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An design pattern of queue in bank


这个学期的Course Work 选择了“银行排队模拟系统”这个题目, 用这学期新学的‘动词名词分析法’一想,感觉挺简单的。因为唯一一个核心的类---windows,在里边封装好处理客户的算法;再加上一个customer类,用ArrayList将其封装,按照固定顺序,传递给windows进行处理,整个程序就完成了;还有涵盖最大的类---bank,对windows类和ArrayList<Customer>进行封装。






public class windows extends Obervable
private isIdle;

public windows
isIdle = true;// default is open !

public void handleCustomer(Customer cus)
setIdle();//when handle a customer, the attribute 'isIdle' change from 'true' to 'false'
// code to handle a customer
setIdle();//when handle finished, the attribute 'isIdle' change from 'false' to 'true'

public void setIdle
if(isIdle == true)
isIdle = false;
if(isIdle == false)
isIdle = true;






public class band implements Observer
private windows[] win = new windows[n];

private ArrayList[Customer] queue = new ArrayList<Customer>();

public bank()
//some private method to initilize some parameter,like 'win' and 'queue'

private initWin();

private initQueue();

// the above private method is not very necessary to show,cause it's not attribute to illustrate the design pattern in this program, so do not show in this class.


public void update(Observable obs, Object arg)
//Because bank is an observer of windows, so in this method, 'obs' is a object of windows, arg is null, because the method notifyObservers() contains no parameter.

obs.handleCustomer(queue.offer());// assign the oldest customer in arraylist(cause the oldest means stand in the front of queue.)


   上面俩个类的代码,只能表示我本人对这个程序设计模式的思路,真正能运行的代码,在这里并不给出,因为真正做的时候,需要考虑到许多其他问题(比如,每一个窗口都需用一个独立的线程(thread),但由于我对线程的了解也并不多,所以在这里略去不说了,相信对线程了解多的大虾,可以轻松为此程序;此外,设计线程对于arraylist的操作,必须要同步synchronized,否则整个程序杂乱无章,根本达不到银行排队的效果,可能会出现多个窗口同时处理一个顾客的现实生活不可能发生的状况)。所以上述代码,仅仅是我的这个程序的design pattern(用到了Observable & Observer),和Logical path。











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