ExtractionError: Can't extract file(s) to egg cache
The following error occurred while trying to extract file(s) to the Python egg
[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/root/.python-eggs'
The Python egg cache directory is currently set to:
Perhaps your account does not have write access to this directory? You can
change the cache directory by setting the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment
variable to point to an accessible directory.
在conf文件中添加:"SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /tmp"
在Python编程中,`LookupError: Couldn't find path to unrar library` 是一个常见的错误,通常出现在尝试使用某个模块或库解压RAR文件时。这个错误提示表明系统无法找到用于处理RAR格式的必要库,例如unrar库。下面...
在C++ Builder XE10中,`ExtractFile`函数是一个非常实用的工具,用于从压缩文件中提取特定的文件。这个函数主要适用于处理ZIP格式的压缩文件,它可以帮助开发者在程序运行时动态地解压文件,从而实现数据的加载或...
当运行Scrapy爬虫项目时,如果出现“ERROR: Spider error processing”错误提示,则意味着在处理某个页面的过程中发生了异常,导致爬虫无法正常提取所需数据。 **原因分析:** 1. **请求头设置不当**:某些网站为了...
2. configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL’s 解决方法: yum install openssl-devel 此错误是由于缺少 openssl-devel 库文件所引起的。openssl-devel 库文件是 PHP 编译所需的依赖项,可以使用 yum 命令来安装。...
在Python编程中,`error: unrecognized arguments: True` 错误通常出现在命令行解析时,当你尝试传递一个未被脚本预期的参数时。这个错误表明你可能在调用Python脚本时,传入了一个程序无法识别的参数,例如在这个...
安装要安装此软件包,只需运行$ npm install extract-file-icon快速开始下面的示例显示如何获取当前焦点窗口的标题并将其隐藏。 const fileIcon = require ( "extract-file-icon" ) ;const icon = fileIcon ( 'path'...
利用cadence 的 extracta.exe 提取 brd/sip/mcm 通用cmd文件
With it you can open your zip-file as well as over 300 other file formats (like video, music, images, pdf etc.) It’s a handy tool to keep around. After extracting your zip-file, place the ...
### ARCGIS中Extract by mask使用详解 #### 一、工具简介 在ArcGIS软件中,**Extract by Mask**是一个非常实用且强大的空间分析工具,主要用于根据特定的面数据(通常称为“掩膜”或“mask”)来提取指定区域内感...
Download the attached file and extract it to the folder C:\Keil_v5\UV4. If you have installed PK51 to a different folder, you need to adapt the path accordingly. The file UV4.exe is replaced with ...
`ZipArchive` 类提供了许多有用的方法,如 `open()` 用于打开ZIP文件,`extractTo()` 用于解压缩,`addFile()` 添加文件到ZIP,以及 `close()` 关闭并保存ZIP文件。通过这些方法,你可以轻松地进行文件的压缩和解...
It can extract LIB/DLL/EXE WINDOWS Application file, It export and import function , and file struct. It is good tool(source code) to develop S/W.
g++编译错误error: extra qualification ‘SQSBase::’ on member ‘parseResponse’等类似的错误. 错误的 错误写法: 1.在类的定义(或者头文件定义)中写了void SQSBase::parseResponse(); 在类实现中写了 void ...
"MultiTerm Extract7.1.0.361 license" 这个标题和描述提及的是Trados Studio中一个重要的组件——MultiTerm Extract的特定版本7.1.0.361的许可证信息。MultiTerm Extract是专业翻译软件Trados Studio的一个功能模块...
To extract all email addresses from a file in UiPath, use the Read Text File activity to read the file content, then use the Matches act…
uses file to extract data and takes input of code. searches for the item in file. basic file readin and search文件读写查询
Still using libevent 1.4.4 because I can't be bothered trying to fix that library too. It would be nice if the memcached dev team included many of these fixes into the main codebase since they ...
标题中的“sacd_extract-gui”是一个针对 SACD(Super Audio CD)提取工具“sacd_extract”的图形用户界面(GUI)版本。SACD是一种高保真音频格式,提供了比传统CD更高的音质。"sacd_extract"是用于将SACD光盘的内容...
- 使用`extract()`函数,如`extract($_POST)`和`extract($_GET)`来批量导入POST和GET数据。确保在使用`extract($_SESSION)`前启动了`session_start()`。 - 或者,更安全的方法是逐个获取变量,例如`$a = $_POST['a...