In this list I have gathered 8 examples/experiments that apply
physics and gravity to demonstrate the power of Javascript. Few years
back, all of these experiments must be done using Java or Flash, I don't
think we can implement this using Javascript because of the standard
and browsers.
A lot of stunning examples in this list, personally, I like the Cloth
Simulation a lot, I just can't believe it's built with Javascript.
Cloth Simulation
This amazing javascript experiment demonstrate the power of
javascript. Few years back, this wasn't achievable and I think you only
can do it with Java or flash. Pretty impressive and the creator uses
javascript physics library called Processing.
Random Arboretum
Yet another physic experiment that uses the javascript physic
library called Processing. Everytime you click on it, it will generate a
radom branch. Look at the way it shakes and move, it's really nice.
Box2D is an open source physics engine written primarily for
games. As the name suggests, Box2D is a purely 2D engine. BOX2DJS is a
Javascript port of BOX2D.
Ball Pool
Start by shaking the browser, then create new balls (click on
empty space), move some others (drag) and reset the screen (double
click). Stunning gravity and physic demonstration!
Google Gravity
What will happen when we put gravity on every single elements in Google's homepage?
Wavy Scrollbars
A very creative use of scrollbar to simulate wave effect. Best view with chrome, firefox is a bit laggy.
Balls falling on an hidden random terrain. This experiment is using physic simulation trought the library box2djs.
When you draw something on a canvas, it starts moving under the Newtonian law.
Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists Second Edition Design of Experiments (DOE) is a powerful technique used for both exploring new processes and gaining increased knowledge of existing ...
This graduate-level text covers modeling, ...experiments and provides a rigorous treatment of the foundations of simulation and why it works. It introduces object-oriented programming for simulation,
【标题】《Design and Analysis of Experiments vol.2.pdf》 知识点: 1. 文件标题暗示这是一本关于实验设计和分析的书籍,具体是其第二卷。 2. “Advanced Experimental Design”表明这本书聚焦于实验设计的高级...
Design And Analysis Of Experiments, 5Th Edition (Douglas C Montgomery)-Keep 试验设计与分析 5ed
Design and Analysis of Experiments with R presents a unified treatment of experimental designs and design concepts commonly used in practice. It connects the objectives of research to the type of ...
### 设计与实验分析——Montgomery #### 简单比较实验 在Montgomery的《设计与实验分析》一书中,第二章介绍了简单比较实验的相关内容。本节将基于给出的部分内容来详细解释其中涉及的重要知识点。...
根据所提供的文件信息,可以得知文件标题是《Design and Analysis of Experiments vol.1.pdf》,描述部分透露这是一本关于实验设计的书籍,具体为《Design and Analysis of Experiments》的第一卷,介绍了实验设计的...
6. 关键词解析:文档中列举了“railgun(轨道枪)”,“dynamics performance(动力学性能)”,“physical simulation(物理模拟)”,和“dynamic test(动态测试)”四个关键词,这些词组成了文章的主要研究领域...
《Design and Analysis of Experiments》是Douglas C. Montgomery教授撰写的一本经典教材,现在已经更新到了第八版。这本书深入探讨了实验设计与分析的核心概念,是统计学、工程、科学和商业领域的重要参考资料。在...
### 实验设计与分析的重要性 在《实验设计与分析》这一章节中,作者强调了统计实验设计对于工程师的重要性。实验不仅能够帮助我们了解系统在受到干扰时的行为变化,还能够促进创新并提高国家的竞争地位。...
经典书籍Optimal Design Of Experiments,讲述控制系统的实验设计,A-optimal disign...
- 《实验设计:理论与应用》(Design and Analysis of Experiments)由Douglas C. Montgomery著。 - 《统计学原理》(Principles of Statistics)等相关教材。 通过以上概述,我们可以看到《实验设计与分析第一门...
Design and Analysis of Experiments,试验设计与分析.
回归分析与实验设计 design and analysis of experiments
Design and Analysis of Experiments 7th edition Douglas C. Montgomery
8. **结语:比较方法在人类历史研究中的应用**:Jared Diamond和James A. Robinson在结语中强调了比较方法在理解和解释人类历史进程中的价值,认为这种方法能够帮助我们更好地理解历史事件的因果关系。 这本书通过...