For publication of results, please cite
the following article:
CPLA 1.0: an integrated database of protein lysine acetylation
Zexian Liu
, Xinjiao Gao, Jun Cao, Haiyan Liu, Yanhong Zhou, Longping Wen, Xiangjiao Yang, Xuebiao Yao, Jian Ren
, Yu Xue
Nucleic Acids Research.2010.(Accepted
There are two types of acetylation processes
widely occurred in proteins. The first Nα-terminal acetylation is
catalyzed a variety of N-terminal acetyltransferases (NATs), which
cotranslationally transfer acetyl moieties from acetyl-coenzyme A
(Acetyl-CoA) to the α-amino (Nα) group of protein amino-terminal
residues. Although Nα-terminal acetylation is rare in prokaryotes, it
was estimated that about 85% of eukaryotic proteins are Nα-terminally
modified (Polevoda et al
., 2000
; Polevoda et al
., 2002
). The second type is Nε-lysine acetylation, which specifically modifies ε-amino group of protein lysine residues (Yang et al
., 2007
; Shahbazian et al
., 2007
; Smith et al
., 2009
Although Nε-lysine acetylation is less common, it's one of the most
important and ubiquitous post-translational modifications conserved in
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Moreover, the acetylation and deacetylation
are dynamically and temporally regulated by histone acetyltransferases
(HATs) and histone deacetylases (HDACs), respectively (Yang et al
., 2004
; Lee et al
., 2007
In 1964, Allfrey et al. firstly observed that lysine
acetylation of histones plays an essential role in regulation of gene
expression (Allfrey et al
., 1964
Later and recent studies in epigenetics solidified this seminal
discovery, and proposed acetylation as a key component of the "histone
code" (Jenuwein et al
., 2001
Beyond histones, a wide range of non-histone proteins can also be
lysine acetylated, and involved in a variety of biological processes,
such as transcription regulation (Yuan et al
., 2005
), DNA replication (Terret et al
., 2009
; Choudhary et al
., 2009
), cellular signaling (Walkinshaw et al
., 2008
; Spange et al
., 2009
), stress response (Brunet et al
., 2004
) and so on. Aberrance of lysine acetylation and deacetylation is associated with various diseases and cancers (Kim et al
., 2006
). In particular, acetylation was demonstrated to be implicated in cellular metabolism and aging (Wang et al
., 2010
; Zhao et al
., 2010
), while one class of NAD+ dependent HDACs of sirtuins might be potent drug target for promoting longevity (Cohen et al
., 2004
; Wang et al
., 2010
Since the number of known acetylation sites is rapidly
increased, it is an urgent topic to collect the experimental data and
provide an integrated resource for the community. Recently, several
public databases, such as PhosphoSitePlus
, SysPTM
, and dbPTM
have already contained protein acetylation information. In these
databases, both of Nα-terminal and Nε-lysine acetylation data were
curated, while lysine acetylation sites are usually only a limited part
of total sites. So, thousands of lysine acetylation sites in other
species still remain to be collected.
Currently, the CPLA
database was updated on March 1st, 2010, containing
unique protein
entries with 7,151
lysine acetylation sites. The online service of CPLA 1.0 was implemented in PHP + MySQL
+ JavaScript. And the local packages of CPLA 1.0 were developed in
JAVA 1.5 (J2SE). The database will be updated routinely as new acetylated
lysines are reported.
supports Windows,
Unix/Linux and Mac and is freely available for academic
researches at:
实验结果表明,降低cPLA2α表达后,Akt和FAK的磷酸化水平与对照组相比有明显的降低,这提示cPLA2α可能通过调控这些关键蛋白的磷酸化来影响乳腺癌细胞的运动和侵袭。 花生四烯酸是cPLA2α的一个主要代谢产物,研究...
CPLA and CPLR enactment
"北美消费电子产品包装和标签的使用指引" 文件提供了详细的信息,帮助制造商和零售商遵循正确的法规标准。以下是基于这个主题的详细知识点解释: 1. **CPLA (Consumer Product Labeling Act)**: CPLA...
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《北美消费电子产品包装和...在北美市场销售电子产品的公司需要仔细研究这份指南,确保其包装和标签符合CPLA(Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act)和CPLR(Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulations)的规定。
ERK介导的cPLA2磷酸化在其与Rac1的膜移位中起重要作用,而Rac1的p38定位则促进cPLA2激活和MMP-9的诱导。 此外,脂多糖诱导MMP-9的分泌和肽激素ghrelin的调节作用发生在内质网和高尔基体之间的MMP-9加工水平上,涉及...
CPLA ANLA,#00001111B MOVB,#10 MULAB MOVR6,A CLRP2.7 ``` 在此段落中,程序首先初始化R6寄存器,并通过控制P2.7引脚读取特定通道的数据。接着,它对读取到的数据进行处理,并将结果存储在R6寄存器中。这里...
CPLA纤维纸尿裤通过其特殊的多层结构设计——包括吸水层、防漏边和柔软表层等——确保了尿液的有效吸收和防侧漏,同时为婴儿的皮肤提供了一个透气和干燥的环境,大大降低了尿布疹等皮肤病发生的风险。 生产方面,...
16. **取反A寄存器**:`CPLA`。实现闪烁效果。 17. **循环控制**:`DJNZR2,LOOP2`。 18. **重新设定显示值**:`JMPSTART`。 19. **延时子程序**:`DELAY`。实现延时功能。 20. **程序结束**:`END`。 通过上述实例...
《计算机组成原理课程设计——乘除法运算》 计算机组成原理是计算机科学与技术领域的一门核心课程,它深入解析了计算机硬件系统的工作原理。在本次课程设计中,学生需运用所学知识,针对COP2000实验仪设计并实现...
- **初始化**:首先通过`MOV SP, #5FH`对堆栈指针进行初始化,然后通过`MOV A, #80H`将累加器A的值设置为80H。 - **主循环**:在主循环中,首先通过`MOV P1, A`将累加器A的值输出到P1端口,使得P1.7对应的LED熄灭...
例如,`INCA`和`DECA`指令用于递增或递减累加器A的值,而`CPLA`则用于对A进行按位取反操作,这些操作都是为了调整LED的亮度。 3. **控制流程**:整个程序通过跳转指令(如`SJMP LOOP`)保持循环执行,直到特定条件...
CPLA INCA JUGFT1:SETBA SUBBA,#DELTY JNCJUGFT3 MOVA,SDA T RET JUGFT3:MOVA,B MOVSDA T,A RET ``` #### 中位值滤波程序 中位值滤波是一种常见的噪声抑制方法,通过对一组数据排序后取中间值来消除异常值的影响。...
CPLA JZLABEL1 INCA JZLABEL2 当(R0)=FFH时转向LABEL1; 当(R0)=00H时转向LABEL2; ``` 以上内容涵盖了MCS-51单片机的一些基础概念和具体应用案例,希望能够帮助您更好地理解和掌握相关知识点。
执行此指令后,A的值变为0,这对于初始化变量或清除计算结果很有用。 2. **累加器取反CPLA**: - `CPLA`指令实现了对累加器A的逐位取反操作,相当于应用逻辑非(NOT)门函数。例如,如果A的初始值为12H(二进制...