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开源 Bitcoin P2P电子货币系统背后的技术 (三)






  1. 按IP地址转账(Transfer)
  2. 按接收地址转账(Transfer)
  3. 造币(Generation)




比如 1和2相加,在FORTH系统中则是 1 2 +,数字 1,2 表示将它们压入到数据栈中(在FORTH解释器执行后实际指令会有OP_PUSH),+的操作则是将栈顶和次栈顶的数字取出并相加,并将结果压回数据栈。


在FORTH系统中一般会定义该系统是8位FORTH, 16位FORTH还是32/64位FORTH,这和数据栈的值长有关。在Bitcoin中的脚本系统使用的堆栈是用(vector<vector<unsigned char> >)来模拟的,它在数据栈的每一项都是以字符串的形式存放,它的数值是统一用CBigNum来运算的(读到这里应该明白为啥bitcoin会限制乘除运算了),每一次从数据栈中压入(CBigNum.getvch())或者取出数值(CastToBigNum(stacktop[-1]))都要进行一次转换。看着这样的实现,让我有点发怵,本能的不喜欢,怎么能把高效的FORTH搞成这个样子。Bitcoin的脚本系统与FORTH一样,有两个堆栈,一个数据栈,在Bitcoin中被称为main stack,一个返回栈,在Bitcoin中被称为alt stack(事实上在Bitcoin中将alt stack作为数据栈的中转而还没有作为FORTH意义上的返回栈). Bitcoin的脚本系统没有实现单词定义,流程跳转,循环控制(FOR, WHILE),对IF的实现非常丑陋。事实上我对Bitcoin的脚本实现不是十分认可,堆栈采用变长的数据值,直接将big number 作为opcode,导致每一次opcode执行开销无法控制,由于没有完整实现FORTH的控制指令,导致用trick的方式来实现IF指令,在bitcoin中也因此无法定义新的WORD。总之我很不喜欢bitcoin的这个脚本引擎实现(参见script.cpp)。

下一篇将接着介绍下和交易验证相关的几个操作符:OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, OP_EQUALVERIFY , OP_CHECKSIG 的功能,现在有点倦了。

enum opcodetype
    // push value
    // control
    // stack ops
    // splice ops
    // bit logic
    // numeric
    // crypto
    // expansion
    // template matching params
    OP_PUBKEYHASH = 0xfd,
    OP_PUBKEY = 0xfe,





单词 虚拟指令(opcode) 输入 输出 Description
OP_0, OP_FALSE 0 Nothing. 0 压入数字0到栈中
N/A 1-75 (special) data 将紧随 opcode 的data数据 opcode个字节压入到堆栈。opcode兼作数据长度指示。
OP_PUSHDATA1 76 (special) data 紧随该指令的下一个字节是被压入数据大小,然后是被压入数据
OP_PUSHDATA2 77 (special) data 紧随该指令的两个字节是被压入数据大小,然后是被压入数据.
OP_PUSHDATA4 78 (special) data 紧随该指令的4个字节是被压入数据大小,然后是被压入数据.
OP_1NEGATE 79 无. -1 压入-1
OP_1, OP_TRUE 81 无. 1 压入1.
OP_2-OP_16 82-96 无. 2-16 2-16被压入.


单词 Opcode 输入 输出 描述
OP_NOP 97 空指令.
OP_IF 99 <expression> if [statements] [else [statements]] endif If 判断指令,取出栈顶值,如果栈顶值为1, 则if后面的语句被执行,否则else中的语句被执行。
OP_NOTIF 100 <expression> ifnot [statements] [else [statements]] endif Ifnot 判断指令,取出栈顶值,如果栈顶值为0, 则if后面的语句被执行,否则else中的语句被执行。
OP_ELSE 103 <expression> if [statements] [else [statements]] endif 放置在 OP_IF 或OP_NOTIF 后的指令,当前面的条件不满足的时候执行
OP_ENDIF 104 <expression> if [statements] [else [statements]] endif 结束  if/else 执行块.
OP_VERIFY 105 True / false Nothing / False 标记交易单无效
OP_RETURN 106 Nothing Nothing 标记交易单无效.


Word Opcode Input Output Description
OP_TOALTSTACK 107 x1 (alt)x1 从数据栈中弹出栈顶 数据,压入辅助栈。
OP_FROMALTSTACK 108 (alt)x1 x1 从辅助栈弹出栈顶数据压入到数据栈
OP_IFDUP 115 x x / x x 如果栈顶非0则复制栈顶
OP_DEPTH 116 Nothing <Stack size> 获取堆栈数据个数
OP_DROP 117 x Nothing 丢弃栈顶数据.
OP_DUP 118 x x x 复制栈顶数据.
OP_NIP 119 x1 x2 x2 丢弃次栈顶数据
OP_OVER 120 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 复制次栈顶数据到栈顶.
OP_PICK 121 xn … x2 x1 x0 <n> xn … x2 x1 x0 xn 复制第n项数据到栈顶.
OP_ROLL 122 xn … x2 x1 x0 <n> … x2 x1 x0 xn 将第n项数据移到栈顶.
OP_ROT 123 x1 x2 x3 x2 x3 x1 栈顶3项数据向左旋转.
OP_SWAP 124 x1 x2 x2 x1 栈顶2项数据交换.
OP_TUCK 125 x1 x2 x2 x1 x2 栈顶数据复制并插入到次栈顶数据前
OP_2DROP 109 x1 x2 Nothing 同 DROP,只是数据项是2项.
OP_2DUP 110 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 同 DUP,只是数据项是2项.
OP_3DUP 111 x1 x2 x3 x1 x2 x3 x1 x2 x3 同 DUP,只是数据项是3项.
OP_2OVER 112 x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 同 OVER,只是数据项是2项.
OP_2ROT 113 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x3 x4 x5 x6 x1 x2 同 ROT,只是数据项是2项.
OP_2SWAP 114 x1 x2 x3 x4 x3 x4 x1 x2 同 SWAP,只是数据项是2项.



Word Opcode Input Output Description
OP_CAT 126 x1 x2 out Concatenates two strings. [禁止]
OP_SUBSTR 127 in begin size out Returns a section of a string. [禁止]
OP_LEFT 128 in size out Keeps only characters left of the specified point in a string. [禁止]
OP_RIGHT 129 in size out Keeps only characters right of the specified point in a string. [禁止]
OP_SIZE 130 in in size 返回字符串长度


Word Opcode Input Output Description
OP_INVERT 131 in out Flips all of the bits in the input. [禁止]
OP_AND 132 x1 x2 out Boolean and between each bit in the inputs. [禁止]
OP_OR 133 x1 x2 out Boolean or between each bit in the inputs. [禁止]
OP_XOR 134 x1 x2 out Boolean exclusive or between each bit in the inputs. [禁止]
OP_EQUAL 135 x1 x2 True / false Returns 1 if the inputs are exactly equal, 0 otherwise.
OP_EQUALVERIFY 136 x1 x2 True / false Same as OP_EQUAL, but runs OP_VERIFY afterward.


Word Opcode Input Output Description
OP_1ADD 139 in out 1 is added to the input.
OP_1SUB 140 in out 1 is subtracted from the input.
OP_2MUL 141 in out The input is multiplied by 2. [禁止]
OP_2DIV 142 in out The input is divided by 2. [禁止]
OP_NEGATE 143 in out The sign of the input is flipped.
OP_ABS 144 in out The input is made positive.
OP_NOT 145 in out If the input is 0 or 1, it is flipped. Otherwise the output will be 0.
OP_0NOTEQUAL 146 in out Returns 1 if the input is 0. 0 otherwise.
OP_ADD 147 a b out a is added to b.
OP_SUB 148 a b out b is subtracted from a.
OP_MUL 149 a b out a is multiplied by b. [禁止]
OP_DIV 150 a b out a is divided by b. [禁止]
OP_MOD 151 a b out Returns the remainder after dividing a by b. [禁止]
OP_LSHIFT 152 a b out Shifts a left b bits, preserving sign. [禁止]
OP_RSHIFT 153 a b out Shifts a right b bits, preserving sign. [禁止]
OP_BOOLAND 154 a b out If both a and b are not 0, the output is 1. Otherwise 0.
OP_BOOLOR 155 a b out If a or b is not 0, the output is 1. Otherwise 0.
OP_NUMEQUAL 156 a b out Returns 1 if the numbers are equal, 0 otherwise.
OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY 157 a b out Same as OP_NUMEQUAL, but runs OP_VERIFY afterward.
OP_NUMNOTEQUAL 158 a b out Returns 1 if the numbers are not equal, 0 otherwise.
OP_LESSTHAN 159 a b out Returns 1 if a is less than b, 0 otherwise.
OP_GREATERTHAN 160 a b out Returns 1 if a is greater than b, 0 otherwise.
OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL 161 a b out Returns 1 if a is less than or equal to b, 0 otherwise.
OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL 162 a b out Returns 1 if a is greater than or equal to b, 0 otherwise.
OP_MIN 163 a b out Returns the smaller of a and b.
OP_MAX 164 a b out Returns the larger of a and b.
OP_WITHIN 165 x min max out Returns 1 if x is within the specified range (left-inclusive), 0 otherwise.


Word Opcode Input Output Description
OP_RIPEMD160 166 in hash The input is hashed using RIPEMD-160.
OP_SHA1 167 in hash The input is hashed using SHA-1.
OP_SHA256 168 in hash The input is hashed using SHA-256.
OP_HASH160 169 in hash The input is hashed twice: first with SHA-256 and then with RIPEMD-160.
OP_HASH256 170 in hash The input is hashed two times with SHA-256.
OP_CODESEPARATOR 171 Nothing Nothing All of the signature checking words will only match signatures to the data after the most recently-executed OP_CODESEPARATOR.
OP_CHECKSIG 172 sig pubkey True / false The entire transaction’s outputs, inputs, and script (from the most recently-executed OP_CODESEPARATOR to the end) are hashed. The signature used by OP_CHECKSIG must be a valid signature for this hash and public key. If it is, 1 is returned, 0 otherwise.
OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY 173 sig pubkey True / false Same as OP_CHECKSIG, but OP_VERIFY is executed afterward.
OP_CHECKMULTISIG 174 sig1 sig2 … <number of signatures> pub1 pub2 <number of public keys> True / False For each signature and public key pair, OP_CHECKSIG is executed. If more public keys than signatures are listed, some key/sig pairs can fail. All signatures need to match a public key. If all signatures are valid, 1 is returned, 0 otherwise.
OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY 175 sig1 sig2 … <number of signatures> pub1 pub2 … <number of public keys> True / False Same as OP_CHECKMULTISIG, but OP_VERIFY is executed afterward.



Word Opcode Description
OP_PUBKEYHASH 253 表示OP_HASH160 后的公开密钥散列
OP_PUBKEY 254 表示一个公开密钥(可以被 OP_CHECKSIG).

保留词(Reserved words)


Word Opcode When used…
OP_RESERVED 80 Transaction is invalid
OP_VER 98 Transaction is invalid
OP_VERIF 101 Transaction is invalid
OP_VERNOTIF 102 Transaction is invalid
OP_RESERVED1 137 Transaction is invalid
OP_RESERVED2 138 Transaction is invalid
OP_NOP1-OP_NOP10 176-185 The word is ignored.



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