ADF Lifecycle has 9 phases as follows:
1: Initialize Context: In this phase value of associated request, binding container and lifecycle are set.
2: Prepare Model: In this phase model is prepared and initialized. In this phase page parameters are set and methods in the executable section of the page definition of the ADF page are executed.
3: Apply Input Values: This phase handles the request parameters. These may come by adding the request parameters in the URL or as a result of HTML form post action. A list of events is build using these request parameters. These are actually mapped to the bindings in the pageDef. This phase resolves the list of request parameters bind to attributes in the page def. This results into a list of updatedValues which is used in Update Model phase.
4: Validate Input Values: This phase validates the list of values built in the Apply input values field with model.
5: Update Model: After validation of input values data model is updated with the list of values created in apply input values phase.
6: Validate Model Updates: Updates in the previous phase are then validated by calling the associated lifecycle's binding container .
7: Process Component Updates: This phase handles any events in the list built during the apply input values phase. Named events as well as all the events tied to the databindings created in the pagdef are handled in this phase.
8: Metadata Commit: This phase commits the runtime metadata changes to the model. This phase is always executed before prepare render phase.
9: Prepare Render: This is the final phase where page is sent for rendering. prepareRender event is sent to all the registered listeners. This notification signals bindings to prepare or process the data for rendering. Binding container is also refreshed. This helps in updating any changes that happened during validation phases.
The Crystal Structures of the [xi]1 and [xi]2 Phases in the Al-Cu System Poster The Crystal Structures of the ξ1 and ξ2 Phases in the Al-Cu System L. D. Gulaya,b, B. Harbrechta,* aDepartment of ...
在诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)的作品《On Phases》中,他深入探讨了语言学领域中的核心议题,特别是从所谓的“极简主义程序”(Minimalist Program,简称MP)的角度出发。这篇文章是乔姆斯基对语言研究传统关注...
and phases in extremely noisy environments (see Figure 1). They employ a homodyne detection scheme and low-pass filtering to measure a signal’s amplitude and phase relative to a periodic reference...
题目“Observation of diffraction phases in matter-wave scattering”揭示了研究者们观察到物质波在散射过程中衍射相位的现象。该研究论文详细介绍了在超冷原子气体通过驻波脉冲散射时,通过Dyson展开系列研究不同...
在 Maven 的世界里,生命周期(Lifecycle)是构建过程的核心概念,它定义了一系列的阶段(Phases),每个阶段包含了若干个目标(Goals)。这些目标执行特定的任务,如编译、测试、打包、部署等,共同构成了 Maven ...
Phases are represented by callback methods, A set of predefined phases and corresponding callbacks are provided in uvm_component. The Method can be either a function or task. Any class deriving ...
have provided basic insights into the structure and bulk properties of condensed phases of matter, including low-temperature states (e.g., molecular and colloidal liquids, crystals, and glasses), ...
标题“Enumerating Running Processes in Win95 and WinNT (107KB)”涉及的是在Windows 95和Windows NT操作系统中枚举(列举)正在运行的进程的技术。这是一个早期的操作系统版本,当时对进程管理的API接口可能不如...
**STOMP**(Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases)是一款由美国西北太平洋国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PNNL)开发的专业地下水多相流模拟软件。该软件主要用于研究地下环境中水、...
STOMP(Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases)是由美国能源部资助,太平洋西北国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)开发的一款科学工具,用于解决复杂的地下水问题。 ### 核心知识点: ###...
Since the data extraction takes time, it is common to execute the three phases in parallel. While the data is being extracted, another transformation process executes while processing the data already...
This interface is based on a series of predefined phases in a lifecycle (e.g., compile, test, package). Developers interact with Maven using commands that correspond to these phases, such as `mvn ...
Cationic Channels with Partial Anion Occupation in the Zintl Phases Ba2Mg12Ge7.33 and Ba6Mg17.4Li2.6Ge12O0.64 Cationic Channels with Partial Anion Occupation in the Zintl Phases Ba2Mg12Ge7.33 and Ba...
洛施密特回波(Loschmidt echo)在 Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick 模型两相中的不同衰减行为,王评,王骞,在 Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick (LMG) 模型的量子相变点附近导出了在对称相与破缺相都适用的 Loschmidt echo (LE) 的一个...
phases of road safety management cycle. The regression equations produced by NN can identify unsafe road segments, estimate how much safety has changed following a change in design, and quantify the ...
A unique feature of the book is a well designed compiler implementation project in Java, including front-end and 'high-tech' back-end phases, so that students can build a complete working compiler in...
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:phases-0.3.2.tar.gz 资源来源:官方 安装方法:
以下是对"Proposal Management Sub-phases.ppt"文件内容的详细解释: 1. **投标投资审批**:在进入提案流程的初期,企业需要对投标机会进行评估。这包括分析投资回报率、风险和资源需求,以确定是否值得投入时间和...