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  • 来自: 南京


For GMail, Hotmail, MSN, Yahoo!, AOL and many more!
Creates "300x20" userbars with input text using nice looking images

Color Scheme Generator 2
his application generates color schemes of several types. Every scheme is based on one (base) color, which is supplemented with additional colors making together the best optical imperssion - using one of the authentic algorithms.

Generates gradients. You can choose between horizontal or vertical, linear or sinusoidal and you can choose the colors and size.
Gradient images are used everywhere in web page design, ie, as the background of form buttons
Generate a CSS layout for your site
This HTML - CSS template generator yields a three column layout without using any Tables. 
Generate both the CSS and the HTML code required to produce a text-based yet appealing set of navigation buttons.
This HTML - CSS form generator will create a nice looking layout for forms. The time is now right - to move to 'tableless' layout for forms. And at the same time, add a 'little color' to the forms. 
This site will automatically generate the XHTML/CSS layout for your new Web 2.0 site.
Create inline AJAX polls for your website.

CSS Rounded Box Generator

Generates the necessary CSS code for rollover links. 
The Random Texture Generator is a free online tool which automatically generates unique one of a kind backgrounds and textures which you can use for web page backgrounds, buttons, logos, and other graphic projects.

Avatar Generator - Avatar Maker
Over 5,000 avatar/icon generators (about 100 pages to browse). Create your own customized avatars with your personalized words/text. You will be able to select an avatar image, choose a font, colour and position and write your name (or anything really) on it.

This site is an easy to use on-line favicon generator.
Create icons for your web pages with FavIcon from Pics.
Use this online tool to easily create a favicon (favorites icon) for your site. A favicon is a small, 16x16 image that is shown inside the browser's location bar and bookmark menu when your site is called up.
Make your own RSS feed styled buttons for your blogs, over 100 fonts and colors to choose from!
Web based software to create customized buttons for your webpages (blogs, podcasts, profiles, bookmarking) and ebooks.
Use this online tool to easily and visually create those popular "XHTML valid" micro buttons (80x15). You can also opt for the larger 88x31 button instead.
Online font preview
You can make a reminder note that sits right on your desktop with this new image generator.
Wish your could have your giftwares on your CafePress.com shop dynamically show up on your webpage or blog? Now you can without having to upgrade (I avoid having to pay money, I'm trying to make money) your free Cafe Press store accounts!
Import your images so you can place custom text on them. Add a cartoon bubble effect with your text too (caption any photo)! Ever hear of a "sign generator" before? Well now you can make your own (free short URL available).
Create your own personalised 750 pixel wide title/subtitle image for your weblog. Adding simple graphic headers can pice up your site and give it some life.
Glitter Maker is a free online glitter graphic web application where you can quickly and easily generate free glitter graphics (animated sparkle text with yur own words)! Make your own "sparklies"! He have made an online Glitter Generator! You can choose from hundreds of fonts (preview of each) and choose hundreds of background colors for your animated sparkle text effects. Over 100 text glitter effects!

Text To Logo
Convert simple text into a neat logo for your webpage/blog/podcast/etc.

Write in up to 1,000 characters of text to be converted into a *.PNG image file (hides clumps of text from spam bots and search engines).
It's a simple web application that lets you create transparent PNG images in any color, using just a few mouse clicks—no need for Photoshop, Painshop Pro or any other imaging app.
Post your emails or URIs in a text image so they are only human readable (cannot be read by spam harvesting robots). Good tool for making a quick simple logo design.
An utility to convert ASCII characters to Hexadecimal and Unicode

ASCII Generator

The Abstract Art Title Generator

Generates a random name, address, phone number, birthdate, and credit card number. Great for spam sites or testing a website.
Create unique names for bands, companies, products, internet domains, cyber identites, art projects, computer games, roleplaying, pets.. Millions of combinations available. Grab one and make it yours!!

robots.txt generator

Our .htaccess generator will generate the files you need (.htaccess and .htpasswd) to password protect a directory of your website. Just input the username and password you require, plus the exact path of the directory you want to protect.

Htaccess & ErrorDocument Generator

Use this tool to generate all the necessary codes needed to password protect a directory or selects files within it on your site via .htaccess. It encrypts the desired passwords, then outputs the corresponding codes to put inside your .htaccess and .htpasswd files.

.htaccess file generator

mod_rewrite RewriteRule Generator
Our mod_rewrite RewriteRule generator will take a dynamic url given to it, and generate the correct syntax to place in a .htaccess file to allow the url to be rewritten in a spiderable format.

Form Element Generator

Wufoo is a web-based tool to help you build and host amazing online forms. In only a few short minutes, you can create a mailing list, a marketing survey or even a complete customer management system. 
Resize image from harddrive or directly from the web.
Image splitting is a technique most often used to slice a larger image into smaller parts to make it load faster. Online Image Splitter makes it easier to slice images and download the HTML tags for pasting the slices back together.
Online image editor.
PixelButton is an Antipixel online generator, easy and fast to use. This little buttons created by Jeremy Hedley, become larged used expecially among bloggers, because they are nice looking, very visible and it's easy to place theme inside a site layout.
The WinGuides.com Password Generator allows you to create random passwords that are highly secure and extremely difficult to crack or guess due to an optional combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers and punctuation symbols.

Password Composer

Generating long, high-quality random passwords is not simple. So here is some totally random raw material, generated just for YOU, to start with.
Generates custom stripped/dashed background images.
Generate tiled images.
Create thousands of digital graphics online with this free interactive web tool. Make web images like buttons, personalized logos,  etc!
Enables you to create form-to-email scripts for your ASP, PHP or Perl web site with no programming skills needed. 
Generates RSS for sites that don't have.

Watermark Generator

the user types some text; typoGenerator searches images.google for the text and creates a background from the found images, using randomly chosen effects. then it places the text, using random effects too. 
Make thousands of free downloadable 468x60 JPEG banner ads
Create cross-browser list-based navigation bars with ease
Make your own custom parody book cover PNG image for a "FOR DUMMIES" learning series books. Send as free ecard or just download the free clipart to use on your blog/site (or printable).

Domain Name Generator

Cool Text is an online graphics generator for web pages and anywhere else you might need an impressive logo without a lot of work 
Our Meta Tag Generator will read the page you specify, remove common words from it, and pick the most used words on the page. It will then generate a Meta Keywords tag using the words it has found. 
Image Embellisher makes it easier to create special effects with a few clicks.
iCodeGenerator is a very simple to use and powerful, database centric template based code generator for any programming language like C, PHP, C#, Visual Basic, Java, Perl, Python. Supported databases are SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
The Incredible Random Website Template Generator (beta) is a free web-based tool for creating great looking website templates for your website. Originally it was created to test new website template styles, border and color combinations - pure inspiration with no exact useage in mind.
1 楼 lennonwang 2007-08-08  


    Laravel开发-generators 代码快速生成工具

    `Laracasts`是一个知名的在线学习平台,他们推出的这个工具进一步强化了Laravel的代码生成能力。 `Laravel Generators`是Laravel核心的一部分,包括了如控制器、模型、视图、迁移和种子等一系列常用的生成命令。...




    标题 "用于现代JavaScript应用程序的代码生成器集合" 暗示了这个压缩包可能包含一系列工具,这些工具能够自动生成JavaScript应用的代码,从而提高开发效率并减少手动编写重复代码的工作量。在现代Web开发中,代码...


    在线可视编辑器使用该代码生成器,该平台使您可以通过熟悉的设计工具界面来构建应用程序。 平台和代码生成器之间的粘合是。 UIDL以抽象的方式定义了用户界面,独立于任何框架甚至Web平台本身。 从UIDL开始,您可以...


    7. **Scaffold生成器 (Scaffold Generator)**: 这个是Laravel 4中的一个扩展功能,可以生成一套完整的CRUD操作,包括控制器、模型、视图和迁移,通过`php artisan generate:scaffold`命令。 8. **Artisan命令 ...


    "Laravel开发-lumen-generators"项目则是针对Lumen框架的一组生成器工具,它扩展了Laravel的命令行界面(CLI)工具Artisan,以提供更多的代码生成功能,帮助开发者快速搭建和维护项目。 1. **Lumen框架**:Lumen是 ...


    `Laravel Doctrine Generators` 是专门为 Laravel 设计的一个包,它允许开发者利用 Doctrine 的代码生成工具,如实体生成器、迁移生成器等,同时保持与 Laravel 的无缝集成。这个包通过 artisan 命令行工具提供了一...

    Laravel开发-rest-generators .zip

    在压缩包"Laravel开发-rest-generators .zip"中,可能包含了一个自定义的Artisan命令,这个命令可能扩展了Laravel的生成器功能,提供更具体的选项来定制RESTful API的生成,比如添加中间件、指定命名空间、自定义...


    本资源提供的是一个基于Node.js的静态网页生成器的源码,这对于学习和理解SSG的工作原理以及Node.js在Web开发中的应用非常有帮助。 **Node.js简介** Node.js是一个开源、跨平台的JavaScript运行环境,它允许开发者...

    generator-ngx-rocket, 可以扩展 Angular 6 企业级项目生成器.zip

    这个工具基于 Yeoman,一个广泛使用的代码生成器,允许开发者自定义模板来自动化创建项目结构和配置。通过使用 **generator-ngx-rocket**,你可以避免手动配置大量的项目设置,从而节省时间并提高开发效率。 在了解...


    如果你对默认的生成器不满意,可以自定义Vue Generators。通过创建自己的模板并指定给`vue generate`命令,你可以根据项目需求定制生成的文件结构和内容。 七、最佳实践 在使用Vue Generators时,遵循一些最佳实践...


    在本文中,我们将深入探讨基于数据库元数据的Laravel 5生成器,这是Laravel框架中的一个重要工具,它极大地提高了开发效率。Laravel是PHP世界里最流行、最优雅的Web应用框架之一,其核心设计理念在于使开发者能够...




    而“mahana-laravel5-generators”这个扩展包则是对Artisan命令的扩展,增加了额外的生成器,使得在Laravel项目中创建前端资源、API文档、Policies等变得更加方便。 这个扩展包包含以下功能: 1. **Resource ...


    Devise 是一个针对C#9开发的Source Generators工具,其主要功能是自动生成CRUD(创建、读取、更新、删除)API,极大地提高了开发效率。Source Generators是C#编译器的一个新特性,它允许在编译时动态生成源代码,...

    Python库 | drf-app-generators-0.1.1.tar.gz

    因此,这个库可能是提供了一些自动化的应用生成器,帮助开发者快速创建符合DRF标准的API应用。 在实际使用中,drf-app-generators可能会包含模型、视图、序列化器、URL模式等的模板,以减少编写重复代码的时间。这...


    2. 调色盘生成器 (Palette Generators) - ColorHunter: 可以从图片中提取色彩,帮助设计师捕捉灵感。 - Color Blender: 老牌调色盘工具,功能强大,易于使用。 - Swatchify: 简单易用,支持分享色彩方案。 - Jrm...

    yeoman 使用说明手册 中文

    - 提供了一个 `generator-generator` 作为起点,帮助用户快速开始创建自己的生成器。 #### 总结 Yeoman 为开发者提供了一套强大的工具集,使得创建和维护项目变得更加简单高效。无论是对于新手还是经验丰富的...


    `laravel-service-generators`工具正是为了这个目的而设计的,它允许开发者通过命令行快速生成服务层的文件,极大地提高了开发过程中的代码生成速度,降低了手动编写重复代码的工作量。 ### 1. Laravel框架介绍 ...

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