in s class_ , in s number , in i timeout ) ListProviders( out a(isss) ) GetCallForwarding( in s reason , out a{sv} ) Unregister( ) SetCallingIdentification( in s status ) Register( ) SendUssdRequest( in s request ) DisableCallForwarding( in s reason , in s class_ ) GetSignalStrength( out i ) GetCallingIdentification( out s ) RegisterWithProvider( in i operator_code ) GetNetworkCountryCode( out s ) GetStatus( out a{sv} ) org.freesmartphone.Resource methods Enable( ) Disable( ) Suspend( ) Resume( ) org.freesmartphone.GSM.CB signals IncomingCellBroadcast( i channel , s data ) methods GetCellBroadcastSubscriptions( out s ) SetCellBroadcastSubscriptions( in s channels ) org.freesmartphone.GSM.PDP signals ContextStatus( i index , s status , a{sv} properties ) methods SetCurrentGprsClass( in s class_ ) ActivateContext( in s apn , in s user , in s password ) DeactivateContext( ) ListAvailableGprsClasses( out as ) GetContextStatus( out s ) GetCurrentGprsClass( out s ) /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Server org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.GSM.HZ signals HomeZoneStatus( s zone ) methods GetHomeZoneStatus( out s ) GetKnownHomeZones( out as ) /org/freesmartphone/PIM/Contacts org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.PIM.Contacts methods Query( in a{sv} query , out s ) Add( in a{sv} contact_data , out s ) GetSingleContactSingleField( in a{sv} query , in s field_name , out s ) org.freesmartphone.PIM.Contact methods GetContent( out a{sv} ) GetMultipleFields( in s field_list , out a{sv} ) /org/freesmartphone/PIM/Contacts/Queries org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.PIM.ContactQuery methods GetContactPath( out s ) Skip( in i num_entries ) Dispose( ) GetResult( out a{sv} ) GetResultCount( out i ) Rewind( ) GetMultipleResults( in i num_entries , out aa{sv} ) /org/freesmartphone/PIM/Messages org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.PIM.Messages signals NewMessage( s message_URI ) methods GetSingleMessageSingleField( in a{sv} query , in s field_name , out s ) Query( in a{sv} query , out s ) Add( in a{sv} message_data , out s ) GetFolderURIFromName( in s folder_name , out s ) GetFolderNames( out as ) org.freesmartphone.PIM.Message methods GetContent( out a{sv} ) MoveToFolder( in s new_folder_name ) GetMultipleFields( in s field_list , out a{sv} ) /org/freesmartphone/PIM/Messages/Folders org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.PIM.Messages signals NewMessage( s message_URI ) methods GetSingleMessageSingleField( in a{sv} query , in s field_name , out s ) Query( in a{sv} query , out s ) Add( in a{sv} message_data , out s ) GetFolderURIFromName( in s folder_name , out s ) GetFolderNames( out as ) org.freesmartphone.PIM.Message methods GetContent( out a{sv} ) MoveToFolder( in s new_folder_name ) GetMultipleFields( in s field_list , out a{sv} ) /org/freesmartphone/PIM/Messages/Folders/0 org.freesmartphone.PIM.MessageFolder signals MessageMoved( s message_uri , s new_folder_name ) methods GetMessageCount( out i ) GetMessageURIs( in i first_message_id , in i message_count , out as ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) /org/freesmartphone/PIM/Messages/Folders/1 org.freesmartphone.PIM.MessageFolder signals MessageMoved( s message_uri , s new_folder_name ) methods GetMessageCount( out i ) GetMessageURIs( in i first_message_id , in i message_count , out as ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) /org/freesmartphone/PIM/Messages/Queries org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.PIM.MessageQuery methods Skip( in i num_entries ) Dispose( ) GetResult( out a{sv} ) GetResultCount( out i ) Rewind( ) GetMultipleResults( in i num_entries , out a{ia{sv}} ) GetMessageURI( out s ) /org/freesmartphone/PIM/Sources org.freesmartphone.PIM.Sources methods GetEntryCount( out i ) InitAllEntries( ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.PIM.Source methods GetSupportedPIMDomains( out as ) GetName( out s ) GetStatus( out s ) /org/freesmartphone/Phone org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Phone signals Incoming( o call ) methods InitProtocols( out as ) CreateCall( in s number , in s protocol , in b force , out o ) /org/freesmartphone/Preferences org.freesmartphone.Preferences methods GetProfiles( out as ) GetService( in s name , out o ) GetServices( out as ) SetProfile( in s profile ) GetProfile( out s ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) /org/freesmartphone/Preferences/rules org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Preferences.Service signals Notify( s key , v value ) methods GetType( in s key , out s ) SetValue( in s key , in v value ) GetKeys( out as ) IsProfilable( in s key , out b ) GetValue( in s key , out v ) /org/freesmartphone/Time org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Time signals Minute( i year , i mon , i day , i hour , i min , i sec , i wday , i yday , i isdst ) methods GetLocalTime( in i seconds , out i , out i , out i , out i , out i , out i , out i , out i , out i ) /org/freesmartphone/Time/Alarm org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s ) org.freesmartphone.Time.Alarm methods ClearAlarm( in s busname ) SetAlarm( in s busname , in i timestamp ) /org/freesmartphone/Usage org.freesmartphone.Usage signals ResourceAvailable( s resourcename , b state ) ResourceChanged( s resourcename , b state , a{sv} attributes ) methods ReleaseResource( in s resourcename ) Suspend( ) GetResourceState( in s resourcename , out b ) SetResourcePolicy( in s resourcename , in s policy ) GetResourcePolicy( in s resourcename , out s ) GetResourceUsers( in s resourcename , out as ) ListResources( out as ) RegisterResource( in s resourcename , in o path ) RequestResource( in s resourcename ) org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable methods Introspect( out s )
$ cat -n dteeth.py 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 4 import dbus 5 import _introspect_parser 6 import getopt, sys 7 8 MARGIN_WIDTH = 4 9 ONE_MARGIN = ' ' * MARGIN_WIDTH 10 11 # signal是个元组,它有一个元素,是一个列表。列表的元素是signal的参数 12 # 列表的每个元素都是字典。它有两个元素,键值分别是'type'和'name' 13 def show_signal(name, signal, margin): 14 print margin+name+'(', 15 args = signal[0] 16 for i, arg in enumerate(args): 17 if i > 0: 18 print ',', 19 if arg['name']: 20 print '%s %s' % (arg['type'], arg['name']), 21 else: 22 print '%s' % arg['type'], 23 print ')' 24 25 # method是个元组,它有两个元素,都是列表。前一个列表的元素是输入参数,后一个列表的元素是输出参数 26 def show_method(name, method, margin): 27 print margin+name+'(', 28 # 输入参数 29 args = method[0] 30 in_num = len(args) 31 out_num = len(method[1]) 32 for i, arg in enumerate(args): 33 if i > 0: 34 print ',', 35 if arg['name']: 36 print 'in %s %s' % (arg['type'], arg['name']), 37 else: 38 print 'in %s' % arg['type'], 39 # 输出参数 40 if (in_num > 0) and (out_num > 0) : 41 print ',', 42 args = method[1] 43 for i, arg in enumerate(args): 44 if i > 0: 45 print ',', 46 if arg['name']: 47 print 'out %s %s' % (arg['type'], arg['name']), 48 else: 49 print 'out %s' % arg['type'], 50 print ')' 51 52 def show_property(name, property, margin): 53 print margin+name 54 print margin, 55 print property 56 57 # interfaces是个字典,它有三个元素,键值分别是'signals'、'methods'和'properties' 58 def show_iface(name, iface, margin): 59 print margin + name 60 margin += ONE_MARGIN 61 signals=iface['signals'] 62 l = len(signals) 63 if l > 0: 64 print margin+'signals' 65 for node in signals: 66 show_signal(node, signals[node], margin+ONE_MARGIN) 67 68 methods=iface['methods'] 69 l = len(methods) 70 if l > 0: 71 print margin+'methods' 72 for node in methods: 73 show_method(node, methods[node], margin+ONE_MARGIN) 74 75 properties=iface['properties'] 76 l = len(properties) 77 if l > 0: 78 print margin+'properties' 79 for node in properties: 80 show_property(node, properties[node], margin+ONE_MARGIN) 81 82 def show_obj(bus, name, obj_name, margin): 83 obj=bus.get_object(name, obj_name) 84 iface=dbus.Interface(obj, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable') 85 xml=iface.Introspect(); 86 data = _introspect_parser.process_introspection_data(xml) 87 88 # data是个字典,它有两个元素,键值分别是'child_nodes'和'interfaces' 89 if len(data['interfaces']) > 0: 90 print margin + obj_name 91 92 for node in data['interfaces']: 93 iface=data['interfaces'][node] 94 show_iface(node, iface, margin+ONE_MARGIN) 95 96 for node in data['child_nodes']: 97 if obj_name == '/': 98 show_obj(bus, name, '/' + node, margin) 99 else: 100 show_obj(bus, name, obj_name + '/' + node, margin) 101 102 def show_connection(bus, name, margin): 103 print margin + name 104 show_obj(bus, name, '/', margin+ONE_MARGIN) 105 106 def usage(): 107 print "Usage: dteeth [--system] <name bus the on connection a of>" 108 109 def main(): 110 try: 111 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ["help", "system"]) 112 except getopt.GetoptError, err: 113 # print help information and exit: 114 print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" 115 usage() 116 sys.exit(2) 117 118 if len(args) == 0: 119 usage() 120 sys.exit(2) 121 122 use_system = False 123 for o, a in opts: 124 if o in ("-h", "--help"): 125 usage() 126 sys.exit() 127 if o == "--system": 128 use_system = True 129 else: 130 assert False, "unhandled option" 131 132 if use_system: 133 bus=dbus.SystemBus() 134 else: 135 bus=dbus.SessionBus() 136 137 for arg in args: 138 show_connection(bus, arg, "") 139 140 if __name__ == "__main__": 141 main() </name>
main函数分析命令行,对命令行上指定的每个连接调用show_connection函数。 show_connection在打印连接名后调用show_obj从根对象"/"开始遍历连接的对象树。
show_obj对输入对象调用Introspect方法,返回的xml数据交由_introspect_parser处理。 _introspect_parser会从xml数据中分出inerface和node。 show_obj对inerface调用show_iface显示。 show_obj对node会递归调用show_obj,实现对象树的遍历。
$ cat ti.py #!/usr/bin/env python import dbus import _introspect_parser bus=dbus.SessionBus() obj=bus.get_object('org.freesmartphone.ogsmd', '/org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device') iface=dbus.Interface(obj, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable') xml=iface.Introspect(); data = _introspect_parser.process_introspection_data(xml) print data
{ 'interfaces': { u'org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable': { 'signals': {}, 'methods': { u'Introspect': ( [], [{'type': u's', 'name': u'data'}] ) }, 'properties': {} }, u'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties': { 'signals': {}, 'methods': { u'Set': ( [{'type': u's', 'name': u'interface'}, {'type': u's', 'name': u'propname'}, {'type': u'v', 'name': u'value'}], [] ), u'GetAll': ( [{'type': u's', 'name': u'interface'}], [{'type': u'a{sv}', 'name': u'props'}] ), u'Get': ( [{'type': u's', 'name': u'interface'}, {'type': u's', 'name': u'propname'}], [{'type': u'v', 'name': u'value'}] ) }, 'properties': {} }, u'org.freesmartphone.GSM.SMS': { 'signals': { u'IncomingMessage': ( [{'type': u's', 'name': None}, {'type': u's', 'name': None}, {'type': u'a{sv}', 'name': None}], ) }, 'methods': { u'SendMessage': ( [{'type': u's', 'name': u'number'}, {'type': u's', 'name': u'contents'}, {'type': u'a{sv}', 'name': u'featuremap'}], [{'type': u'i', 'name': u'arg3'}] ) }, 'properties': {} } }, 'child_nodes': [] }
映射"interfaces"的值还是一个字典。这个字典的每个映射的键值是一个接口名称。每个映射的值类型还是字典, 这个字典有3个映射,映射的键值分别是'signals'、'methods'和'properties',映射的值类型都是字典。
'signals'对应字典的每个键值是一个信号名称。每个映射的值类型是元组。这个元组只有一个元素,类型是列表, 即信号的参数列表。
参数列表的元素类型是字典。这个字典有2个映射,映射的键值分别是'type'和'name'。'type'是参数类型,'name'是参数名称。 映射的值类型都是字符串。
'methods'对应字典的每个键值是一个方法名称。每个映射的值类型是元组。这个元组有两个元素,类型是列表, 分别是方法的输入参数列表和输出参数列表。参数列表的元素类型和信号的参数列表相同。
140 if __name__ == "__main__": 141 main()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
env是一个可以修改环境变量并执行程序的工具,它可以自动在系统路径中搜索要执行的程序。 python脚本文件必须以0A为换行符,默认仅支持ASCII字符。如果要写中文注释(显然是不提倡的),可以在起始行后用以下语句将文件指定为utf-8编码:
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>> a=(1,2,['abc']) >>> a[2]='def' Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment >>> a[2][0]='def' >>> a (1, 2, ['def']) </module></stdin>
### Linux DBUS 实例讲解 #### 一、DBUS 是什么? D-Bus是一种轻量级的进程间通信(IPC)机制,专为Linux和其他类Unix操作系统设计,主要用于桌面环境中不同应用程序之间的通信以及应用程序与系统内核之间的通信。相...
DBus-Glib 使用教程 ...* v VARIANT 可以放任意数据类型的容器,数据中包含类型信息。 * x INT64 64 位有符号整数 * y BYTE 8 位无符号整数 例如 "(i(ii))" 定义结构时使用。例如 "{}" 定义键-值对时使用。例如
#### 四、D-BUS的数据类型和工具 ##### 4.1 数据类型 - **简单类型**: 如整数、字符串等。 - **复合类型**: 包括数组、字典等。 ##### 4.2 dteeth工具 - **简介**: 一个用于展示D-BUS特性的工具。 - **功能**: - ...
python-dbus-next 下一个很棒的Python DBus库。 python-dbus-next是DBus的Python库,旨在成为功能齐全的高级库,主要用于... DBus类型系统的完整实现而无需猜测类型。 对库的所有功能进行集成测试。 完整记录的公共A
- **Typedef Documentation**:提供了类型定义文档,例如`DBusGProxyManager`等,用于类型转换和定义与代理相关的数据结构。 - **Function Documentation**:详细描述了各个函数的作用、使用方式以及它们之间的...
3. **DBus的消息类型**:DBus支持四种基本消息类型:方法调用、方法返回、信号和错误。方法调用和方法返回用于请求-响应交互,信号用于广播事件,错误则用于响应方法调用的失败。 4. **DBus的接口和对象路径**:...
use dbus::connection::{Connection, ConnectionItem}; use dbus::arg::{RefArg, Variant}; use dbus_udisks2::{ObjectManager, ObjectPath, Drive, Block}; fn main() { let conn = Connection::system().unwrap...
dbus异步 一个纯Rust编写的异步DBus库。 用法 将此添加到您的Cargo.toml : [ dependencies ] dbus-async = " ~2.1.0 " 您必须指定应使用哪个Tokio Runtime。 对于多线程,请将其添加到您的Cargo.toml : ...
4. **数据传输**:DBus支持多种数据类型,包括基本类型、结构体、数组等。在QT中,我们可以使用QVariant来包装这些数据,方便在DBus消息中传输。 5. **错误处理**:在实现DBus通信时,错误处理是必不可少的。QT提供...
2. **QtDbus的signal通讯例程**:这部分可能包含如何定义、发射和接收DBus信号的实例,演示如何在不同进程之间进行实时通信。 3. **QtDbus的method通讯例程**:这里会展示如何定义DBus方法,以及如何在客户端和...
升压 D-Bus 这是一个由 Boost.Asio 提供支持的简单 D-Bus 绑定。 我尽可能地遵循 Asio 的习惯用法。 代码示例 # include # include # include < dbus> using namespace std ;... dbus::endpoint
在这个实例中,我们将探讨如何在 C/C++ 中使用 dbus-glib 实现服务端和客户端的交互,并涉及到权限管理和配置文件。 首先,让我们详细了解一下服务端(dbus_server.cpp)的工作原理。服务端通过 dbus-glib 提供一个...
DBus是Linux系统中一个用于进程间通信(IPC)的框架,它允许应用程序之间发送和接收消息。DBus C API是直接与DBus协议交互的底层接口,适用于需要深度控制和高效编程的场景。在这个“DBus_C_API_Lowlevel”压缩包中...
DBus 是一个在 Linux 和其他 Unix-like 操作系统中广泛使用的进程间通信(IPC)机制,它允许不同的应用程序之间共享服务和传递消息。DBus 的设计目标是简化桌面环境中的组件交互,但它的应用范围已经超越了桌面环境...
- **接口和对象路径**:每个发送或接收消息的服务都有一个唯一的接口和对象路径,类似于面向对象编程中的类和实例。 - **权限控制**:DBus支持基本的安全模型,允许设置权限以限制哪些进程可以访问特定服务。 - **...
2. **数据类型**:列举所有支持的数据类型,如基本类型(整型、字符串等)、结构体、数组和字典。 3. **消息结构**:详细说明消息头、消息体和签名的格式,以及如何构建和解析消息。 4. **接口与对象路径**:定义...
DBUS(Desktop Bus)是一个用于进程间通信(IPC)的轻量级消息总线,广泛应用于Linux桌面环境和其他服务之间的通信。在ARM平台上交叉编译DBUS1.2,可以为基于Linux的移动设备提供强大的通信支持。 首先,"dbus-...
- **数据类型映射**:理解DBus数据类型和C++类型的映射,例如,DBus的`double`对应C++的`double`,`object path`对应字符串等。 - **错误处理**:了解如何处理DBus调用失败的情况,包括检查返回的错误码和使用异常...