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在网上搜到的一份资料,觉得很有参考意义,和大家分享一下。这个 In this paper 我们经常用到,但原来其实多数都是用错了的,应该用 In this study 来表述。简要地说,In this paper 是表明论文阐述了什么观点,而 In this study 则是表述在研究中做了什么工作、获得什么成果。所以多数情况下是用 In this study 的,以后写论文要注意了。



    Zero Duality Gap in Optimal Power Flow Problem

    In this paper,we propose a semidefinite programming (SDP) optimization, which is the dual of an equivalent form of the OPF problem. A global optimum solution to the OPF problem can be retrieved from ...

    study of implicator-conjunctor-based and noise-tolerant fuzzy rough sets

    In this paper, we critically evaluate most relevant fuzzy rough set models proposed in the literature. To this end, we establish a formally correct and unified mathematical framework for them. Both ...

    Assessment of onshore wind energy potential in China

    The results of this study indicate that the six sites in North China, Northeast China, Central China, coastal regions in East China and Southeast China are in rich wind energy areas which are ...

    3D Visualization of Electromagnetic Environment

    this paper, we study the simulation technique for spatial distribution of electromagnetic field in three dimensional construction of modern city which is supported by GIS. The key technologies of the ...

    Modern Code Review- A Case Study at Google.pdf

    In this paper, we make an exploratory investigation of modern code review at Google. Google introduced code review early on and evolved it over the years; our study sheds light on why Google ...

    pv_boost.rar_High Voltage!_converter_matlab_matlab PV_paper

    This paper also proposes the study of open loop systems with elevated step-up conversion and step amplify in input voltage. An improved DC to DC boost converter is modeled and simulated using MATLAB....

    Analytic study on laminar electroosmotic flow in special-geometry microchannels under zero gravity

    Analytic study on laminar electroosmotic flow in special-geometry microchannels under zero gravity,孙志远,高以天,... In this paper the characteristics of EOF in microchannels with special-desi

    A Survey of Static Program Analysis Techniques

    特别是在抽象解释领域提供了很好的处理这种精度与可扩展性之间权衡的方法。 接下来,我们将深入探讨以下主题: - 数据流分析 - 抽象解释 - 符号分析 #### 数据流分析 数据流分析是一种静态分析技术,用于分析...

    How is logging implemented in OSS?

    Method: In this paper, we carried out an empirical study to explore the logging practice in open source software projects so as to establish a basic understanding on how logging practice is applied ...

    Secure architecture in embedded systems: an overview

    In this paper we propose first a brief overview of hardware and software attacks related to embedded systems and second a comprehensive study of existing solutions to protect programs and data ...

    Learning Rich Features from RGB-D Images for Object Detection and Segmentation

    In this paper we study the problem of object detection for RGB-D images using semantically rich image and depth features.We pro- pose a new geocentric embedding for depth images that encodes height ...

    Potentials of smart antennas in CDMA systems and uplink improvements

    In this paper, we study the multiple-access interference that affects a CDMA system, and we describe how smart antennas can be implemented in an IS-2000-based mobile communica- tions system. When ...


    In this paper, first we study virtualized trusted platform modules and integration of vTPM in hypervisor-based virtualization. Then we propose two architectural solutions for integrating the vTPM in ...


    This study is the further step of the earlier one in [3]. This paper is organized in the following way: firstly, the LTE/SAE overview and the simulation tool NS 2 are described; secondly, the network...

    ACCA MA 教材

    BPP Learning Media is an ACCA ...Examine your understanding in our practice question bank  Reference all the important topics in our full index BPP's Practice & Revision Kit also supports this paper.


    In this paper, we address these shortcomings by developing a paradigm for truly global filtering where each pixel is estimated from all pixels in the image. Our objectives in this paper are two-fold....

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