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Open Compute Project of FaceBook



chassis 底盘 基座
accommodate 给提供容纳,使适应
overall 综合,总体上
vanity free =free from vanity 不受虚荣心的影响
sharp 灵敏,锋利的

screw 螺丝钉
snap 突然迅速,严厉 打断, 快照

mounting增长 holes中断
rails 栏杆 安装 slide 滑动,幻灯片
drive bay 驱动器托架 bay 海湾
dual 双的,二重的
a dual AMD Opteron® 6100
slots 插槽

optimize 优化
optimized 使最优化的

barebone 准系统
capital 首都 资产 资源

converter转换器 voltage 电压

parallel 并行的,相似的


Below you will find technical specifications and CAD drawings (DXF and SolidWorks parts/assemblies) for the Open Compute Project server components. To view the CAD files, you will need to unzip them, and use the free eDrawings viewer for OS X or Windows.

Image of chassis


The Open Compute Project chassis is designed to accommodate the other components in a server, including the custom motherboard and power supply. Overall it is vanity free, has no sharp corners and is designed for easy servicing.

It is completely screw-less, uses quick release components such that the motherboard snaps into place with a series of mounting holes, and the hard drives use snap-in rails to slide into the drive bay.

Image of AMD motherboard

AMD Motherboard

The AMD motherboard is a dual AMD Opteron® 6100 Series socket motherboard with 24 DIMM slots.

It is a power-optimized, barebones motherboard designed to provide the lowest capital and operating costs. Many features found in traditional motherboards have been removed from the design.

Image of Intel motherboard

Intel Motherboard

The Intel motherboard is a dual Intel Xeon® 5500 or Intel Xeon® 5600 socket motherboard with 18 DIMM slots.

Like the AMD board, it is a power-optimized, barebones motherboard designed to provide the lowest capital and operating costs. Many features found in traditional motherboards have been removed from the design.

Image of power supply

Power Supply

The Open Compute Project 450W power supply is an AC/DC power converter, single voltage 12.5VDC, closed frame, self-cooled power supply used in high-efficiency applications. The power converter includes independent AC input and DC output connectors, plus a DC input connector for backup voltage. Current sharing and parallel operations are not required, while the main focus is a design with very high electrical efficiency.



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