Linux Server Deployment(III)Apache and Perl
It is easy to install apache perl mod on ubuntu with apt-get install. I will try on linux.
It is almost the same configuration on Ubuntu.
1. configure the date
And I realized that the date is wrong on the server. So I try this to change it.
# date {}
mm-- month
dd----- day
hh----- hour
mi----- minites
yyyy-- year
ss------ seconds
>date 062114342011.10
2. configure apache to auth the username/password
require this module mod_auth
find the configuration file, on my system is default.
>vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews +Includes
#AllowOverride None
AllowOverride authconfig
Order allow,deny
allow from all
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
create a configuration file under the directory you want to put auth in.
>vi /var/www/.htaccess
AuthName "sillycat"
AuthType basic
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/valid.txt
require valid-user
generate the password files
>htpasswd -bc /etc/apache2/valid.txt username1 password1
>htpasswd -b /etc/apache2/valid.txt username2 password2
3. Restart the apache server
>/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
4. Others
We need to put all the .htaccess files to all the soft link directories. We can also benefit from the auth.
sources and is widely used as a Linux server. This book will help you to better configure and manage Linux servers in varying scenarios and business requirements. Starting with installing CentOS, this...
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Deployment, configuration and administration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 自动化部署脚本,命令行版,图形化版本自动化脚本 openssl passwd -1 -stdin 生成密码 账号root/ 867行更改(此处是主机的密码$1$1rqHEpcL$B6DVO/fpXQq9DZe3g4nmH.) 443...
The Ubuntu Server Edition, also called Ubuntu Server, offers support for several common configurations, and also simplifies common Linux server deployment processes. With this book as their guide, ...
One Light Non-Apache and One mod_perl-Enabled Apache Server Section 12.5. Adding a Proxy Server in httpd Accelerator Mode Section 12.6. The Squid Server and mod_perl Section 12.7. ...
"Small Cell Networks: Deployment, PHY Techniques and Resource Management", Cambridge University Press, New York, USA,
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Exchange 2010
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This resource provides detailed guidance on how to design and deploy directory services, including upgrading and restructuring domains, as well as designing and deploying directory services, and more.