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The softwares are used in Flex developing


The softwares are used in Flex developing


解决安装 Adobe Flash Player ActiveX 控件失败的方法
1、下载安装微软subinacl.msi (不知道是什么,安装后有人说有Windows Resource Kits)(我的没有)




解压缩后,将 reset_minimal 复制到 C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\ 目录下(我是复制到subinacl.msi的安装目录下),执行 reset_minimal,约需要 2-5 分钟时间,执行时不要使用电脑,执行完毕后提示“按任意键退出”。

3、下载 Flash Player 卸载器,执行卸载操作(一定要先卸载不然一样不能安装)



4. 根据需要选择安装degger 版本(我用Flex Bulider 3 我用flashplayer_9_ax_debug.rar)




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    It is a must for the bussiness softwares <END><br>61,Shcmb201.zip ShComboBox shows folders and files in the Shell's Namespace in a cascaded order, exactly like the ComboBox in Windows Explorer....

    图片批量处理的好东西 riot

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    the most number of softwares, also the newest sharing, downloading and publishing center for free software editions. ================================================================ 华军软件商城...


    I am just a senior student so if there are some mistakes in the software, don't laugh at me, hehe:-) BTW, I am not sure whether there is bug in the software or not, So don't use it in important cases....


    the most number of softwares, also the newest sharing, downloading and publishing center for free software editions. ================================================================ 华军软件商城...



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