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Why learn an artificial language?

This language of frst-order logic is very important. Like Latin, the language is not spoken, but unlike Latin, it is used every day by mathematicians, philosophers, computer scientists, linguists, and practitioners of artificial intelligence. Indeed, in some ways it is the universal language, the lingua franca,of the symbolic sciences. Although it is not so frequently used in other forms of rational inquiry, like medicine and fnance, it is also a valuable tool for understanding the principles of rationality underlying these disciplines as well.

一阶逻辑语言是非常重要的。它像拉丁语一样不是用来口头交流的;它不像拉丁语在于它被数学家、哲学家、计算机科学家、语言学家和人工智能的实践者每天使用着。事实上,从某些方面上看,一阶逻辑语言是符号科学的一种通用语言。尽管一阶逻辑不常作为一种理性质询(rational inquiry)工具用于很多学科(像医学、经济学),但一阶逻辑对于理解这些学科的原理及知识应是一个很有价值的工具。

The language goes by various names: the lower predicate calculus, the functional calculus, the language of first-order logic, and fol.The last of these is pronounced ef-oh-el,not fall,and is the name we will use.


Certain elements of fol go back to Aristotle, but the language as we know it today has emerged over the past hundred years. The names chiefly associated with its development are those of Gottlob Frege, Giuseppe Peano, and Charles Sanders Peirce. In the late nineteenth century, these three logicians independently came up with the most important elements of the language, known as the quantifers. Since then, there has been a process of standardization and simplifcation, resulting in the language in its present form. Even so, there remain certain dialects of fol,differing mainly in the choice of the particular symbols used to express the basic notions of the language. We will use the dialect most common in mathematics, though we will also tell you about several other dialects along the way.


Fol is used in different ways in different fields. In mathematics, it is used in an informal way quite extensively. The various connectives and quantifers find their way into a great deal of mathematical discourse, both formal and informal, as in a classroom setting. Here you will often find elements of fol interspersed with English or the mathematician’s native language. If you've ever taken calculus you have probably seen such formulas as: ∀∈> 0 ∃δ> 0 ... Here, the unusual, rotated letters are taken directly from the language fol.


logic and philosophy

In philosophy, fol and enrichments of it are used in two different ways. As in mathematics, the notation of fol is used when absolute clarity, rigor, and lack of ambiguity are essential. But it is also used as a case study of making informal notions (like grammaticality, meaning, truth, and proof) precise and rigorous. The applications in linguistics stem from this use, since linguistics is concerned, in large part, with understanding some of these same informal notions.


logic and artificial intelligence

In artificial intelligence, fol is also used in two ways. Some researchers take advantage of the simple structure of fol sentences to use it as a way to encode knowledge to be stored and used by a computer. Thinking is modeled by manipulations involving sentences of fol.The other use is as a precise specification language for stating axioms and proving results about artificial agents.


logic and computer science

In computer science, fol has had an even more profound influence. The very idea of an artificial language that is precise yet rich enough to program computers was inspired by this language. In addition, all extant programming languages borrow some notions from one or another dialect of fol.Finally, there are so-called logic programming languages, like Prolog, whose programs are sequences of sentences in a certain dialect of fol. We will discuss the logical basis of Prolog a bit in Part III of this book.


artificial languages

Fol serves as the prototypical example of what is known as an artificial language. These are languages that were designed for special purposes, and are contrasted with so-called natural languages, languages like English and Greek that people actually speak. The design of artificial languages within the symbolic sciences is an important activity, one that is based on the success of fol and its descendants.


Even if you are not going to pursue logic or any of the symbolic sciences, the study of fol can be of real benefit. That is why it is so widely taught. For one thing, learning fol is an easy way to demystify a lot of formal work. It will also teach you a great deal about your own language, and the laws of logic it supports. First, fol,while very simple, incorporates in a clean way some of the logic and ordinary language important features of human languages. This helps make these features much more transparent. Chief among these is the relationship between language and the world.

尽管你以后不从事逻辑或任何的符号科学工作,研究一下FOL仍然是很有益处的。从FOL在广泛地被讲授就可以看出这一点。一方面,学习FOL是揭秘大量形式活动原理(KEMIN:formal work可能是指我们日常常用到的画图、用符号等非自然语言表达的活动?)的一种简单方法。另一方面,学习FOL能教你更多的有关的母语的知识,包括它的逻辑规律。第一,FOL混合了人类语言的一些逻辑和初始语言的重要特征。这样有助于这些特性更具透明性(KEMIN:什么特性?请补充!)。其中最主要的就是语言与世界之间的关系。

But, second, as you learn to translate English sentences into fol you will also gain an appreciation of the great subtlety that resides in English, subtlety that cannot be captured in fol or similar languages, at least not yet. Finally, you will gain an awareness of the enormous ambiguity present in almost every English sentence, ambiguity which somehow does not prevent us from understanding each other in most situations







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    然后,课程转向了一阶逻辑的基础概念,揭示了其核心构成元素——字符表、项、合式谓词公式等,这些元素共同构成了逻辑表达和推理的骨架。 字符表是理解一阶逻辑的起始点。它包括了常元、变元、函数符号、谓词符号等...


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    本教程主要探讨的是离散数学中的一个重要分支——一阶逻辑,也称为谓词逻辑。这一逻辑系统扩展了命题逻辑的能力,允许我们更深入地分析命题的内部结构和组件,以及命题之间的关系。 在命题逻辑中,命题被视为不可再...







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    通过归结,可以对一阶逻辑中的任何恒真公式进行判定,即在有限步骤内确定其真假性。这种技术为自动推理和数学定理证明提供了基础,它被广泛应用于语义网络、框架表示和产生式规则系统中。 首先,我们讨论命题逻辑。...



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