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为什么需要分布式? -
hi guy, this is used as develo ...
compile hadoop-2.5.x on OS X(macbook) -
compile hadoop-2.5.x on OS X(macbook) -
怎样运行这个脚本啊??大牛,我刚进入搜索引擎行业,希望你能不吝 ...
nutch 数据增量更新 -
also, there is a similar bug ...
2。hbase CRUD--Lease in hbase
refer to 0.20.6 version
1 ----- use hbase's built in-zookeeper instance as coordinator
2----- use zookeeper cluster as coordinator
within this intallition,i met with a puzzle to this,
here are the steps for installation:
1)configure the hbase cluster
a).as we use hdfs to save files generated by HMaster and HRegionServer(s),so we must reference the hdfs-site.xml from hadoop config dir.u can :
copy the hdfs-site.xml to conf dir of hbase, OR
make a link file from it:
cd conf-dir-of-hbase
ln -s hdfs-site.xml-of-haoop
*set the java home
*update: HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=false //not to use zookeeper managed by hbase
let it point to the hdfs url,for example:hdfs://url-to-hdfs:<port>/path-to-share-by-regionservses
:this url can NOT contains ip ,use domain is a must.
*hbase.zookeeper.quorum=zk-server-list-splited-by comma
*hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort=port-which-set-in-zoo.cfg(used to connect by client)
add HRegionServer host list to this by one per line
2)start the various clusters(
note the sequences
a)start hadoop cluster:start-all.sh.yes this is the same like pseudo mode,so u can NOT use start-dfs.sh instead of!
b)start the zookeeper cluster
zkServer.sh start
run this command in all nodes in turn.
c)start the hbase cluster.run this command in a node which the HMater will keep in:
then other region servers will be started up respectively.
this means that the sequence of start hbase cluster are:
hadoop -> zk -> hbase
and these are opposite from stopping it:
hbase -> zk -> hadoop
3) processes in nodes:
a) master:
8027 HMaster //hbase's master
2542 SecondaryNameNode
7920 QuorumPeerMain //zk process.
this is started outsite of hbase,it is not named with:HQuorumPeer
2611 JobTracker
2377 NameNode
b)region serves
3870 QuorumPeerMain
1156 TaskTracker
4019 HRegionServer //slave of hbase master
1026 DataNode
4) status in zk
a)nodes in zk tree
[safe-mode, root-region-server, rs, master, shutdown]
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 26] get /hbase/safe-mode //
value is empty
that is hbase has leave from safe mode.
cZxid = 115964117007
ctime = Wed May 18 23:03:03 CST 2011
mZxid = 115964117007
mtime = Wed May 18 23:03:03 CST 2011
pZxid = 115964117007
cversion = 0
dataVersion = 0
aclVersion = 0
ephemeralOwner = 0
dataLength = 0
numChildren = 0
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 17] get /hbase/root-region-server
i think this is "root" region considered by hbase as this is one of the RS(region servers)
*rs (another region server)
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 25] get /hbase/rs //value is empty
cZxid = 115964117001
ctime = Wed May 18 23:02:56 CST 2011
mZxid = 115964117001
mtime = Wed May 18 23:02:56 CST 2011
pZxid = 115964117005
cversion = 2
dataVersion = 0
aclVersion = 0
ephemeralOwner = 0
dataLength = 0
numChildren = 2
* master
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 21] get /hbase/master
this is the ip and port belong to the master,it is used to report by rs(region servers)
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 20] get /hbase/shutdown
1.the hbase use zk cluster to heartbeat(hbase itself have not this mechanism?),so zk must be started before the running of hbase cluster!
2.how to know to store data in hdfs?
as hbase is hdfs-based table,so it must know site-specific config before storing.so it use the hdfs-site.xml (replication from hadoop/conf) also.
actually,we have set the hbase.rootdir to point to hdfs file system,this is very import for a cluster hbase!
3.does hbase use cluster-mapreduce?
there is nothing mapred-related config in the xml,so i think it use local job runner to do the mapred job instea of JobTracker(that is cluster mapred mode)
BUT if you want to create a secondary index,hbase MAYBE start a job to do it,so it is needness to start MR in this case.
4.how to use zookeeper in hbase?
based on the proerties of ZK_MANAGER_ZOOKEEPER,hbase.zookeeper.quorum and hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort,hbase will learn to how to connect to zookeeper.for example,if the first param is set to true ,and hbase will proced to use quorum and clientPort to poll the followers(or leader) of zookeeper cluster to read or write files.
see also:hbase architecture
zookeeper-network partition
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hbase-region balancer
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downgrade hbase from 0.94.16 to 0.94.2
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2。hbase CRUD--Caching VS Batch
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5。hbase高级部分:compact/split/balance及其它维护原理-delete table
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2。hbase CRUD--Read(Scan) operations(server side)
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2。hbase CRUD--Read(query) operations
2013-08-15 16:41 866read Note: -Ge ...
<name>hbase.cluster.distributed <value>false ``` 6. **启动HBase**: 添加HBase的守护进程启动脚本到系统服务,然后启动HBase: ``` sudo cp $HBASE_HOME/contrib/init/hbase.init.sh /etc/init.d/...
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2. **列存储数据库**:这类数据库以列簇形式存储数据,代表产品包括Cassandra、HBase、Riak等。适合应用于分布式的文件系统。优点是查找速度快,易于分布式扩展,但功能相对有限。 3. **文档型数据库**:这类...
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