Code review
- Optimal Use of String Literals
- Use string buffer for concatenation operations instead of strign literal
- Avoid Variable Instantiation Inside Loops
- Optimize Loop Exit Condition
- sample:
Wrong Block
While(Loop Exit Condition Through Method Call) {
Loop Processing
Right Block
Loop Exit Condition Variable = Loop Exit Condition Through Method Call
While (Loop Exit Condition Variable) {
Loop Processing
- Conduct Read/Write Operations in Blocks
- Perform Lazy Instantiation of Variables
- Use Synchronization Carefully
- Optimize Object Allocation and De-allocation
- Control Cyclomatic Complexity
Code Maintainablility
- Adhere to Coding Standards
Every development assignment should have a set of coding standards, which form the program code template. Adherence to coding standards will help:
- Achieve consistency in work products
- Provide quality deliverables, because coding standards are created by experts to capture best practices
- Make the program easy to understand and maintain it by improving code readability
- Make reviews and sign-offs less time-consuming
- Reduce rework, as it directly impacts schedule and cost
- Use Consants
- Avoid the Use of Deprecated Methods
UI Standards
- Avoid Hard Coding of String Literals
- Avoid Hard Coding of UI Component Dimensions
- Use Threading Effectively
Exception Handing
- Ensure Database Resources are Released
- Put Loop Inside Exception Handling Blocks
Wrong Block
Loop Start
Code Block
Exception Handing {
Loop End
Right Block
Loop Start
Code Block
Loop End
Exception Handing {
- Log Exceptions with Debugging Infromation
Database Resources Handing
- Open connection Just-in-time
- Optimaize the Frequency of Database Access
- Perform Database Operations in Bathes
- Optimazie Use of Database Tables Partitioning
- Optimazie Use of Database Table Indexing
- Optimazie Use of Database Table Views
- Optimazie Use of Database Stored Procedures
Metrics Relevant to Code Review
- Defect Density
Defect Density = Number of Defects Found / Total Lines of Code
- Cost of Quality
Cost of Qulity(CoQ) = [(Appraisal Cost + Preventive Cost + Failure Cost) / Total Project Effort] * 100%
Appraisal Cost = Hours spent on reviews and testing
Preventive Cost = Hours spent on quality audits, defect prevention, metrics data collection, and analysis
Failure Cost = Hours spent on fix and rework
Total Project Effort = Total hours spent by the project(development, project management, and quality activities)
- Cost of Rework
Cost of Rework(CoR) = (Failure Cost / Total Project Effort) * 100 %
- Phase Containment Effectiveness
Phase Containment Effectiveness = (Number of Defects Contained / Number of Defects Injected) * 100%
- Defect Orgin
Defect Origjin = Number of Defects Injected / Total LOC
LOC: the number of defects injected per Line of Codes
- Defect Injection Rete
Defect Rate = Number of Defects Injected /Total Development Effort
Number of Defects Injected = Number of defects injected per stage found prior to and after delivery or release to onshore or client in a requirement of release.
Total Development Effort = Sum of development effort expended per stage of work scope for the requrement or release. This excludes management, training, and defect prevention hours.
- Peer Review Effectivess
Peer Review Effectivess = [Number of Defects Found/ (Number of Defects Found + Number of Defects Missed)] * 100%
Number of Defects Found = Number of defects found per stage
Number of Defects Missed = Total number of peer review defects from current and preceding stages that were detected in subsequent stages
- Peer Review Efficiency
Peer Review Efficiency = Number of Defects Found / Total Time Spent on Peer Reviews
Number of Defects Found = Number of defects found per stage
Total Time Spent on Peer Reviews = Hours spent on review preparation time, review time, and documenting review points per stage
- Peer Review Compliance
Peer Review Compliance = (Number of Peer Reviews Conducted / Number of Peer Reviews Planned)*100%
- Delevered Defect Density
Delevered Defect Density = Number of Defect Found After Delivery/ Total Lines of Code
**Source Insight CodeReview宏**是专门针对Source Insight这款强大的源代码查看和编辑工具设计的一套扩展功能,主要用于代码评审和统计。Source Insight以其强大的代码导航、语法高亮和实时分析能力,深受程序员...
Employing lightweight, tool-based code review of code changes (aka modern code review) has become the norm for a wide variety of open-source and industrial systems. In this paper, we make an ...
在实际使用中,下载的压缩包文件"IntellijIDEA-CodeReview-Plugin-master"包含了插件的源代码,开发者可以对其进行定制或扩展以满足特定团队的需求。安装插件通常包括以下几个步骤: 1. 解压下载的压缩包。 2. 打开...
Code Review的作用和意义已在很多技术团队内达成共识,可是很多时候并未被有效执行,甚至被认为是一项费时费力的工作。借助一些工具可以更容易,更有效率地来进行Code Review,本文介绍的Jupiter即是其中之一。 ...
Code Review是软件开发过程中的一个重要环节,它有助于提高代码质量,发现潜在的错误,以及确保团队成员间的代码风格一致。本文将详细介绍两款Eclipse插件——Jupiter和Reviewclipse,它们是进行Code Review的有力...
我一直认为CodeReview(代码审查)是软件开发中的最佳实践之一,可以有效提高整体代码质量,及时发现代码中可能存在的问题。包括像Google、微软这些公司,CodeReview都是基本要求,代 我一直认为CodeReview(代码...
在Redmine中,Code Review插件是一个重要的扩展,它致力于帮助开发团队进行代码审查,提升代码质量和团队协作效率。本文将详细介绍如何使用Redmine的Code Review插件。 首先,安装Code Review插件是必要的步骤。...
Testbed静态测试生成的code review静态分析报告“*.rps.htm”为网页格式的文件,不便于编写测试报告,本工具可用于自动提取code review静态分析报告(“*.rps.htm”)中的数据,按条目生成出一个excel文档。...
"Code Review 在 GitHub 上的实践指南" Code Review 是一个非常重要的步骤在软件开发过程中,特别是在开源项目中。通过 Code Review,可以确保代码的质量和可维护性。在 GitHub 上,Code Review 是一个非常流行的...
### CodeReview中的常见代码问题分析 #### 一、引言 在软件开发过程中,CodeReview(代码审查)是一项至关重要的活动。它不仅有助于提高代码质量,还能促进团队成员之间的知识共享和技术交流。本文将深入探讨Code...
Steven Code Review 2009.12M1发布包.rar 代码在线审查工具 @date: 2009-12-28 @author: YF @email: 功能: 1 方便学员学习教师的代码,无需在本机运行IDE即可以代码加亮的方式查看服务器共享的代码...
软件介绍: 一、软件特色 功能丰富:实现文件内容、度量、命名、注释、类图、Halstead等审查。 简单易用:无需安装,直接使用,直接删除;... 直观可视:分析结果与源代码在同一界面显示对照,...
标题:Code Review Tool from Google 描述:Code review on the web 根据给定的文件信息,我们可以提炼出关于代码审查(Code Review)及其在谷歌开发流程中的应用的关键知识点。 ### 什么是代码审查? 代码审查...
code review(程序员必看)code review(程序员必看)code review(程序员必看)
**代码审查(Code Review)是软件开发过程中的一个重要环节,旨在提高代码质量,发现潜在的错误,提升团队协作效率,并确保代码遵循最佳实践和项目规范。本文将深入探讨代码审查的原理、步骤以及如何有效地执行代码...
C++代码 Code Review时使用的检查清单和问题记录模板