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On the client side, the identity of a class that implements the flash.utils.IExternalizable interface is written in the serialization stream. The class serializes and reconstructs the state of its instances. The class implements thewriteExternal() and readExternal() methods of the IExternalizable interface to get control over the contents and format of the serialization stream, but not the class name or type, for an object and its supertypes. These methods supersede the native AMF serialization behavior. These methods must be symmetrical with their remote counterpart to save the class's state.
On the server side, a Java class that implements the java.io.Externalizable interface performs functionality that is analogous to an ActionScript class that implements the flash.utils.IExternalizable interface.
it is say that the client side and server side must be serialization.You implement the ActionScript-basedflash.utils.IExternalizable interface on the client and the corresponding Java-based java.io.Externalizable interface on the server.
The following example shows the complete source code for the client (ActionScript) version of a Product class that maps to a Java-based Product class on the server.
package samples.externalizable {
import flash.utils.IExternalizable;
import flash.utils.IDataInput;
import flash.utils.IDataOutput;
public class Product implements IExternalizable {
public function Product(name:String=null) {
this.name = name;
public var id:int;
public var name:String;
public var properties:Object;
public var price:Number;
public function readExternal(input:IDataInput):void {
name = input.readObject() as String;
properties = input.readObject();
price = input.readFloat();
public function writeExternal(output:IDataOutput):void {
The following example shows the complete source of the server Product class:
// Product.java
package samples.externalizable;
import java.io.Externalizable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInput;
import java.io.ObjectOutput;
import java.util.Map;
* This Externalizable class requires that clients sending and
* receiving instances of this type adhere to the data format
* required for serialization.
public class Product implements Externalizable {
private String inventoryId;
public String name;
public Map properties;
public float price;
public Product()
* Local identity used to track third-party inventory. This property is
* not sent to the client because it is server specific.
* The identity must start with an 'X'.
public String getInventoryId() {
return inventoryId;
public void setInventoryId(String inventoryId) {
if (inventoryId != null && inventoryId.startsWith("X"))
this.inventoryId = inventoryId;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("3rd party product
inventory identities must start with 'X'");
* Deserializes the client state of an instance of ThirdPartyProxy
* by reading in String for the name, a Map of properties
* for the description, and
* a floating point integer (single precision) for the price.
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {
// Read in the server properties from the client representation.
name = (String)in.readObject();
properties = (Map)in.readObject();
price = in.readFloat();
setInventoryId(lookupInventoryId(name, price));
* Serializes the server state of an instance of ThirdPartyProxy
* by sending a String for the name, a Map of properties
* String for the description, and a floating point
* integer (single precision) for the price. Notice that the inventory
* identifier is not sent to external clients.
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
// Write out the client properties from the server representation.
private static String lookupInventoryId(String name, float price) {
String inventoryId = "X" + name + Math.rint(price);
return inventoryId;
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FLASH/ActionScript 性能优化
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