Real-time search indexing
Zoie is a real-time search and indexing system built on Apache Lucene
Fast faceted search with Lucene
Bobo is a Faceted Search implementation written purely in Java, an extension of Apache Lucene
Massive matrix decompositions.
Partitioned routing and cluster management
Norbert is a library that provides easy cluster management and workload
distribution. With Norbert, you can quickly distribute a simple
client/server architecture to create a highly scalable architecture
capable of handling heavy traffic.
A distributed database
Voldemort is a distributed key-value storage system
A high-throughput distributed messaging system.
Kafka is a distributed publish/subscribe messaging system
Doc set compression
is a utility package for performing operations on
compressed arrays of sorted integers. Search indexes, graph algorithms,
and certain sparse matrix representations make heavy use of integer
arrays, and special compression techniques are needed to get good
compression performance on this data
A persistent high-performance data store.
is a simple persistent data store with very low latency and high throughput
A distributed, elastic, realtime, searchable database
Sensei is a distributed database that is designed to handle the following type of query:
SELECT f1,f2...fn FROM members
WHERE c1 AND c2 AND c3..
MATCH (fulltext query, e.g. "java engineer")
GROUP BY fx,fy,fz...
ORDER BY fa,fb...
LIMIT offset,count
Simple hadoop workflow
Azkaban is simple batch scheduler for constructing and running Hadoop jobs or other offline processes.
这里是官方 blog http://sna-projects.com/blog/
在信息技术领域,Open-Source Intelligence(OSINT)是指通过公开来源收集和分析信息的过程。在本案例中,我们讨论的是一个名为“Python-OSINTTool”的工具,它专门用于从LinkedIn这个专业社交平台上抓取公司数据,...
- `opensource-apache-samza-master` 文件夹可能是整个项目的根目录,其中包含了Samza的所有源代码和配置。 - 源代码可能分布在多个子目录下,如`src/main/java`存放Java源代码,`src/test/java`存放测试代码,`...
##数据科学资源 ... 如果您发现此资源有帮助-请发送给其他人,或者您可以上,在linkedIn,twitter,Facebook上共享,将其添加到Quora或只是给我发送注释。 祝您好运,我希望这可以帮助您找到现在或将来要寻找的
可以将工作发布到Facebook,Twitter,linkedin等社交网站。 步入式复制现有职位,停用。 在Google地图中添加位置信息将他们的工作发布到社交网站。门户网站工作警报新手机设计普通搜索和高级搜索电子邮件通知设置...
Python是一种强大的编程语言,尤其在数据处理和网络情报(OSINT,Open-Source Intelligence)领域中,它扮演着至关重要的角色。本项目“Python-一个OSINT工具允许你通过认可技能绘制出LinkedIn上的人员之间的关系”...
5. **Contributions to Open Source**: 如果用户有参与开源项目,可能会列出这些项目,展示他们对社区的贡献。 6. **Licenses**: 项目可能附带特定的开源许可,表明代码可以被其他人使用和修改的条件。 7. **Issue...
Hadoop is an open source MapReduce platform designed to query and analyze data distributed across large clusters. Especially effective for big data systems, Hadoop powers mission-critical software at ...
Zerocode Open Source makes it easy to create, change, orchestrate and maintain automated tests with the absolute minimum overhead for , , and much more. Tests created in Zerocode Open Source can be ...
All Source Code is Open! iOS6, iOS7, iOS8, iOS9, iOS10 - supported Fully compatible with All Stan's Assets Plugins Short features list: Game Center * iTunes Setup * Init The Game Center * ...
书中提到了Confluent,这是一家专注于Kafka的企业,提供了额外的工具和服务,如Confluent Open Source Connectors,支持多种客户端(包括Python、C/C++和.NET),Schema Registry用于管理数据模式的一致性,以及REST...
Symbio Digital, and PRIA in various languages, mostly PHP and TypeScript. Since 2017, he's freelancing, trying to work on open source projects in TypeScript, PHP, Dart, C, and Python. He's been ...
database.opensource.url="jdbc:mysql://" ``` 最后执行以下命令启动服务: ```sh ./wherehows-1.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/wherehows -Dhttp.port=...
He has a passion for new technologies, code standards, scalability, performance, and open source projects. Pablo can be approached online at https://pablosolar.es/. Table of Contents What are ...
He created his first programs in 1979, and since then he has authored several open source programs. He has worked in several positions in the telecommunications and finance industries and was the CIO...
- 《Data Analysis with Open Source Tools》 - 《Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis》 - 《Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython》...
He created his first programs in 1979, and since then he has authored several open source programs. He has worked in several positions in the telecommunications and finance industries and was the CIO...
Confluent Open Source Connectors就是其中的一个项目,它允许Kafka轻松地与外部数据源和数据接收器集成。Confluent还提供了Schema Registry,这是一个集中化的服务,用于存储和管理Kafka主题的数据结构(即schema)...
在RedirectURLs字段中,添加http://localhost:3000/auth/linkedin 您将收到“客户端ID”和“客户端密钥”字段。 保存它们以备后用。 项目克隆 分叉此存储库,然后在本地计算机上克隆项目 git clone ...