The rapid deployment of advanced communication and information technology in our society has enabled increased interdependencies among diverse business groups, government agencies, and other entities.
The spread of such technologies, and the consequential reliance on it, require the commitment of all participants to know, understand and take action to minimize the threats that compromise the facility, the integrity of data in the network, and the privacy rights of all persons.
This symposim will focus on the issues and solutions as seen by the most prominent researchers and practitioners in the field of information security.
Dan Geer Vice President and Chief Scientist for Verdasys and the principal of Geer Risk Services. He authored the white paper, “The Shrinking Perimeter – Making the Case for Data Level Risk Management” and has also co-written several books and reports, including, “Cyber Insecurity.” |
Alan Paller Founder, and Director of Research for all research projects for the SANS Institute. Paller was also selected as one of the 100 “Most Influential People in Information Technology” by eWeek, CIO Decisions, and Baseline magazines. Paller established the Annual SANS-FBI Top 20 Internet Security Threats (1999) and was named to the National Infrastructure Assurance Council by the President of the United States (2001). |


Enterprise Cybersecurity empowers organizations of all sizes to defend themselves with next-generation cybersecurity programs against the escalating threat of modern targeted cyberattacks. This book ...
在这个特定的文档“ASPICE for Cybersecurity Yellow Volume 1st edition 2021”中,焦点在于将ASPICE框架应用于网络安全领域,以确保汽车电子软件的安全性。 网络安全在当今信息化社会中至关重要,尤其是在汽车...
“Effective incident response forms the criteria used to judge cybersecurity programs. Effective protection and detection measures do not matter if the response to an event falls short. Within days of...
2. **定义**:法规明确了“cyber security”(网络安全)和“cyber security management system”(CSMS,网络安全管理系统)的概念。网络安全是指保护车辆及其相关系统免受网络威胁的能力,而CSMS则是一套系统性的...
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Automotive SPICE is a process assessment model, when used with an appropriate assessment method, which helps to ...defined in a Process Reference and Assessment Model for Cybersecurity Engineering.
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Santos concludes with detailed coverage of compliance in finance and healthcare, the crucial Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) standard, and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. ...
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Linux Essentials for Cybersecurity is your complete solution. Leading Linux certification and security experts William “Bo” Rothwell and Dr. Denise Kinsey introduce Linux with the primary goal of ...
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