JavaScript 不同阶段应阅读的书籍推荐。
建议来从jQuery team 成员Rey Bango.
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内容摘自Rey Bango的BLOG:
What to Read to Get Up to Speed in JavaScript
I’m not saying that you need to read every book mentioned below. These are books that I’ve read over the years and found incredibly useful so I’m categorizing them to make it easier for you to get going. I’ve done the legwork so need for you to do the same. Choose the books that you feel suit you.
These are books that will give you the fundamentals of the JavaScript language and get you started:
- JavaScript: The Good Parts
- Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
- ppk on JavaScript, 1/e
- Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: from Novice to Professional)
- Eloquent JavaScript (Online Resource)
Once you’ve gotten an understanding of the basics, it’s time to get a resource that will take you deeper and in many cases be your reference for years to come. These books fit that description.
- Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
- Eloquent JavaScript (Online Resource)
- DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model – Not JavaScript-specific but a good resource for learning to interact with the DOM
You have a firm grasp of the JavaScript language and now you want to step up your game. These books will help you get the knowledge you need to organize your applications and build maintainable code.
- High Performance JavaScript (Build Faster Web Application Interfaces)
- Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript applications and libraries
- JavaScript Patterns
- Pragmatic Guide to JavaScript
- Pro JavaScript Techniques
- Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
What if *I* had to Choose Just 3 Books
If I had to choose just three books to have in my stash, I’d go with the following:
- Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
- Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript applications and libraries
- JavaScript Patterns
Some may disagree with me on this but I’ve personally found each one of these books incredibly valuable. Professional JavaScript for Web Developers is a complete reference and covers EVERYTHING. All developers need a book like this. The book on Object-Oriented JavaScript is great to give you an understanding of leveraging one of the best features in JavaScript. Once you get past the basics, you’re going to want to identify key coding practices that make your code better and more maintainable. JavaScript Patterns helps you do that.
javascript进阶类相关书籍 都是一些比较著名的书 经过的时间的考验
**《关于JavaScript的好书推荐》** 这篇文章向读者介绍了几本非常适合初学者入门的JavaScript书籍。首先提到的一本书,作者并未给出具体名称,但通过描述可以推测是一本非常适合初学者用来建立对JavaScript的兴趣并...
《JavaScript实战手册》由David Sawyer McFarland撰写,是一本深入浅出地讲解JavaScript编程语言的书籍,旨在填补初学者与专业开发者之间的知识空白。本书不仅涵盖了JavaScript的基础语法,还涉及了如何在网页中嵌入...
《Titanium Mobile 书籍推荐》 Appcelerator Titanium 是一个流行的开源移动开发框架,它允许开发者使用 JavaScript 来构建原生的 iOS、Android 和其他平台的应用程序。对于想要深入理解和掌握 Titanium Mobile ...
本文将针对JavaScript的学习路径,从入门到进阶,推荐一系列适合不同阶段的书籍。 首先,对于有一定HTML、CSS基础,想要入门JavaScript的新手,推荐《JavaScript DOM编程艺术》。这本书非常适合初学者,它介绍了...
### 书籍推荐与知识结构分析 #### 一、版本控制 - **知识点**:版本控制系统是一种记录一个或若干个文件内容变化,以便将来查阅特定版本修订情况的系统。 - **推荐书籍**: - **《看日记学Git》**:本书以一种...
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JavaScript 和 DOM(Document Object Model)是前端开发中的基础概念,对于任何希望在网页上实现交互性的开发者来说,理解和掌握这两者至关重要。JavaScript 是一种轻量级的解释型编程语言,广泛应用于网页和网络...
本书是Web开发人员学习JavaScript技术的优秀教程,得到Web开发社区的广泛好评,同时还得到Ajax先驱Jesse James Garrett的高度评价和推荐!本书作者以实例分析为出发点,带领读者循序渐进地理解每一个脚本,并耐心...
"推荐JavaScript 2005- Wrox - Professional Javascript For Web Developers.pdf"是一本专业级的JavaScript书籍,出自知名出版社Wrox。这本书可能涵盖了JavaScript的高级话题,如面向对象编程、AJAX(异步JavaScript...
### Acrobat JavaScript 丛书知识点概述 #### 一、Acrobat JavaScript简介 Acrobat JavaScript是一种脚本语言,被广泛...通过系统学习这套书籍,读者可以迅速掌握如何使用JavaScript来增强PDF文档的功能性和交互性。
犀牛书,JavaScript书籍中的圣经。 本书是程序员学习核心JavaScript语言和由Web浏览器定义的JavaScript API的指南和综合参考手册。 第6版涵盖HTML 5和ECMAScript 5。很多章节完全重写,以便与时俱进,紧跟当今的最佳...