The Windows Communication Foundation is now available in its release version as part of the .NET Framework 3.0. It's been a long 7 years since Microsoft first endorsed the SOAP specification and the industry has since come together on specifying a broad set of interoperability standards for rich and robustcommunication between applications. The Windows Communication Foundation isMicrosoft's realization of the WS-* vision and is a the unifiedfoundation to build service oriented applications.Whether your applications communicatevia one-way, request-response, or duplex connections, whether they use TCP, HTTP, Named Pipes, Peer-Meshes, or Queues, whether they use transport-based or message-based security, whether they use simple authorization or federated brokered trust ... there is just one way to program. With the release of the Windows Communication Foundation we are consolidating five technologies, ASP.NET Web Services, Web Service Enhanements, .NET Remoting, Enterprise Services, and System.Messaging, into this new integrated architecture, programming model, and runtime environment and provide a more productive development platform for distributed systems than ever before. Everyone around here at the ConnectedSystems Division at Microsoft is very proud of having achieved this goal and we'd like to thank the thousands of customers and friends who have been testing our pre-release versions, reporting bugs, and giving us suggestions for how to improve the product. We would also like to thank the many industry partners who we cooperated with to define the broad family of interoperability standards and who have and still are working with us to make interoperability in the enterprise and on the web a reality. These are great days. Thank you all.
**Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 知识点详解** Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)是微软.NET框架中的一个组件,用于构建可互操作的分布式应用程序。它整合了多种通信技术,如.NET Remoting、Web ...
WebSocket、Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 和 Silverlight 5 是三种在现代网络应用程序开发中扮演重要角色的技术。本文将深入探讨这些技术的概念、用途以及它们如何协同工作。 WebSocket 是一种在客户端...
Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)是微软.NET Framework中的一个核心组件,用于构建分布式应用程序。它提供了一种统一的方式,用于创建、部署和管理跨进程、跨网络的服务。WCF集成了多种通信技术,如Web服务...
在.NET框架中,Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)是一种用于构建分布式应用程序的服务模型,它提供了统一的方式来进行跨进程、跨网络的通信。WCF服务可以被各种类型的客户端访问,包括WinForms应用程序。本...
Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)是微软.NET框架的一部分,它提供了一种统一的编程模型来创建分布式应用程序服务。WCF服务可以被多种客户端访问,包括基于Web的和传统的WCF客户端。在标题和描述中提到的...
WCF(Windows Communication Foundation)是微软.NET框架的一部分,它提供了一种用于构建分布式应用程序的强大而灵活的服务模型。在WCF中,代理是一个重要的概念,它充当客户端与服务之间的桥梁,使得客户端可以调用...
[奥莱理] Programming WCF Services Mastering WCF and the Azure AppFabric Service Bus 3rd Edition ============================================================ [奥莱理] 使用 .Net 3.5 技术创建 RESTful Web...
Hailed as the definitive treatment of WCF, this book provides unique insight, rather than documentation, to help you learn the topics and skills you need for building WCF-based applications that are ...
**Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 系列课程详解** Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)是微软.NET框架中的一个核心组件,用于构建高度可伸缩、安全和可靠的分布式应用程序。本系列课程将深入探讨WCF...
**WCF(Windows Communication Foundation)**是微软.NET框架下的一个组件,主要用于构建分布式应用程序,它提供了服务导向架构,使得应用程序可以跨多个系统进行通信。WCF整合了多种通信技术,如Web服务、Remoting...
**WCF培训讲稿WCF入门讲稿** **1. SOA架构介绍** SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture,面向服务架构)是一种设计和构建分布式系统的方法论,它强调通过松散耦合的服务来实现业务功能。以下是SOA的四个核心特性: ...
**WCF PDA开发资源:WCF Guidance For Mobile Developers** Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 是微软推出的一种统一的编程模型,用于构建面向服务的应用程序。它允许开发者在各种平台之间进行安全、可靠、可...
**WCF简单的应用** Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 是微软.NET框架中的一种全面的服务导向架构,用于构建可互操作的分布式应用程序。它整合了多种通信技术,如Web服务、消息队列、Remoting等,为开发者...
在IT行业中,C++与Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)的结合使用可以实现高效、安全的分布式应用程序。本文将深入探讨如何在C++中调用WCF服务,通过一个完整的示例来阐述整个过程,帮助开发者更好地理解这一...
**WCF学习进阶篇** Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 是微软.NET框架中的一种服务导向架构,用于构建可互操作的、安全的、可靠的服务。它整合了多种通信技术,如Web服务、消息队列、TCP/IP等,使得开发者...