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Dealing with InnoDB Initialization Problems


If InnoDB prints an operating system error during a file operation, usually the problem has one of the following causes:

  • You did not create the InnoDB data file directory or the InnoDB log directory.(目录不存在)

  • mysqld does not have access rights to create files in those directories.(目录没有权限)

  • mysqld cannot read the proper my.cnf or my.ini option file, and consequently does not see the options that you specified.(配置文件错)

  • The disk is full or a disk quota is exceeded.(磁盘空间不足)

  • You have created a subdirectory whose name is equal to a data file that you specified, so the name cannot be used as a file name.(有和数据文件同名的目录)

  • There is a syntax error in the innodb_data_home_dir or innodb_data_file_path value.(配置项参数错误)

If something goes wrong when InnoDB attempts to initialize its tablespace or its log files, delete all files created by InnoDB . This means all ibdata files and all ib_logfile files. In case you have already created some InnoDB tables, delete the corresponding .frm files for these tables (and any .ibd files if you are using multiple tablespaces) from the MySQL database directories as well. Then you can try the InnoDB database creation again. It is best to start the MySQL server from a command prompt so that you see what is happening.



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