One thing that traditional web applications don't do well is MDI (Multiple Doucment Interface). Yes, there are frameworks that make it easier, but it simply is not reliable across multiple platforms and browsers. MDI just happens to be *another* one of those things that Flex allows you to do very easily and do well within a web based application. I'm not just talking about using the PopUpManager class to maintain multiple non-modal dialogs within the context of the application. I'm talking full-blown "windowed" applications that run within the context of the Flex swf. Take a look...
This is a prototype MDI application interface that allows for multiple window creation, minimizing/maximizing windows, window drag/drop, window allignment (tile and cascade). Don't forget this is just a prototype :-) ... I have every intention of making this better by adding animation/transitions to it, and by making it a bit more robust. On this, you can even double click the headers to toggle between minimized/restore state.
Sorry, this is closed source, but here's basically how I did it... There is a canvas that is used to contain the "windows". I created a base class that creates the window framework. The base class can be extended to contain pretty much any type of flex component that is derived from the mx.core.UIComponent class. I created a MDIManager class that contains functions for adding/removing windows from the canvas, and it manages alignment/reorganization of the windows.
Hopefully this is a good example to provoke some thought... What else can Flex do for me & my applications?
Launch the MDI demo applicationEnjoy!
1. **flex-messaging-core.jar**:这是Flex Messaging框架的基础库,提供了核心的基础设施和服务。它包含AMF(Action Message Format)编解码器,用于高效地序列化和反序列化数据,以及基本的消息传递机制。AMF是一...
这个"flex-2.6.4.tar.gz"文件是Flex 2.6.4版本的源代码压缩包,遵循GNU General Public License (GPL)发布。在Linux和类Unix系统中,这种.tar.gz格式常用于存储和分发软件源代码,因为它可以高效地压缩大量文件。 ...
flex-messaging-core-4.7.3.jar 最新版,下载了好长时间才下载下来,亲测可用!
在flex-messaging-core.jar中,包含了一些关键组件和接口,例如: 1. **MessageBroker**: 这是Flex消息传递系统的中心,它管理消息的路由,调度和处理。MessageBroker实例化并配置了各种服务,如HTTP、HTTPS、RTMP...
Flex Messaging是Adobe Flex框架的一部分,它提供了一个强大的实时通信平台,允许客户端(通常是Flex应用程序)与服务器进行双向数据交换。4.7.3版本是这个组件的一个更新,它可能包含了性能提升、错误修复以及新的...
这个“flex-2.6.0.tar.gz”文件是一个针对Flex 2.6.0版本的源码压缩包,适用于Unix/Linux类操作系统。在Linux环境中,我们通常会用tar命令来解压这种格式的文件,例如:“tar -zxvf flex-2.6.0.tar.gz”。 Flex的...
《深入解析Forex-Flex-EA-V4.91与海龟交易策略在MT4平台的应用》 在金融交易领域,自动交易系统(Expert Advisor,简称EA)的应用日益广泛,尤其是外汇市场(Forex)。本文将围绕“Forex-Flex-EA-V4.91”这一特定的...
尽管Google Code已不再接受新的项目,但许多有价值的项目,如flex-iframe-1.4.6,仍然可以在其存档中找到。 在Flex框架中,开发者通常使用ActionScript来创建富互联网应用程序(RIA)。然而,有时需要在Flex应用...
FLEX- MDI窗口开发实例
spring-flex-1.5.0.RELEASE spring-flex-1.5.0.RELEASE spring-flex-1.5.0.RELEASE spring-flex-1.5.0.RELEASE
flex-messaging-core jar包
在Flex开发环境中,`flex-config.xml`文件是一个至关重要的配置文件,它允许开发者自定义Adobe Flex编译器的行为。这个文件通常位于项目的根目录下,或者在全局的Flex SDK安装路径中,对于命令行编译尤其重要。通过...
《深入理解Flex-Iframe 1.4.1:构建跨平台的嵌入式视图解决方案》 在现代Web开发中,iframe(内联框架)是一种常见的技术,用于在一个HTML页面中嵌入另一个网页或者实现页面的分隔。当我们谈论"flex-iframe-1.4.1....