What began two years ago in the far northern country as an attempt to re-invent production updates has culminated into the today’s release of LiveRebel 1.0. Already managing a multitude of production environment it’s best described by the following tagline:
Java EE Hot Update Done Right. No downtime. No lost sessions. No OutOfMemoryErrors. Fully automated. Instant.
LiveRebel represents a quantum leap over all currently available technology for updating Java EE applications.
A fully scriptable server and web console that can manage single-node, clustered or cloud Java EE applications of any size on any container.
Versions each class and resource individually instead of reloading the whole application, avoiding the problems associated with container redeployment and rolling upgrades.
Roll out updates instantly and opaquely to the users. Code is updated in-place, preserving all existing state.
Uses an all-Java JVM plugin (-javaagent) on the nodes causing a 3-5% performance overhead.
In a recent survey, conducted by our CTO, Jevgeni Kabanov, only 27.4% of over 600 respondents were satisfied with the update process of Java EE applications. The rest cited multiple issues with container redeployment, lack of tooling and automation as well as lack of industry-standard processes. With the release of LiveRebel 1.0 we can finally offer a solution to this industry-wide problem.
To learn more about LiveRebel you can see the 5-minute screencast, read the overview or just download the free 90-day evaluation. LiveRebel 1.0 is an annual subscription that costs $200 per JVM instance in pre-production and $600 per JVM instance per year in a production environment. For mission critical operations, please contact sales at zeroturnaround dot com for a customized quote.
[聊天留言]流星雨祝福墙 v1.0_hope1.0.zip源码PHP项目源代码下载[聊天留言]流星雨祝福墙 v1.0_hope1.0.zip源码PHP项目源代码下载 1.适合个人搭建网站项目参考 2.适合学生毕业设计搭建网站参考 3.适合小公司搭建网站...
【流星雨祝福墙 v1.0_hope1.0.zip】这个压缩包文件名暗示了它可能是一款软件应用,可能是用于发送祝福或者创建互动聊天体验的程序。"流星雨"通常与愿望和祝福相关联,这可能是应用的主题,旨在为用户提供一个充满...
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careful, but I hope this didn't introduce new bugs! :-) + For some reason, the help file didn't have any single or double quotes in it. This has been corrected, so it is now easier to read. + The ...
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sorry =)- Minor changes to the code.1.0- Developed with WSockets 1.2 POP.Login now return a boolean depending id the user is authorized, and POP.Init return the number of new msgs.1.01- Fixed a bug ...
The idea for this book was born in 2001, with ASP.NET 1.0, from the desire to have a book that teaches how to create real-world web sites. The first edition was published in 2002, and fortunately it ...
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