❑Linux Kernel Core services (including hardware drivers, process and memory management,
security, network, and power management) are handled by a Linux 2.6 kernel. The kernel also
provides an abstraction layer between the hardware and the remainder of the stack.
❑ Libraries Running on top of the kernel, Android includes various C/C++ core libraries such
as libc and SSL, as well as:
❑ A media library for playback of audio and video media
❑ A Surface manager to provide display management
❑ Graphics libraries that include SGL and OpenGL for 2D and 3D graphics
❑ SQLite for native database support
❑ SSL and WebKit for integrated web browser and Internet security
❑ Android Run Time What makes an Android phone an Android phone rather than a mobile
Linux implementation is the Android run time. Including the core libraries and the Dalvik virtual
machine, the Android run time is the engine that powers your applications and, along with
the libraries, forms the basis for the application framework.
❑ Core Libraries While Android development is done in Java, Dalvik is not a Java VM.
The core Android libraries provide most of the functionality available in the core Java
libraries as well as the Android-specifi c libraries.
❑ Dalvik Virtual Machine Dalvik is a register-based virtual machine that’s been optimized
to ensure that a device can run multiple instances effi ciently. It relies on the
Linux kernel for threading and low-level memory management.
❑ Application Framework The application framework provides the classes used to create
Android applications. It also provides a generic abstraction for hardware access and manages
the user interface and application resources.
❑ Application Layer All applications, both native and third party, are built on the application
layer using the same API libraries. The application layer runs within the Android run time
using the classes and services made available from the application framework.
SHT 3567-2018 石油化工工程高处作业技术规范
在这个案例中,我们将探讨如何使用SurfaceView来创建一个小球从高处落下并弹起的动画效果。 首先,了解SurfaceView的基本概念至关重要。SurfaceView在屏幕上创建一个窗口,它的渲染区域独立于应用程序的主线程,...
看到的一个matlab编的小球从高处落下不停碰撞的运动 感觉很好玩 大家可以看看
精品资料系列2021-正版 JGJ 80-2016 建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范.pdf
【标题】"参考资料-高处作业吊篮检查评分表.zip" 涉及的主要知识点是建筑施工中的高处作业安全管理和吊篮检查。在建筑行业中,高处作业吊篮是常用的一种工具,用于工人在高层建筑或复杂结构上进行施工。这种设备的...
【建筑施工组织2021-高处作业吊篮-实用.doc】文件涉及的是建筑行业中高处作业吊篮的相关知识,适用于施工人员的培训和实际操作。以下是详细的知识点解析: 1. **力的基本概念**:力学是理解建筑机械运作的基础。...
根据提供的信息,我们可以详细解析高处作业的相关知识点,主要包括以下几个方面: ### 一、何为高处作业 高处作业是指在距坠落高度基准面2米或2米以上有可能发生坠落的地方进行的工作。这里的“坠落高度基准面”指...
【幼儿园中班健康教学说课稿 - 从高处往下跳】 这是一份针对幼儿园中班的健康教学设计,旨在教授孩子们如何安全地从高处往下跳,同时培养他们的运动能力和自我保护意识。课程设计遵循《幼儿园教育指导纲要》的要求...
在“电子政务-变电站高处作业装置.zip”这个压缩包中,重点是关于变电站高处作业的安全与管理,这涉及到电力行业的特殊工作环境和安全规范。 变电站高处作业装置是指在变电站内进行高空作业时所使用的设备和设施,...
这项细则依据国家相关标准,结合施工实际情况,从多个维度为高处作业提供了安全管理的操作指南,目的是将施工过程中的风险降到最低,保障工程的顺利进行和人员的安全。 首先,安全技术措施的制定是高处作业安全管理...