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Advanced CORBA(R) Programming with C++


Advanced CORBA(R) Programming with C++

Title: Advanced CORBA(R) Programming with C++
Author: Michi Henning, Steve Vinoski


Written for the experienced C++ developer facing real-world CORBA for the first time, Advanced CORBA Programming with C++ is a useful guide to today's most popular standard for distributed computing.

After a quick tour of CORBA basics, the authors jump right in with a minimum skeleton application written in C++. From there, they provide truly extensive coverage of CORBA IDL, along with many tips for using IDL data types in C++. (They cover advanced features such as any, TypeCode, and DynAny later in the book.).

Next the book unveils its sample application--a distributed climate control system. Material on the Portable Object Adapter and the Object Life Cycle, including garbage collection strategies, rounds out this section. Additional chapters examine the details of Object Request Brokers (ORBs), including Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP), repositories, and binding. The authors also present CORBA's built-in APIs for Naming, Trading, and Event Services (including asynchronous event handling), which is most useful as reference material.

Final sections examine strategies for better scalability, including multithreading and optimizing network traffic for CORBA objects. The authors provide numerous short excerpts of C++ code, though it must be said that much of this book is reference material rather than a hands-on programming tutorial. --Richard Dragan Here is the CORBA book that every C++ software engineer has been waiting for. Advanced CORBA(r) Programming with C++ provides designers and developers with the tools required to understand CORBA technology at the architectural, design, and source code levels. This book offers hands-on explanations for building efficient applications, as well as lucid examples that provide practical advice on avoiding costly mistakes. With this book as a guide, programmers will find the support they need to successfully undertake industrial-strength CORBA development projects.

The content is systematically arranged and presented so the book may be used as both a tutorial and a reference. The rich example programs in this definitive text show CORBA developers how to write clearer code that is more maintainable, portable, and efficient. The authors' detailed coverage of the IDL-to-C++ mapping moves beyond the mechanics of the APIs to discuss topics such as potential pitfalls and efficiency. An in-depth presentation of the new Portable Object Adapter (POA) explains how to take advantage of its numerous features to create scalable and high-performance servers. In addition, detailed discussion of advanced topics, such as garbage collection and multithreading, provides developers with the knowledge they need to write commercial applications.

Other highlights

In-depth coverage of IDL, including common idioms and design trade-offs
Complete and detailed explanations of the Life Cycle, Naming, Trading, and Event Services
Discussion of IIOP and implementation repositories
Insight into the dynamic aspects of CORBA, such as dynamic typing and the new DynAny interfaces
Advice on selecting appropriate application architectures and designs
Detailed, portable, and vendor-independent source code

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