China Unicom plans to distribute mobile phone downloads using a version of Java, a deal that could influence how other carriers sell games, ring tones or business applications.
In the past, the Chinese company has used Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW) software to deliver over-the-air downloads to subscribers. As a major carrier, it has been one of the largest feathers in the cap of BREW creator and licenser Qualcomm.
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But on Monday, China Unicom - which uses CDMA as opposed to the more popular GSM mobile standard - said it plans to end that exclusive arrangement and start selling downloads that use a version of Sun Microsystems' rival Java software language for mobile phones, Java2 Micro Edition (J2ME). The wireless carrier licensed the J2ME technology from Motorola division 4thPass.
The deal is an example of how carriers who once relied on BREW exclusively to sell games, ring tones and other downloads are adding J2ME into the mix, according to Mazin Ramadan, CEO of 4th Pass.
Most major mobile operators have turned to selling downloads in an attempt to recoup some of the revenue lost through an ongoing price war in calling services, their main product.
While BREW-based downloads are considered by the wireless industry to be of a higher quality than those based on Sun's technology, it's estimated that J2ME developers outnumber BREW developers by at least 5-to-1. As a result, there are many more J2ME-based games available for wireless companies to sell.
"It doesn't make sense to ignore J2ME," Ramadan said.
Because it's the third-largest carrier in the world, China Unicom's decision to exploit both download technologies will likely "influence others" to do the same, according to Ramadan.
South Korean company KT Freetel was once an exclusive BREW user but it's being forced by a government decision to add Java into its line-up. In addition, US carrier Verizon Wireless is among the largest remaining BREW-only cellular service providers in the world.
Sun considers BREW competition to J2ME, because it and San Diego-based Qualcomm target the same handsets and makers of infrastructure for cellular networks. However, Qualcomm spokeswoman Allison Graves said on Monday that the two technologies are complementary.
She said China Unicom used BREW first, because "it was the quickest to market for them", and its decision is "in line with what we've known all along were China Unicom's plans".
Ben Charny writes for CNET
【联通博路BREW培训代码】是一套专为中国联通博路BREW平台设计的教育与实践资源,旨在帮助开发者和学员深入理解BREW(Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless)平台的编程技术和应用开发流程。BREW是由高通公司...
这个"brew联通培训"的压缩包文件包含了与BREW相关的初级和高级培训资料,以及可能的代码示例,旨在帮助开发者深入理解和掌握BREW平台。 1. **BREW基础** BREW是一个由高通公司开发的轻量级、高效的中间件平台,它...
Brew开发的初级文档 里面详细介绍了Brew SDK的API的使用方法
从BREW到J2ME的应用程序移植.pdf 基于brew平台的poc解决方案的语音处理.pdf 基于BREW平台的POC应用研究及业务发展分析.pdf 基于BREW平台的多态机制实现.pdf 基于BREW平台的手机内存管理的研究.pdf 基于BREW平台的...
通过对BREW和J2ME技术的深入研究,作者提出了一种具体的实施方案,旨在将两种平台的优势相结合,为用户提供更加丰富的应用体验。 #### 关键词 BREW;J2ME;嵌入式Java虚拟机 #### 引言 随着3G技术的发展和智能手机...
联通作为中国的大型电信运营商,也曾经利用BREW平台为用户提供丰富的移动应用服务。本开发资料集是针对BREW平台的学习资源,特别适合初学者进行深入研究。 1. BREW系统架构:BREW系统由三个主要部分组成:设备上的...
**BREW SDK 2.0中文版** BREW(Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless)SDK 2.0是一款由高通公司推出的无线应用开发平台,专为移动设备上...然而,对于不打算从事BREW平台开发的J2ME爱好者,这个SDK可能并不适用。
总的来说,"sdk.rar_SDK_brew_brew sdk_brew S_brew sdk"是一个包含BREW平台开发所需资源的压缩包,适合那些希望在无线设备上开发BREW应用的程序员。它提供了所有必要的工具和信息,让开发者能够从头开始构建、测试...
4. 编译工具链:BrewSDK可能需要特定的编译工具链,如GCC或ARM交叉编译器,根据目标平台选择合适的工具。 安装步骤大致如下: 1. 解压Brew绿色安装包到一个指定目录。 2. 配置环境变量,将BrewSDK的bin目录添加到...
《深入 BREW 开发》是一本专为对BREW(Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless,无线二进制运行环境)系统有浓厚兴趣的开发者准备的进阶参考资料。BREW是由美国高通公司开发的一种操作系统,主要用于移动设备,...
【BREW教程(深入BREW开发)】 BREW,全称Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless,是一种专为移动设备设计的操作系统和应用程序开发平台。这份教程深入解析了BREW的实现原理和相关机制,旨在帮助开发者更深入地...
### BREW平台及业务介绍:全面解析 #### BREW概述 BREW,即Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless,是一种专为无线设备设计的软件开发平台。它由一套与C/C++编程语言兼容的API集组成,旨在简化无线应用的开发...
当用户选择某个应用程序时,BREW会加载相应的DLL文件,并调用其中定义的主函数来启动应用程序。 - **3.3 应用的停止和销毁**:当用户退出应用程序时,BREW会调用特定的函数来释放资源并清理环境。 - **3.4 应用的...
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