IBM® Support Assistant
这是一款免费的桌面应用程序,可简化 IBM 软件的故障诊断工作,或实现解决软件问题时涉及的手动任务的自动化。包含下面一系列的Add-ons.
IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java (TMDA)
Used to analyze .javacore file, used to replace “[Tech Preview] ThreadAnalyzer
During the run time of a Java™ process,
some Java Virtual Machiness (JVMs) may not respond predictably and oftentimes
seem to hang up for a long time or until JVM shutdown occurs. It is not easy to
determine the root cause of these sorts of problems. TMDA is a tech preview and
is available in English only.
By triggering a javacore when a Java
process does not respond, it is possible to collect diagnostic information
related to the JVM and a Java application captured at a particular point during
execution. For example, the information can be about the operating system, the
application environment, threads, native stack, locks, and memory. The exact
contents are dependent on the platform on which the application is running.
On some platforms, and in some cases,
javacore is known as "javadump." The code that creates javacore is
part of the JVM. One can control it by using environment variables and run-time
switches. By default, a javacore occurs when the JVM terminates unexpectedly. A
javacore can also be triggered by sending specific signals to the JVM. Although
javacore or javadump is present in Sun Solaris JVMs, much of the content of the
javacore is added by IBM and, therefore, is present only in IBM JVMs.
IBM Pattern Modeling and Analysis Tool for Java
Garbage Collector (PMAT)
Used to analyze GC problem, the GC
information is stored in file native_stderr.log
When a JVM cannot allocate an object from
the current heap because of lack of space, a memory allocation fault occurs,
and the Garbage Collector is invoked. The first task of the Garbage Collector
is to collect all the garbage that is in the heap. This process starts when any
thread calls the Garbage Collector either indirectly as a result of an
allocation failure, or directly by a specific call to System.gc(). The first
step is to get all the locks that the garbage collection process needs. This
step ensures that other threads are not suspended while they are holding
critical locks. All the other threads are then suspended. Garbage collection
can then begin. It occurs in three phases: Mark, Sweep, and Compaction
This tool includes these features:
GC analysis
GC table view
Allocation failure summary
GC usage summary
GC duration summary
GC graph view
GC pattern analysis
Zoom in/out/selection/center of
chart view
Option of changing chart color
IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Memory
Analyzer (MAT)
Used to analyze heapdump file. For example .phd file.
This tool can analyze dumps with hundreds
of millions of objects, quickly calculate the retained sizes of objects, see
what is preventing the Garbage Collector from collecting objects, run a report
to automatically extract leak suspects and more.
IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence 是一套全面的企业级商业智能(BI)解决方案,它提供了从数据提取、转换、加载(ETL)到数据分析、报告、仪表盘和协作的一站式服务。IBM Cognos 8 Go! Office 则是这个平台的一...
Visual Modeling with IBM® Rational® Software Architect and UML
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### IBM之Java性能诊断工具初探—IBM Support Assistant的使用 #### 一、引言 随着信息技术的飞速发展,企业级应用系统变得越来越复杂,性能优化成为了保证系统高效稳定运行的关键因素之一。Java作为跨平台的语言...
### IBM® Rational® Software Architect 安装说明:深入解析与操作指南 #### 一、IBM Rational Software Architect概览 IBM Rational Software Architect(简称RSA)是一款先进的建模工具,旨在帮助软件开发团队...
IBM® PowerLinux 是IBM公司针对Linux环境推出的服务器硬件平台,旨在优化Linux操作系统的运行性能。本指南名为《IBM® PowerLinux Implementation and Tuning Guide》,是关于在PowerLinux平台上实现开源基础设施...
IBM® HeapAnalyzer是一款由IBM公司开发的专业内存分析工具,它主要针对Java应用程序,用于诊断和解决内存泄露问题。HeapAnalyzer通过深入分析Java堆内存的使用情况,帮助开发者找到那些占用内存过大的对象,从而...
### IBM® Cognos® 8 Business Viewpoint Studio 用户指南 关键知识点 #### 一、产品概述与版权信息 - **IBM® Cognos® 8 Business Viewpoint Studio** 是一款帮助企业管理和维护业务维度的软件工具,适用于企业...
IBM® HeapAnalyzer 是一款强大的Java内存溢出分析工具,专门用于处理heapdump文件,帮助开发者诊断和解决应用程序中的内存管理问题。HeapAnalyzer通过深入解析heapdump,能够展示内存分配的详细情况,找出内存泄漏...
**IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence PowerPlay 快速启动安装与配置指南** IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence (BI) 是一个企业级的商业智能平台,它为企业提供了全面的数据分析、报告、仪表板和查询功能。...
**IBM Cognos 8 Go! Dashboard 用户指南** IBM Cognos 8 Go! Dashboard 是一个强大的企业级商业智能工具,旨在提供实时的、交互式的仪表板视图,帮助用户快速理解和分析业务数据。该指南将详细介绍如何有效地利用...
### IBM® Cognos® 8 Business Intelligence QUERY STUDIO 用户指南 #### 一、概述 IBM® Cognos® 8 Business Intelligence Query Studio 是一款专为简化数据分析与报告制作流程而设计的工具。该工具主要面向...
This book offers a customer-focused perspective on building messaging solutions based on JMS and the leading messaging provider, IBM WebSphere Application Server. The author, Kareem Yusuf, uses his ...
### IBM® Cognos® 8 Business Intelligence ANALYSIS STUDIO 关键知识点解析 #### 一、概述 IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence Analysis Studio 是一款强大的商业智能工具,旨在帮助企业用户进行深入的数据...
IBM® Cognos® 8 Business Viewpoint 是一个强大的商业智能工具,专为与Microsoft Excel集成而设计,旨在提供一种直观的方式来分析、理解和共享复杂的业务数据。Business Viewpoint for Microsoft Excel用户指南是...
IBM Cognos 8 Business Viewpoint 是IBM提供的一款强大的商业智能工具,主要目的是帮助企业用户创建、管理和分享业务视角。Business Viewpoint Studio是该工具的一部分,它是一个设计环境,让用户能够构建自定义的...
**IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence POWERPLAY STUDIO 用户指南** IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence(BI)是一款全面的企业级商业智能解决方案,旨在帮助企业分析、理解和报告其关键业务数据。POWERPLAY ...