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Windows D编程类封装初步学习并请教 -
Windows D编程类封装初步学习并请教
4.输入窗口模块module inputbox,从窗口输入中获得一个字符串和一个整数可以这样:
4.输入窗口模块module inputbox,从窗口输入中获得一个字符串和一个整数可以这样:
string input=inputBox.getString("用户自定义提示","用户自定义默认值"); int anInt=inputBox.getInt("","");
/* Generated by Entice Designer Entice Designer written by Christopher E. Miller www.dprogramming.com/entice.php */ import dfl.all; import dfl.internal.winapi; import std.string; import std.c.string; import std.conv; import std.stdio; import inputbox; import splashform; //extern(Windows) BOOL FindWindowEx class PasswordForm: dfl.form.Form { // Do not modify or move this block of variables. //~Entice Designer variables begin here. dfl.label.Label label1; dfl.textbox.TextBox textBox1; dfl.label.Label label2; dfl.textbox.TextBox textBox2; dfl.button.Button btnOK; dfl.button.Button btnCancel; dfl.button.Button btnGetInput; //~Entice Designer variables end here. this() { initializePasswordForm(); //@ Other PasswordForm initialization code here. } private void initializePasswordForm() { // Do not manually modify this function. //~Entice Designer code begins here. //~DFL Form formBorderStyle = dfl.all.FormBorderStyle.FIXED_SINGLE; startPosition = dfl.all.FormStartPosition.CENTER_SCREEN; text = "Password Form"; clientSize = dfl.all.Size(314, 188); //~DFL dfl.label.Label=label1 label1 = new dfl.label.Label(); label1.name = "label1"; label1.text = "用户名:"; label1.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(16, 48, 56, 16); label1.parent = this; //~DFL dfl.textbox.TextBox=textBox1 textBox1 = new dfl.textbox.TextBox(); textBox1.name = "textBox1"; textBox1.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(88, 40, 144, 24); textBox1.parent = this; //~DFL dfl.label.Label=label2 label2 = new dfl.label.Label(); label2.name = "label2"; label2.text = "密码:"; label2.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(16, 88, 64, 16); label2.parent = this; //~DFL dfl.textbox.TextBox=textBox2 textBox2 = new dfl.textbox.TextBox(); textBox2.name = "textBox2"; textBox2.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(88, 80, 144, 24); textBox2.parent = this; //~DFL dfl.button.Button=btnOK btnOK = new dfl.button.Button(); btnOK.name = "btnOK"; btnOK.text = "(&O)登陆"; btnOK.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(56, 120, 88, 24); btnOK.parent = this; //~DFL dfl.button.Button=btnCancel btnCancel = new dfl.button.Button(); btnCancel.name = "btnCancel"; btnCancel.text = "(&C)取消"; btnCancel.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(176, 120, 88, 24); btnCancel.parent = this; //~DFL dfl.button.Button=btnGetInput btnGetInput = new Button; btnGetInput.name = "btnGetInput"; btnGetInput.text = "..."; btnGetInput.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(248, 40, 40, 24); btnGetInput.parent = this; //~Entice Designer code ends here. this.acceptButton=btnOK; this.cancelButton=btnCancel; btnCancel.click~=&onCancel; btnOK.click~=&onOK; //textBox2.passwordChar='*'; this.centerToParent; auto menu=new MainMenu; this.menu=menu; auto currentMenu=new MenuItem("(&F)文件"); menu.menuItems.add(currentMenu); auto currentItem=new MenuItem("(&N)新建"); currentMenu.menuItems.add(currentItem); currentItem=new MenuItem("Recent"); currentMenu.menuItems.add(currentItem); currentMenu=currentItem; currentItem=new MenuItem("File"); currentMenu.menuItems.add(currentItem); currentItem=new MenuItem("Project"); currentMenu.menuItems.add(currentItem); currentMenu=cast(MenuItem)currentMenu.parent; currentItem=new MenuItem; currentItem.barBreak=true; currentMenu.menuItems.add(currentItem); currentItem=new MenuItem("E&xit"); currentMenu.menuItems.add(currentItem); currentItem=new MenuItem("Side Option"); currentItem.breakItem=true; currentItem.checked=true; currentMenu.menuItems.add(currentItem); btnGetInput.click~=&getInputClick; this.acceptButton=btnOK; this.cancelButton=btnCancel; } protected void getInputClick(Object sender,EventArgs e) { string text1Value=textBox1.text; string text2Value=textBox2.text; string income=inputBox.getString; textBox1.text=(income.length>0)?income:text1Value; int temp=inputBox.getInt; if(temp!=int.min) textBox2.text=to!string(temp); else textBox2.text=text2Value; } protected void onCancel(Object sender,EventArgs e) { close; } protected void onOK(Object sender,EventArgs e) { close; } } class GraphTest: Form { this() { text = "MemoryGraphics"; Panel panGraphic = new MemDrawer(2000,2000); panGraphic.backColor = Color(0,0,0); panGraphic.dock( DockStyle.FILL ); this.controls.add(panGraphic); } } class MemDrawer:Panel { private MemoryGraphics memGraph; this(int w,int h) { memGraph = new MemoryGraphics(w,h); ubyte r = 0 ; for (int i=0;i<w;i++) { r += 10; if (r>255) r=0; memGraph.drawLine(new Pen(Color(r,255,255)), i,0,i,h); } } protected override void onPaint(PaintEventArgs ea) { memGraph.copyTo(createGraphics,0,0,memGraph.width,memGraph.height); } } class MyForm : Form { Button btn; SimplePictureBox pb; this() { initializeMyForm(); } private void initializeMyForm() { text = "My Form"; clientSize = Size(292, 273); btn = new Button(); btn.parent(this); btn.text("Click ME"); btn.dock(DockStyle.TOP); btn.click ~= &btn_click; pb = new SimplePictureBox(); pb.parent(this); pb.sizeMode=PictureBoxSizeMode.STRETCH_IMAGE; pb.dock(DockStyle.FILL); } private void btn_click(Control sender, EventArgs ea) { HWND hWnd = FindWindowExA(cast(HWND)0, cast(HWND)0, null, toStringz("0")); //or 0 for desktop... //writefln("HWND = %d", hWnd); Graphics g = MemoryGraphics.fromHwnd(hWnd); MemoryGraphics mg = new MemoryGraphics(1280,1024); g.copyTo(mg, 0,0,1280,1024); Bitmap bmp = mg.toBitmap(mg); pb.image(bmp); } } int main() { int result = 0; try { Application.enableVisualStyles(); //@ Other application initialization code here. SplashForm splash=new SplashForm; Application.run(splash); Application.run(new PasswordForm); } catch(Exception o) { msgBox(o.toString(), "Fatal Error", MsgBoxButtons.OK, MsgBoxIcon.ERROR); result = 1; } return result; }
/* Generated by Entice Designer Entice Designer written by Christopher E. Miller www.dprogramming.com/entice.php */ import dfl.all; import std.string; import std.conv; class InputBox: dfl.form.Form { // Do not modify or move this block of variables. //~Entice Designer variables begin here. dfl.label.Label promptLabel; dfl.textbox.TextBox txtInput; dfl.button.Button btnOK; dfl.button.Button btnCancel; //~Entice Designer variables end here. private string value; int dlgResult; this() { initializeInputBox(); //@ Other InputBox initialization code here. } private void initializeInputBox() { // Do not manually modify this function. //~Entice Designer code begins here. //~DFL Form formBorderStyle = dfl.all.FormBorderStyle.FIXED_SINGLE; startPosition = dfl.all.FormStartPosition.CENTER_PARENT; text = "Input Box"; clientSize = dfl.all.Size(322, 164); //~DFL dfl.label.Label=promptLabel promptLabel = new dfl.label.Label(); promptLabel.name = "promptLabel"; promptLabel.font = new dfl.all.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 16f, cast(dfl.all.FontStyle)(dfl.all.FontStyle.BOLD | dfl.all.FontStyle.ITALIC)); promptLabel.foreColor = dfl.all.Color(0, 0, 255); promptLabel.text = "请输入一个整数:"; promptLabel.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(24, 16, 272, 32); promptLabel.parent = this; //~DFL dfl.textbox.TextBox=txtInput txtInput = new dfl.textbox.TextBox(); txtInput.name = "txtInput"; txtInput.text = "0"; txtInput.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(24, 64, 200, 24); txtInput.parent = this; //~DFL dfl.button.Button=btnOK btnOK = new dfl.button.Button(); btnOK.name = "btnOK"; btnOK.text = "(&O)确定"; btnOK.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(24, 120, 96, 24); btnOK.parent = this; //~DFL dfl.button.Button=btnCancel btnCancel = new dfl.button.Button(); btnCancel.name = "btnCancel"; btnCancel.text = "(&C)取消"; btnCancel.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(216, 120, 88, 24); btnCancel.parent = this; //~Entice Designer code ends here. this.acceptButton=btnOK; this.cancelButton=btnCancel; txtInput.focus; btnOK.click~=&okClick; btnCancel.click~=&cancelClick; } protected void okClick(Object sender,EventArgs e) { dlgResult=1; close; } protected void cancelClick(Object sender,EventArgs e) { dlgResult=0; close; } //actually method getInt is not so useful to somebody who thinks need to handle carefully with Cancel button //hit as the result is int.min other than 0 or -1 or the like. public int getInt(string defaultPrompt="Please enter an integer:",string defaultValue="-999") { promptLabel.text=defaultPrompt; txtInput.text=defaultValue; //if(this.showDialog()!= DialogResult.CANCEL) this.showDialog(); if(dlgResult==1) { value=txtInput.text; return to!int(value.length?value:"0"); } else if(dlgResult==0) { return int.min; } assert(0); } public string getString(string defaultPrompt="Please enter a string:", string defaultValue="string here") { promptLabel.text=defaultPrompt; txtInput.text=defaultValue; //Using DialogResult.CANCEL does not work on hit Cancel button first and try a second time later to hit OK. //if(this.showDialog()!= DialogResult.CANCEL) this.showDialog(); if(dlgResult==1) { value=txtInput.text; return value; } else if(dlgResult==0) { return null; } assert(0); } } public: static InputBox inputBox; static this() { inputBox=new InputBox; } static ~this() { if(inputBox !is null) inputBox.dispose; }
/* Generated by Entice Designer Entice Designer written by Christopher E. Miller www.dprogramming.com/entice.php */ import dfl.all; import dfl.internal.winapi; import std.c.string; import std.conv; import std.string; class SimplePictureBox: PictureBox { protected override void onPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs ea) { } protected override void createParams(ref CreateParams cp) { super.createParams(cp); //cp.exStyle |= WS_EX_TRANSPARENT; } } class SplashForm: dfl.form.Form { // Do not modify or move this block of variables. //~Entice Designer variables begin here. SimplePictureBox pictureBox1; //~Entice Designer variables end here. Timer timer; this() { initializeSplashForm(); //@ Other SplashForm initialization code here. startTimer; } protected void startTimer() { timer=new Timer; timer.interval=3000; timer.tick~=&ticks; timer.start; } protected void ticks(Timer sender,EventArgs e) { this.close; } private void initializeSplashForm() { // Do not manually modify this function. //~Entice Designer code begins here. //~DFL Form formBorderStyle = dfl.all.FormBorderStyle.NONE; startPosition = dfl.all.FormStartPosition.CENTER_PARENT; text = "Splash Form"; clientSize = dfl.all.Size(304, 192); //~DFL SimplePictureBox:dfl.picturebox.PictureBox=pictureBox1 pictureBox1 = new SimplePictureBox(); pictureBox1.name = "pictureBox1"; pictureBox1.dock = dfl.all.DockStyle.FILL; pictureBox1.bounds = dfl.all.Rect(0, 0, 304, 192); pictureBox1.parent = this; //~Entice Designer code ends here. pictureBox1.sizeMode=PictureBoxSizeMode.STRETCH_IMAGE; //this.onLoad~=&onLoad; } protected override void onLoad(EventArgs ea) { super.onLoad(ea); HWND hWnd = FindWindowExA(cast(HWND)0, cast(HWND)0, null, toStringz("0")); //or 0 for desktop... //writefln("HWND = %d", hWnd); Graphics g = MemoryGraphics.fromHwnd(hWnd); MemoryGraphics mg = new MemoryGraphics(1280,1024); g.copyTo(mg, 0,0,1280,1024); Bitmap bmp = mg.toBitmap(mg); pictureBox1.image(bmp); } }
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MS ODBC for DMD 2.053
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绝对韩顺平老师的讲解视频!教学文件打包太大,就一个一个的上传了! avi格式的,最好用KMPlayer来播放,下载地址:https://www.kmplayer.com/home 后续还上传,韩顺平老师教学的源代码!
在Android应用开发中,"闪屏页"(Splash Screen)和"退出提示"是常见的功能设计,对于提高用户体验和品牌形象有着重要作用。这份"Android 闪屏加退出提示应用"的毕业设计项目,提供了完整的源码,是学习Android编程...
2. **启动图片**:启动图片是动画闪屏的一种形式,通常是静态的图像,用于在应用程序准备就绪之前填充屏幕。在区分中英文环境的DEMO中,启动图片可能需要根据用户设备的语言设置来选择不同的设计。 3. **国际化...
在安卓应用开发中,"闪屏页"(Splash Screen)和"退出提示"是两个常见的功能,它们分别用于提升用户体验和告知用户即将退出应用。闪屏页通常在应用启动时展示,显示品牌信息或者加载应用的主要资源,而退出提示则在...
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在Android应用开发中,"闪屏页"(Splash Screen)和"退出提示"是常见的功能模块,对于初学者和毕业设计来说,理解并实现这些功能是提升技能的关键步骤。本项目是一个Android应用源码示例,它展示了如何将这两部分...
联想小新pro13 amd 版 闪屏修复工具
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