Fortunately, the __attribute__ mechanism was cleverly designed in a way to make it easy to quietly eliminate them if used on platforms other than GNU C. Superficially, __attribute__ appears to have multiple parameters (which would typically rule out using a macro), but the two sets of parentheses effectively make it a single parameter, and in practice this works very nicely.
/* If we're not using GNU C, elide __attribute__ */
#ifndef __GNUC__
# define __attribute__(x) /*NOTHING*/
Note that __attribute__ applies to function declarations, not definitions, and we're not sure why this is. So when defining a function that merits this treatment, an extra declaration must be used (in the same file):
/* function declaration */
void die(const char *format, ...) __attribute__((noreturn))
void die(const char *format, ...)
/* function definition */
赠送jar包:flink-hadoop-compatibility_2.11-1.10.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:flink-hadoop-compatibility_2.11-1.10.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:flink-hadoop-compatibility_2.11-1.10.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven...
Modeling and Design of Electromagnetic Compatibility for High-Speed Printed Circuit Boards and Packaging 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊...
这个资源包名为"西门子软件系统性查询STEP-7-Professional-(TIA-Portal)-compatibility-list-zh",其中包含了不同版本的STEP 7 Professional与TIA Portal的兼容性列表。这些列表对于用户来说至关重要,因为它们提供...
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Modeling and Design of Electromagnetic Compatibility for High-Speed Printed Circuit Boards and Packaging 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都...
例如,v6.13 版本的文档记录了 Arm Compiler v6.13 Release 的变更记录,而 v6.14 版本的文档记录了 Arm Compiler v6.14 Release 的变更记录。 版权声明 Arm 编译器的版权声明明确了 Arm 公司对该编译器的所有权...
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例如,提供的文件"SIMATIC-WinCC-OA_V3.19_compatibility-list_zh_2023-03-29.xlsx"和"SIMATIC-WinCC-OA_V3.18_compatibility-list_zh_2022-11-17.xlsx"分别对应了2023年3月29日和2022年11月17日的WinCC OA V3.19和V...
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Circuit for maintaining compatibility between different image systems during reproduction having an adaptive de-emphasis unit Compander circuit which produces variable pre-emphasis and de-emphasis De-...
注:下文中的 *** 代表文件名中的组件名称。 # 包含: 中文-英文对照文档:【***-javadoc-API文档-中文(简体)-英语-对照版.zip】 jar包下载地址:【***.jar下载地址(官方地址+国内镜像地址).txt】 ...
注:下文中的 *** 代表文件名中的组件名称。 # 包含: 中文-英文对照文档:【***-javadoc-API文档-中文(简体)-英语-对照版.zip】 jar包下载地址:【***.jar下载地址(官方地址+国内镜像地址).txt】 ...
THIS REPO HAS MOVED HOUSE :truck:: It now lives at TryGhost/Ghost-Android since Quill became the official Android app for Ghost!...Quill is the beautiful ...100% Markdown compatibility with Ghost - go ahe
bit compiler. The debug version of the code includes the debug output trace mechanism and has a much larger code and data size. Previous Release: Non-Debug Version: 78.1K Code, 17.1K Data, 95.2K ...
Out of the box compatibility with: - Voxeland 5 - CTS - MegaSplat - RTP - uNature And in pinned (non-dynamic) mode: with all of the assets using standard Unity terrains. The asset comes with the full...
STEP-7-Professional-(TIA-Portal)_V16.0_compatibility-list_en Check compatibility manually Load compatibility lists Check installed products