What's Agile Test?Please check it.
You are not working on an Agile Project.
You are working on an Agile project and the iteration size is > 30 days.
Your iteration size is > 2 weeks.
You are not working in an open office or lab.
You have no unit tests.
You are not writing unit tests first.
You have no acceptance tests whether automated or manual.
You have no continuous build process.
You have no automated acceptance tests.
You are not pairing
Less than 100% of your features are defined by automated acceptance tests.
You do not develop features in an order chosen by the customer
You do not deploy to production at the end of each iteration
You do not talk to your customer every day
The customer does not sit alongside the developers
Customer cannot reprioritises features at the end of each iteration.
敏捷测试:核心概念与实践 敏捷测试是一种与敏捷软件开发方法紧密相连的测试策略,它强调测试作为软件开发过程中的一个持续、集成的部分,而不仅仅是一个独立的阶段。这种测试方法要求开发团队和测试团队之间的紧密...
**敏捷测试(Agile Test)**是一款专为Scrum框架下的团队设计的开源测试用例管理系统。它以Web应用的形式提供,具有用户友好的界面,帮助团队有效地管理用户故事、功能需求以及测试用例,从而提升敏捷开发过程中的测试...
【测试脚本模块化之框架】 测试脚本模块化框架是自动化测试中的一种方法,其核心思想是将测试脚本拆分为小而独立的部分,每个部分代表应用程序的一个模块、区域或功能。这样做的好处是提高了脚本的可维护性和可扩展...
Agile Java Crafting Code with Test-Driven Development英文版,包含pdf和chm格式,pdf格式的目录缩进和超连接有问题,所以附上了改造过的chm文件,以便有心人可以修改目录。
27.Many different topics such as Mobile, Test-Driven-Development, Agile, TestAutomation, LocalizationTestingandQualityAssue.pdf
语言:English 用故事点,项目和进度栏为Trello板充电 Trello板的敏捷SCRUM通过启用SCRUM功能为Trello板提供超级功能:★故事点:设置Trello卡的故事点★时间:设置在任务上花费的时间。 ★标记:将卡片分组为标记,...
3. **JUnit框架**:深入理解JUnit的API,包括@Test注解、异常测试、参数化测试以及使用@TestRule进行更复杂的测试控制。 4. **Mock对象与依赖注入**:解释如何使用Mockito等工具模拟对象,以便测试代码的独立性,...
《敏捷Java:以测试驱动开发打造代码》是一本专注于Java编程和敏捷开发实践的书籍,其核心理念是通过测试驱动开发(Test-Driven Development, TDD)来提升代码质量和项目效率。TDD是一种软件开发方法,它强调在编写...
“Lean-Agile Acceptance Test-Driven Development tells a tale about three fictive project stakeholders as they use agile techniques to plan and execute their project.
The PMI-ACP Project Management Institute Agile Certified Practitioner Exam Study Guide is an all-in-one package for comprehensive exam preparation. This up-to-date guide is fully aligned with the ...
**《Agile Record》杂志**是专门为敏捷开发者及敏捷测试者提供知识分享的平台。该杂志旨在促进敏捷社区内成员之间的交流与合作,分享敏捷实践中的经验教训,推动敏捷方法论的发展。 #### 从【部分内容】中提炼出的...
Agile训练是一个针对软件开发行业中的敏捷方法论的培训课程,旨在帮助参与者理解和掌握敏捷开发的核心理念、实践和工具。敏捷方法论强调灵活性、协作和快速响应变化,以提高项目成功的可能性。 首先,我们来详细...
Project tracking systems, test and build tools, source control, continuous integration, and other built-in parts of the software development lifecycle generate a wealth of data that can be used to ...
《Agile Java》是一本专为Java开发者设计的书籍,主要关注的是敏捷开发方法和测试驱动开发(TDD)在Java编程中的应用。这本书的核心理念是通过TDD来提高代码质量,推动敏捷开发流程,帮助开发者编写更加灵活、可维护且...
3. **测试驱动开发(Test-Driven Development, TDD)**:先写测试,再写实现,确保代码符合预期。 4. **重构(Refactoring)**:保持代码简洁,提高可读性和可维护性。 5. **客户参与**:XP提倡客户密切参与,提供...