
install wireless driver on opensuse 11.4


Since ubuntu always push the computer temperature to as high as 70 digree, it's really hot to put my hands on the keyboard.


So, after search for some information, I learned that by using the debian OS, the heat will decrese. Then, I install Debian 6.0.1 with gnome as default desktop on my laptop(Thinkpad E10 2545A11), fianlly, I found it's quite hard to find a way to install netcard driver, even the wired net card.


With endless anger, I wiped it from my pad, and download a opensuse11.4 iso file, with KDE as its default desktop, burn it in my uDisk with the greensoftware called win32diskimager, and smoothly install it on my laptop.


Then, a problem come up, the wireless netcard driver still can't be installed, while the wired netcard installed as soon as the OS installing finished.


SHIT! As I use the WIFI almost the time, it's become a quite eggache thing!


I rummaged through the internet, finally, found that's because the linux header has not been installed defaultly on the opensuse, while it did on the ubuntu OS,so I did it("zypper in kernel-source   kernel-devel kernel-firmware kernel-desktop kernel-desktop-devel kernel-devel  "), but it still not work, with the error message"gcc installing required", then ,with worse emotion, I zyppered the fucking gcc.


Then,"sudo su"->"make &&make install"->"shutdown -r now",It works!


God, y don't linuxers make it more convenient to us low level linux user?!



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