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#!/usr/local/bin/ruby require 'logger' module ImageUtils attr_accessor :watermarkText attr_accessor :watermarkResourceUri attr_accessor :watermarkFont attr_accessor :watermarkImage def initializeModule @watermarkText = "www.5iyya.com" @watermarkResourceUri = Dir.pwd @watermarkFont = "#{watermarkResourceUri}/fonts/simsun.ttc"; @watermarkImage = "#{watermarkResourceUri}/watermark/logo_watermark.jpg" @logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) end #compress image according to given width and height def compress(origImages, width, height, suffix = '.summ.jpg') images = ImageList.new(origImages) images.each do |image| begin anImage = image.scale(width, height) anImage.write(buildFileName(image.filename, suffix)) rescue Exception => err puts "Compress failed due to : #{err}" ensure image.destroy! if !image.destroyed? end end return images end #rename the image name def renameImage(oriName, destName, keepOld = false, overwrite = true) fileSize = File.size(destName) if File.exist?(destName) && (fileSize == 0 && overwrite) then puts "File will be deleted since the size is zero and we will overwrite it." File.unlink(destName) end if !File.exists?(destName) || fileSize == 0 then if keepOld then File.link(oriName, destName) else File.rename(oriName, destName) end File.utime(0, Time.now, destName) end end #add watermark text to iamge def addWatermarkText(origImage, destImage=origImage, watermarkText=@watermarkText, watermarkFont=@watermarkFont) images = ImageList.new(origImage) images.each do |image| begin watermark = Draw.new watermark.annotate(image, 0, 0, 5, 5, watermarkText) do #可设字的位置 self.gravity = SouthEastGravity self.font = watermarkFont #这地方必须使用中文字库,才能打中文到图片上。在windows中c:\windows\fonts\simsun.ttc拷到项目的public \images目录下就可以随着项目使用了。另外注意:笔者是使用utf-8字符集来编辑源文件的,如果你不是,请在程序中对汉字转换编码为utf-8 self.pointsize = 24 #字体大小 self.font_weight = BoldWeight self.fill = 'red' #字的颜色 #self.undercolor = 'red' #背景颜色 self.gravity = SouthEastGravity self.stroke = "none" end image.write(destImage) rescue Exception => err puts "addWatermarkText failed due to : #{err}" ensure image.destroy! if !image.destroyed? end end end #add watermark image to iamge def addWatermarkImage(origImage, destImage=origImage) images = ImageList.new(origImage) images.each do |image| begin # Make a watermark from the word "RMagick" mark = Image.read(@watermarkImage).first if !image.columns.nil? then width = image.columns.to_i #puts "width=#{width}" if width >= 1600 then @logger.warn("Image width >= 1600, will be minified twice!!") 2.times do image.minify! end elsif width >= 760 then @logger.warn("Image width >= 760, will be minified once.") image.minify! end # Composite the watermark in the lower right (southeast) corner. if width <= 200 then @logger.warn("Image width <= 200") image.magnify! image.composite!(mark, SouthEastGravity, 0, 0, CopyCompositeOp) else image.composite!(mark, SouthEastGravity, 5, 5, CopyCompositeOp) end else @logger.error("Cannot read image.columns") end image.write(destImage) rescue Exception => err puts "addWatermarkImage failed due to : #{err}" ensure image.destroy! if !image.destroyed? end end end private def buildFileName(originalName, suffix = '.summ.jpg') #puts "#{originalName}:#{suffix}" return originalName + suffix end end
#! /usr/local/bin/ruby require "RMagick" include Magick require "ImageUtils" class ImageProcessor include ImageUtils def initialize initializeModule end #rename all images for given dir recursively def renameImagesRecursively(dir, originalSuffix = '.summ.jpg', replaceSuffix = '.summ', keepOld = false, overwrite = true) puts "renameImagesRecursively, Root Dir: #{dir}, originalSuffix = #{originalSuffix}, replaceSuffix = #{replaceSuffix}" renameImages(dir, originalSuffix, replaceSuffix, keepOld) Dir.foreach(dir){|item| curDir = dir + "/" + item #filtering if File.ftype(curDir) == "directory" && item != ".." && item != "." && !item.include?("CVS") && !item.include?(".svn") then renameImagesRecursively(curDir, originalSuffix, replaceSuffix, keepOld, overwrite) end } end #rename all images for given dir def renameImages(dir, originalSuffix = '.summ.jpg', replaceSuffix = '.summ', keepOld = false, overwrite = true) puts "renameImages, Dir: #{dir}, originalSuffix = #{originalSuffix}, replaceSuffix = #{replaceSuffix}" Dir.foreach(dir){|imageName| curItem = dir + "/" + imageName if imageName.include?(originalSuffix) && !imageName.include?(".summ#{originalSuffix}") then puts "Update Item: #{dir}/#{imageName}" destName = dir + "/" + imageName.chomp(originalSuffix) + replaceSuffix renameImage(curItem, destName, keepOld, overwrite) end } end #add watermark and compress all images in given dir def addWatermarksAndCompressImages(dir, largeSuffix = ".l.jpg", smallSuffix = ".s.jpg") puts "addWatermarksAndCompress, Dir: #{dir}" Dir.foreach(dir){|imageName| curImage = dir + "/" + imageName if curImage.include?(".jpg") && !curImage.include?("nopic.gif") && !curImage.include?(largeSuffix) && !curImage.include?(smallSuffix) then puts "Update Item: #{dir}/#{imageName}" begin addWatermarkImage(curImage) compress(curImage, 210, 188, largeSuffix) compress(curImage, 80, 80, smallSuffix) rescue Exception => err puts "Exception : #{err}" ensure end end } end #rename all images for given dir recursively def addWatermarksAndCompressImagesRecursively(dir, largeSuffix = ".l.jpg", smallSuffix = ".s.jpg") puts "addWatermarksAndCompressImagesRecursively, ROOT Dir: #{dir}" addWatermarksAndCompressImages(dir, largeSuffix, smallSuffix) Dir.foreach(dir){|item| curDir = dir + "/" + item #filtering if File.ftype(curDir) == "directory" && item != ".." && item != "." && !item.include?("CVS") && !item.include?(".svn") then addWatermarksAndCompressImagesRecursively(curDir, largeSuffix, smallSuffix) end } end end
#! /usr/local/bin/ruby require 'test/unit' require 'ImageProcessor' class ImageProcessorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @processor = ImageProcessor.new @processor.watermarkFont = "test/simsun.ttc" @processor.watermarkText = "www.5iyya.com" @processor.watermarkImage = "test/logo_watermark.jpg" end def teardown @processor = nil end def test_renameImage #ImageUtils.renameImage("Cheetah.summ1.jpg", "Cheetah.summ") end def test_compress processedImage = @processor.compress('test/Cheetah.jpg',160, 120, '.summ.jpg') assert_not_nil(processedImage, 'Process image failed.') end def test_renameImagesRecursively Dir.chdir("C:/workspace/aiyaa/alibaba/images/images") @processor.renameImagesRecursively(Dir.pwd, ".jpg.l.jpg", ".jpg", true, true); end def test_copyImagesRecursively end def test_renameImages #Dir.chdir("C:/workspace/aiyaa/alibaba/images/images/jdjy3d") #@processor.renameImages(Dir.pwd, '.jpg.l.jpg', '.jpg', true, true); end def test_addWatermarksAndCompressImages #@processor.addWatermarksAndCompressImages(Dir.pwd + "/images") end def test_addWatermarksAndCompressImagesRecursively #@processor.addWatermarksAndCompressImagesRecursively(Dir.pwd + "/images") end def test_addWatermarkText @processor.addWatermarkText('test/67971251.jpg', 'test/watermark_text.jpg') end def test_addWatermarkImage @processor.addWatermarkImage('test/67971251.jpg', 'test/watermark_image.jpg') end end
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很多网站都会用到对图片的一些处理,包括图片的裁剪、给图片加水印、按比例缩放图片等操作,用ImageMagick实现这些功能,性能非常好,图片还不会失真. 本文档详细的介绍了 GraphicsMagick+im4java的搭建过程,对...
功能齐全 附带有放大、缩小、旋转、水印、颜色定制等图片浏览器常用功能,支持通过JavaScript与网页进行交互; 各种语言支持 服务器端支持Windows及Linux的服务器,支持各种服务器端编程语言,例如asp,asp.net,php,...
功能齐全 附带有放大、缩小、旋转、水印、颜色定制等图片浏览器常用功能,支持通过JavaScript或VbScript与网页进行交互; 各种语言支持 服务器端支持Windows及Linux的服务器,支持各种服务器端编程语言,例如asp,...
此外,还可以利用OSS的图片处理服务进行图片缩略和加水印等操作。 **总结:** 阿里云对象存储服务OSS的最佳实践提供了快速构建移动应用数据直传服务的指南,包括安全的鉴权机制、高效的直传模式以及灵活的存储解决...
5. **图像处理**:Aspose不仅仅处理文本文件,还支持图像处理,包括裁剪、旋转、水印、压缩等操作。 6. **邮件操作**:Aspose.Mail API允许开发者处理电子邮件,包括发送、接收、解析邮件,管理附件,甚至操作SMTP...
控件支持PDF动态水印定义功能,能给您最强有力的文档阅读和数字版权保护功能支持。产品特点:文件小巧 控件大小不超过3M,客户端不需要再另外安装其它庞大的PDF阅读器;使用简单 通过属性的设置和方法的调用即可完成...
5. **添加水印**:在PDF页面上添加自定义水印,增强文档保护。 6. **数字签名**:对PDF文档进行数字签名,确保其完整性和安全性。 7. **加密解密**:设置或解除PDF的访问密码,控制阅读和编辑权限。 为了使用`...