15th Annual Software Development
Jolt Product Excellence Awards
Books: General
Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products by Jim Highsmith (Addison-Wesley Professional)
Crystal Clear: A Human-Powered Methodology for Small Teams by Alistair Cockburn (Addison-Wesley Professional)
Exploiting Software: How to Break Code by Greg Hoglund and Gary McGraw (Addison-Wesley Professional )
Head First Design Patterns by Elisabeth Freeman, Eric Freeman, Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra (O'Reilly)
Hiring the Best Knowledge Workers, Techies & Nerds: The Secrets & Science of Hiring Technical People by Johanna Rothman and Gerald M. Weinberg (Dorset House)
Joel on Software by Joel Spolsky (Apress)
Refactoring to Patterns by Joshua Kerievsky (Addison-Wesley Professional)
Software Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns, Models, Frameworks and Tools by Jack Greenfield, Keith Short, Steve Cook, Stuart Kent, John Crupi (Wiley)
Books: Technical
Better, Faster, Lighter Java by Bruce A. Tate and Justin Gehtland (O'Reilly)
C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices by Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu (Addison-Wesley Professional )
Head First Servlets & JSP by Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra and Bryan Basham (O'Reilly)
Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook by James Elliott (O'Reilly)
Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse, Second Edition by Jim D'Anjou, Scott Fairbrother, Dan Kehn, John Kellerman, Pat McCarthy (Addison-Wesley Professional)
Mono: A Developer's Notebook by Edd Dumbill and Niel M. Bornstein (O'Reilly)
Perl Medic: Transforming Legacy Code by Peter J. Scott (Addison-Wesley Professional)
Physically Based Rendering: Theory to Implementation (The Interactive 3d Technology Series) by Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys (Morgan Kaufmann)
Business Integration and Data Tools
Compiere 5.1 (Compiere/open source)
DT/Studio 2.3 (Embarcadero Technologies)
EnterpriseTenFold (TenFold)
ILOG Rules for .NET (ILOG)
MapForce 2005 Enterprise Edition (Altova)
sforce 5.0 (salesforce.com)
Speech Server (Microsoft)
Toad for Oracle8.0 (Quest Software)
Change and Configuration Management Tools
AccuRev 3.5 (AccuRev)
CodeBeamer 3.5 (Intland Software)
Dimensions 9.0 (Serena Software)
Perforce SCM (Perforce)
SourceForge Enterprise Edition 4.2 (VA Software)
Subversion 2004 (CollabNet)
Design Tools
MagicDraw UML 9.0 (No Magic)
MetaEdit+ 4.0 (MetaCase)
Rational Software Architect (IBM)
Smart Development Environment 2.0 (Visual Paradigm International)
SmartDraw 2.0 (SmartDraw.com)
Together Designer 2005 (Borland)
Visual UML 4.1 (Visual Object Modelers)
WayPointer Highlighter 4.0 (Jaczone AB)
Languages and Development Environments
Borland Delphi 2005 (Borland)
CodeRush 1.1 for Visual Studio (Developer Express)
Eclipse 3.0 (Eclipse Foundation)
IntelliJ IDEA4.5 (JetBrains)
JBoss AOP 1.0 (JBoss)
Python2.4 (Python.org)
REALbasic 5.5 for Windows Professional Edition (REAL Software)
Sun Java Studio Enterprise 7 (Sun Microsystems)
Libraries, Frameworks and Components
Big Faceless Java PDF Library 2.0 (Big Faceless Organization)
ComponentOne Studio Enterprise 4.0 (ComponentOne)
Hibernate 2.1 (JBoss)
ImageGear Professional 14 (AccuSoft)
LEIF 2.2 (Rogue Wave)
Sun Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 (Sun Microsystems)
Xtreme Toolkit 9.51 Professional Edition (Codejock)
Management Tools
Active! Focus 2.0 (Xapware Technologies)
Autotask 10.0 (Autotask)
CaliberRM2005 (Borland)
Cost Xpert 3.3 (Cost Xpert Group)
Rational Portfolio Manager (IBM)
Primavera IT Project Office 4.1 (Primavera Systems)
SpeeDEV 4.0 - LME (Lifecycle Management Enterprise) (SpeeDEV)
V1: Scrum1.5 (VersionOne)
Mobile Development Tools
CodeWarrior for Symbian 3.0 Professional (Nokia)
ComponentOne 4.0 Studio Enterprise (ComponentOne)
Crossfire 5.5 (AppForge)
Flash Lite 1.1 (Macromedia)
J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 (Sun Microsystems)
Security Tools
Aladdin eSafe4 (Aladdin Knowledge Systems)
Aladdin eToken (Aladdin Knowledge Systems)
CounterPoint 1.0 (Mirage Networks)
Source Code Analysis 3.0 (Fortify Software)
Internet Security & Acceleration (ISA) Server2004 (Microsoft Corporation)
POPFile .22.2 (The POPFile Project; open source)
Test: Automated Test Tools
Agitar Agitator and Dashboard 2.0 (Agitar)
Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) and Testing Tool 3.0 (the Eclipse Foundation)
Jmeter 2.0 (The Apache Foundation; open source)
LISA 2.5 (iTKO Inc.)
Parasoft Jtest 5.1 (Parasoft)
QA Wizard 2.4(Seapine)
TestComplete 3.0 (AutomatedQA)
Test – Defect Tracking Tools
Census 6.0 (MetaQuest Software)
FogBugz 3.1 (Fog Creek Software)
JIRA 3.0 (Atlassian Software Systems)
OnTime 2004 for Web and Windows (Axosoft)
PowerTrack 2004 Add-In for Visual Studio (Axosoft)
TestTrack Pro 7.0 (Seapine)
AppExpress 2.5 (Endeavors Technology)
Captivate 2004 (Macromedia)
devAdvantage 2.1 (Anticipating Minds)
InstallShield 10.5 (Macrovision)
Omea Pro 1.0 (JetBrains)
Quest JProbe 5.2 (Quest Software)
Windows Installer XML 2.0 (WiX) (Microsoft)
Web Development Tools
CollabNet Enterprise Edition (CollabNet)
Contribute 3.0 (Macromedia)
FlexWiki 1.8 (Microsoft Shared Source Initiative)
Macromedia Flex 1.5 (Macromedia)
NitroX 2.0 (M7 Corporation)
Sun Java Studio Creator (Sun Microsystems)
Tomcat 5.0 (The Apache Jakarta Project and leading Tomcat contributor JBoss)
Zend Studio 4.0 (Zend Technologies)
Websites and Developer Networks
Agile Modeling Home Page (Ambysoft Inc.)
developer.* (DeveloperDotStar.com) (Daniel Read)
eBay Developers Program (eBay)
gantthead.com (gantthead.com)
IBM developerWorks (IBM)
Java.net (Sun Microsystems)
The O'Reilly Network (O'Reilly)
Jolt大奖素有“软件业界的奥斯卡”之美誉,共设通用类图书、技术类图书、语言和开发环境、框架库和组件、开发者网站等十余个分类,每个分类设有一个“震撼奖”(Jolt Award)和三个“生产力奖”(Productivity Award)。一项技术产品只有在获得了Jolt奖之后才能真正成为行业的主流,一本技术书籍只有在获得了Jolt奖之后才能真正奠定经典的地位。赞助商Jolt可乐的广告词是“震撼全世界”,Jolt奖就让我们看到,是谁在震撼着我们今天的世界。
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。 这是10.1CE版安装程序的第4部分
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。这是6.4版安装文件的第6部分。
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。这是6.4版安装文件的第5部分。
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。 这是10.1CE版安装程序的第一部分
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。这是6.4版安装文件的第8部分。
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。 是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。这是6.4版安装文件的第2部分。
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。这是6.4版安装文件的第7部分。
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。 是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。这是6.4版安装文件的第3部分。
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。 是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。这是6.4版安装文件的第4部分。
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。 这是10.1CE版安装程序的第3部分
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。 这是10.1CE版安装程序的第2部分.该版本免费
Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。 这是10.1CE版安装程序的第5部分.该版本免费
一共8个部分,只在下载第一部分时收5分。 Visual Paradigm是来自香港的Visual Paradigm International Ltd.开发的一款非常优秀的UML工具。是第15界jolt的uml设计工具大奖得主。这是6.4版安装文件的第1部分。
因为Qt 4框架设计得非常优秀,在2006年的第16届Jolt大奖上,Qt 4获得了类库、框架和组件类别的Jolt生产力奖。 \和Java的“一次编译,到处运行”跨平台不同的是,Qt是源代码级的跨平台,一次编写,随处编译。一次...
因为Qt 4框架设计得非常优秀,在2006年的第16届Jolt大奖上,Qt 4获得了类库、框架和组件类别的Jolt生产力奖。 \和Java的“一次编译,到处运行”跨平台不同的是,Qt是源代码级的跨平台,一次编写,随处编译。一次开发...