Also, how to connect to a server using SSH on a Mac
I already knew that I could open an SSH connection on my Mac using Terminal, and I could SSH onto my production server from my XP pc using Putty with no problems.
So when I copied my .ppk Putty key from my PC to my Mac I expected to be able to type:
ssh -2 username@ –i yourkey.ppk
from within Terminal and get straight onto my server with no questions asked.
But oh no! it’s not quite as easy as that – well these things never are, are they?
Let start with the very basics, you can find the Terminal program on your Macintosh in Applications -> Utilities.
Open it and you have something resembling a Windows DOS prompt.
Now if you already have a .ppk file from your PC that you want to convert to use on your Mac you need to visit the Putty Website and download puttygen.exe (on your PC) now open it, and using the File menu, load your .ppk that you already use, and type in your pass phrase.
Now go to the Conversions menu and export the key as an OpenSSH key – hey presto – you now have a key file that will work on your Mac! Such a simple solution, yet that took me so long to figure out …
Anyway, now you just need to copy your new .ssh keyfile over to your home (~) directory on your Mac and set the permissions to 700 (chmod 700 yourkey.ssh).
Once you’ve done all that you can use the ssh command.
ssh -2 username@ –i yourkey.ssh
and you should be able to SSH onto your box as you would from your PC – amazing!
Use a PuTTY generated key on Mac OSX
I wanted to use the key I generated using the PuTTYGen tool on my windows laptop, on my now repaired Mac Pro. The standard PuTTY generated key will not work on Linux or Mac OSX, so the key needs to be converted into a standard that will, like OpenSSH. You can convert your key by using the ‘Export to OpenSSH’ option explained in a previous post.
Once you have your new private OpenSSH key, copy it to your Mac.
Open terminal, and go to your root… usually does this automatically, but type cd ~/ just in case.
Create a .ssh directory if it does not already exist and copy the private key in here.
You may need to check that the key has the right permissions, type chmod -R g0-rx ~/.ssh
Enter your ssh command, ssh and hit enter, you should get now have a SSH tunnel to your server.
HANDY TIP: use the vvv flag to debug the ssh command (looks odd but thats 3 v’s by the way!).
So type ssh -vvv to receive a load of debug info that can be really useful in determining where you are screwing up.
Also I found this guide useful.
附件中包含putty工具和生成putty key所需的puttygen工具,连接ssh是使用key比较方便,可以免去输入密码的麻烦,本人使用这个工具连接Amazon EC2的instance还是比较方便的。
On the File menu item, select Load Private Key and load your PuTTY private key file. You can optionally enter your key's passphrase (which is advisable – otherwise the converted key will be saved...
PuTTY是一款广受欢迎的开源SSH(Secure ...通过下载并使用putty.exe,你可以开始你的远程连接之旅,享受安全、高效的远程操作体验。由于其开源性质,PuTTY不断受到社区的维护和更新,确保了其功能的先进性和安全性。
PuTTY.exe是一款小巧而强大的远程连接工具,特别适用于Windows用户,它支持多种网络协议,包括Telnet、SSH(Secure Shell)以及Serial等。这款软件因其免费、开源且易用的特性,在IT行业内广受欢迎,是连接Linux...
这个“”压缩包包含的主要文件是“putty.exe”,这是PuTTY的可执行程序,用于启动SSH远程会话。 **SSH协议:** SSH是一种网络协议,用于加密网络通信,确保数据传输的安全性。它主要用于远程登录、命令行...
PUTTY.EXE是PuTTY的主应用程序,它允许用户输入服务器地址、端口号,然后进行telnet或SSH登录。PuTTY支持多种网络协议,包括SSH1、SSH2、telnet、rlogin和串行协议,确保了对不同类型的远程访问的兼容性。 PUTTY....
标题中的“使用public/private key让putty(ssh)自动登录”指的是通过SSH(Secure Shell)协议,使用公钥/私钥对实现Putty的无密码自动登录。这是一项提高远程服务器访问安全性和便利性的技术。 在SSH连接中,通常有...
标题中的“ssh客户端”表明我们讨论的是PuTTY的SSH客户端功能,它允许用户安全地与远程服务器进行交互。 PuTTY的SSH支持提供了一种加密的通信方式,确保数据在传输过程中不被窃取或篡改。SSH协议主要用于...
"putty.rar" 是一个包含Putty相关工具的压缩包,Putty是一个著名的开源软件,主要用于远程连接服务,如SSH(Secure Shell)、Telnet和FTP。Putty提供了多种实用程序,使得用户能够通过命令行界面安全地访问远程...
PuTTY是一个Telnet、SSH、rlogin、纯TCP以及串行接口连接软件。较早的版本仅支持Windows平台,在最近的版本中开始支持各类Unix平台,并打算移植至Mac OS X上。除了官方版本外,有许多第三方的团体或个人将PuTTY移植...
putty.exe windows系统远程执行linux脚本 1、下载putty.exe 2、将putty.exe 放在C:\Windows\System32\中 3、以上完成了putty.exe的安装 4、接下来就可以执行 5、cmd命令提示符 6、输入putty.exe -pw 密码**** -m .\...
2.putty.gid s生成方法 3.共有6个文件缺失,文件及文件目录如下 loadrunner11\lrunner\MSI\AppServer\webapps\site.war\images\gui\treeicons\mono\RecycleBinEmpty.gif.tmp loadrunner11\lrunner\MSI\AppServer\...
这个“putty.rar-putty.exe”文件是一个包含PuTTY主应用程序的压缩包,允许用户通过安全连接访问远程服务器。 PuTTY的核心功能包括: 1. SSH连接:PuTTY支持SSH1和SSH2协议,提供加密的数据传输,确保用户与远程...
标题中的“putty.rar”指的是PuTTY的压缩包文件,可能包含了PuTTY的可执行程序和其他相关文件。在描述中提到的“putty.rar非常好用的”,这表明PuTTY因其易用性和实用性而受到用户的高度评价。 PuTTY的主要功能包括...
PuTTY的安装文件"SSH和远程登录客户端工具PuTTY.msi"是一个Windows Installer包,用户可以通过双击该文件来安装PuTTY。安装过程简单直观,完成后即可在桌面或开始菜单找到PuTTY的快捷方式,启动并开始使用这个强大的...
PuTTY.exe是一款经典的开源软件,主要用于Windows用户远程登录Linux服务器,它支持SSH(Secure Shell)协议,确保了数据传输的安全性。PuTTY以其轻量级、免费和易用的特性,成为了许多系统管理员和开发者的首选工具...