Restores a gzipped file to its normal size. The gunzip command also restores files compressed with compress or pack.
Syntax gunzip [-c] [-f] [-r] [-v] filenames
Option or argument
If you want to see what’s in the compressed file facts, type:
gunzip -h
gunzip –c facts
gunzip -S .zip
Compresses one or more files into one gzipped file so that it takes up less space on your disk. The compressed file has the same name as the original, but with the suffix .gz attached. When your want to get your original files back, you use gunzip or gzip –d.
Syntax gunzip [-c] [-d] [-f] [-l] [-r] [-v] filenames
Option or argument
You have created a series of very large files and have put them inside a directory called My_Big_Files. Now you want to save all these files in a compressed format to save space. Type
gzip -h
gzip –rv My_Big_Files
gzip -S .zip ctp_bsct006_01_datadict.txt (normally use this one. If "gzip -S .zip xxx.txt" in AIX, can’t unzip the file in windows or MF.)
Show the first part of files. v.s. tail.
e.g. head -5 xxx
Lists the last 20 or so commands you typed. In Korn shell, "alias history=fc -l".
Syntax history
To execute the last command again, type r.
Tells you what your numeric user and group Ids are and, BSD, which groups you’re in. You can use it when you want to know your user and group Ids so that you can tell your wizard what they are when you ask for help.
Syntax id
Lists the jobs that are running in either the foreground or the background or those that are stopped.
Syntax jobs
Cancels a job that you don’t want to continue.
Syntax kill %job
kill [-9] pid
Option or argument
Specifies the process ID of the job. You can use the ps command to find out the job’s process ID.
If a program is truly out of control, Ctrl+C may not stop it. In this case, you may have find out it process ID(pid) to kill it. Use the ps command to see its pid(4444, for example) and then type:
kill –9 4444
You begin running a program called and realize that you did something wrong. You stop the job by pressing Ctrl+Z; the message Stopped is displayed. To kill the program, type
kill %big
show using situation of recent users.
Syntax last [-n] [-f file] [-t tty] [-h] [-i IP] [-l] [-y] [ID]
Lists the files in a directory.
Syntax ls [-a] [-l] [r] [R] [pathname]
ls [-acdlrRsStuX] [-size] [-sort=time] [-sort=extension]
Option or argument
Display number of links, owner, group, size (in bytes), time of last modification, and name of each file.
e.g. ls xxx*, like dir xxx* in DOS.
ls –l or
ls –l |more to display the information one page each time.
ls -R *axmh* (but if data is too much, ls -R will not work)
ls [a,b]*
Syntax lsgroup <group name>
14. `tlist` 和 `kill`:这两个命令是用于查看和结束进程的,通常在系统调试和故障排除中使用。 15. `del` 和 `move`:文件管理命令,`del`用于删除文件,`/S /Q`选项可以递归删除目录及其内容而不提示,`move`用于...
隐藏 CMD 黑窗口的脚本通常用于在运行批处理文件或其他命令行程序时,避免显示命令提示符窗口,这样可以让用户在后台执行脚本而不会干扰到其他任务。 该文件需配合BAT脚本使用,在.vbs中将路径指向BAT脚本并运行该...
如`dir /b | sort > list.txt` 会排序目录中的文件并保存到`list.txt`,然后可以使用`fc /l list.txt list_sorted.txt` 比较排序前后的差异。 3. **统计分析**:`find`命令可以计数特定字符或字符串。如`type file....
List<String> commands = Arrays.asList("cmd", "/c", "dir"); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(commands); Process process = pb.start(); ``` **JavaScript调用命令行** 在JavaScript中,由于安全...
* -L [ c ] list servers [ clean output ]:列出服务器。 * -p [ 1 ] print statistics [ colon format ]:打印统计信息。 * -X [ 1 ]:禁用命令、启动脚本和环境变量。 * -? show syntax summary:显示语法摘要。 ...
##### 3. **`net start/stop`** - **查看已启动的服务**: ```cmd net start ``` 显示当前系统中已经启动的所有服务。 - **启动服务**: ```cmd net start 服务名 ``` 启动指定的服务,例如启动telnet...
process.start("cmd.exe", QStringList() ); process.waitForFinished(); ``` 这里的`start`方法启动了CMD进程,并通过`/c`参数传递了执行"dir"命令的指令。`waitForFinished`确保我们等待命令执行完成后再继续执行...
6. `perl-Module-CoreList-2.76.02-299.el7_9.noarch.rpm`: 显示Perl核心模块的版本信息,帮助确定哪些模块已经包含在当前Perl版本中。 7. `perl-version-0.99.07-6.el7.x86_64.rpm`: 为Perl处理版本号提供支持,...
### CMD中的重定向输出与管道操作详解 在日常的编程工作中,特别是在Windows环境下进行开发时,熟练掌握CMD命令行工具的使用技巧对于提高工作效率是非常有帮助的。本文将重点介绍CMD中的重定向输出(`>`、`>>`)...
2. **事件选择**: `trace-cmd list`可以列出所有可用的内核事件,用户可以根据需求选择要追踪的事件。 3. **查看日志**: `trace-cmd report`命令将追踪数据转化为可读的报告,帮助分析系统行为。 4. **保存/加载**...
cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("p_list", oraArray)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ``` 5. **关闭连接**: 执行完存储过程后,别忘了关闭数据库连接。 通过这种方式,C#中的自定义列表(List)可以高效地...
### 遍历CheckBoxList,获得选中项的值动态绑定CheckBoxList #### 知识点一:CheckBoxList概述及应用场景 **CheckBoxList** 是ASP.NET Web Forms中一个非常有用的控件,它允许用户选择一个或多个选项。CheckBoxList...
#### 3. **服务管理** - `net start`:启动一个服务,如`net start telnet`启动telnet服务。 - `net stop`:停止一个服务。 - `net time`:查看或同步远程计算机的时间。 #### 4. **网络信息查询** - `...
3. 异常处理和错误检查 4. 操作系统兼容性考虑 5. 安全编码实践 在实际项目中,如果频繁进行此类操作,建议使用Java的I/O和NIO库,或者第三方库如Apache Commons IO,它们提供了更为高级和安全的文件操作接口。
* firewall-cmd --zone=dmz --list-ports 这将显示 dmz zone 中所有打开的端口。 firewall-cmd 命令还可以用于添加端口到 zone,例如: * firewall-cmd --zone=dmz --add-port=8080/tcp 这将添加 8080 端口到 ...
- `tlist -t`:列出系统进程(需额外安装工具)。 - `kill -F`:强制结束进程(同样需要额外安装工具)。 掌握这些CMD命令,可以帮助用户高效地进行系统管理和网络操作,尤其是在没有图形用户界面的情况下。了解...
16. `tlist -t`和`kill -F`: 分别用于列出和结束进程,通常在Support Tools中。 17. `del`和`rmdir`: 用于删除文件和目录,`-F`选项可删除只读文件,`/S`和`/Q`分别用于删除目录及其内容,且不提示确认。 18. `...