For publication of results, please cite the following article:

Calpains constitute an important family of the
Ca2+-dependent cysteine proteases, which contain a nucleophilic cysteine
in the catalytically active site (Goll et al
, 2003
; Franco et al
, 2005
Zatz et al
, 2005
; Liu et al
, 2008
). Calpains are widely expressed in mammalians and conserved across eukaryotes (Futai et al
, 2001
; Croall et al
, 2007
For instance, in budding yeast, at least one calpain-like protease,
Rim13/Cpl1, has been identified, although its functions are still
elusive (Hayashi et al
, 2001
In humans, there are over 14 distinct members of the calpain
superfamily, some of which are tissue specific. Calpain 1 (μ-calpain,
micromolar Ca2+-requiring) and Calpain 2 (m-calpain, millimolar
Ca2+-requiring) are ubiquitously expressed and well characterized
isoforms (Huang et al
, 2005
). Through spatial and temporal cleavage of a variety of substrates to change their conformation, function and stability (Glading et al
, 2002
Ca2+-activated calpains play an important role in numerous biological
processes, including the regulation of gene expression, signal
transduction, cell death/apoptosis, remodeling cytoskeletal attachments
during cell fusion/motility and cell cycle progression (Squier et al
, 1999
; Tan et al
, 2006
; Yousefi et al
, 2006
). Moreover, calpain aberrancies are frequently implicated in a variety of diseases and cancers (Arrington et al
, 2006
; Williams et al
, 2008
Although many studies have tried to dissect the regulatory roles and
molecular mechanisms of calpain-dependent cleavage, in fact our
understanding of calpain is still fragmentary.
In this work, we collected 368
experimentally verified calpain cleavage sites in 130
proteins. With a previously developed algorithm of GPS
(Group-based Prediction System)(Xue et al
, 2008
we developed a novel software package of GPS-CCD (Calpain Cleavage
Detector) for the prediction of calpain cleavage sites. The
leave-one-out validation and 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-fold cross-validations were
performed to evaluate the performance of the prediction system. By
comparison, the GPS 2.0
algorithm was employed for its outstanding prediction performance, with an accuracy 89.98%
, sensitivity 60.87%
and specificity 90.07%
Furthermore, there are many proteins experimentally identified as
calpain substrates for which the exact cleavage sites have not been
verified, and we collected 196 such proteins from PubMed. As an
application, we predicted potential calpain cleavage sites for these
targets. These prediction results might be a useful resource for
further experimental investigation. Finally, the online service and
local packages of GPS-CCD
1.0 were implemented in JAVA 1.5 (J2SE 5.0) and are freely available for academic researchers at:

1.0 User Interface
钙离子处理对肌细胞组织特异性钙激活中性蛋白酶calpain3的影响,朱燕,童敏,本研究利用RT-PCR和Western blot方法研究钙离子处理对成肌细胞L6形态、分化的影响以及calpain3基因mRNA水平表达和蛋白水平降解的调控。...
这篇博士学位论文主要探讨了癫痫持续状态(Status Epilepticus, SE)对大鼠海马神经元的影响以及其中涉及的细胞死亡机制,特别是与钙蛋白酶(calpain)相关的程序性细胞死亡。癫痫是一种常见的神经系统疾病,而SE是...
6. **混合蛋白酶抑制剂**:为了全面保护蛋白质,经常使用混合蛋白酶抑制剂,如含有35ug/ml的PMSF(丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂)、0.3mg/ml的EDTA(金属蛋白酶抑制剂)、0.7ug/ml的胃蛋白酶抑制剂(Pepstatin,酸性蛋白酶...
钙蛋白酶系统是一系列钙依赖性中性蛋白酶,包括两种被广泛研究的蛋白酶:钙蛋白酶1(Calpain 1)和钙蛋白酶2(Calpain 2)及其特异性抑制剂(Calpastatin)。钙蛋白酶系统在多种细胞和组织功能中发挥着重要的调控...
1. **钙蛋白酶(Calpain)家族基因**:钙蛋白酶是一类依赖于钙离子的非经典蛋白酶,参与细胞内的多种生理和病理过程,如肌肉嫩化。在牛肉品质中,Calpain家族起着重要作用,因为它们参与肌肉纤维的分解,影响肉质的...
砷染毒对大鼠神经细胞凋亡及Calpain 1,calpain 2和cdk5/p25基因和蛋白表达的影响,张红梅,李新,【目的】研究As2O3对大鼠神经细胞凋亡、calpain 1和calpain 2以及cdk5/p25基因和蛋白表达的影响,为探讨As2O3神经...
细胞凋亡过程中,生物化学特征包括胞浆内Ca2+浓度升高、DNA内切酶活性增强导致DNA片段化,以及Ⅱ型谷氨酰胺转移酶和需钙蛋白酶(Calpain)活性的升高。这些变化共同推动细胞进入凋亡进程。 凋亡过程主要涉及三个...
同时,中性半胱氨酸蛋白酶Calpain的激活,尤其是Calpain II,被认为与糖尿病神经病中的细胞损伤和凋亡过程有关。 总结来说,糖尿病神经病的发病机制极为复杂,其病理过程涉及神经营养因子的减少、轴突转运的障碍、...
这些标记可能包括上调或下调的蛋白质,如thioredoxin like 1、calpain small subunit 1 (Capn4)和plastin3。这些差异蛋白质的发现有助于预测患者的预后,并可能成为新型治疗靶点。 【Capn4在肝癌侵袭和转移中的作用...