vim mingw rxvt alt meta
1. gVim won't have this issue, because gVim always handles 'Alt' byitself.
2. Check vim help, a lot of useful information:
:h :map-alt-keys
3. Basically if Alt combination do not work in your vim, it is because the 'meta8' -- the 8th bit of the input character code.
By default vim need it to identify whether you have pressed 'Alt'. But in some terminal or by your settings, rxvt, console or terminal don't set the meta8 when you press 'Alt', instead, they use a Escape sequence. i.e. 'Alt-a' will be translated to '^[a'.
4. Set up rxvt environment to use the 'meta8' apply one of the following:
a. start rxvt with '--meta8' option
b. add a line 'Rxvt.meta8:True' in your .Xdefaults
c. add following lines to your .inputrc: (*** not recommend ***)
set meta-flag on
set input-meta on
set output-meta on
set convert-meta on
d. use map Escape sequence to use Alt combination, see "Get Alt key to work in terminal" and 'How to Map Alt Key' in reference section
*** changing the behavior of your bash environment may affect or bring conflict to other programs in the environment
5. Notes:
Watch out your 'encoding' options
Using alt key in console vim
How to Map Alt Key
Get Alt key to work in terminal
Unlike other plugins which embed Vim in Eclipse, Vrapper imitates the behaviour of Vim while still using whatever editor you have opened in the workbench. The goal is to have the comfort and ease ...
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总结来说,“Combinations Calculator”是解决排列组合问题的强大工具,结合配套的参考材料,无论是学习还是工作,都能为用户带来极大的便利。了解和掌握排列组合的概念及其计算方法,对于理解和应用概率论、统计学...
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