After downloading the SDK
it too is installed by simply extracting into a suitable location,
again I extracted it into my /home/dave/Applications folder. But we are
not quite finished yet – we need to use the SDK Manager to download and
install at least one Android development platform first (read the ‘SDK
Readme.txt in the folder when you extracted the SDK for more details).
This is a simple case on executing
[SDK Folder]/tools/android
(either via the command line
for by double-clicking it). The SDK and AVD Manager will now load and I
simply selected the ‘Available Packages’ option, selected everything in
the right-hand pane and clicked on ‘Install Selected’. After a length
installation process I was done – this is my SDK/AVD Manager after the
installation completed.
So that’s it, we’re there yes? Well no, not yet. In the Windows world
we are used to installations detecting the presence of IDEs or
vice-versa and everything just working once the installer finishes. Well
Linux is not like that we need to so some additional configuration
before we can get coding; in fact Eclipse/Android installation is pretty
much the same on all platforms, so it’s not just an Linux thing.
pip install cepton_sdk-1.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl ``` 安装完成后,开发者可以导入cepton_sdk模块,开始编写代码来控制和解析Cepton激光雷达的数据。库的主要功能包括: 1. **数据获取**:连接并从Cepton传感器...
《PyPI官网下载jdcloud_sdk-1.6.64.tar.gz:深入解析Python库的构建与使用》 PyPI(Python Package Index)是Python开发者的重要资源库,它提供了丰富的第三方Python库,使得开发者能够方便地下载、安装和分享代码...
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ubuntu U盘自动安装autoinstall.seed
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Pygraphviz为1.5版本,在命令行窗口找到该文件,直接pip install pygraphviz-1.5-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl 即可安装
ubuntu 一键安装mysql脚本;方便用户随意编辑和寻找配置文件,执行./sh文件进行一键安装。方便快捷。
- 将 Eclipse SDK 解压到具有管理权限的目录。 - 如果在启动 Eclipse 时遇到 JRE 路径错误,请注销或重启计算机,以确保 Java 环境变量生效。 ##### 2. 安装 Eclipse 的 SVN 插件 - 在 Eclipse 中选择【Help】->...
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