Before calling a Java object's method from JNI, we need its signature. For example, the method
long myMethod (int n, String s, int[] arr);
is seen from JNI with the signature
There are two parts to the signature. The first part is enclosed within the parentheses and represents the method's arguments. The second portion follows the closing parenthesis and represents the return type. The mapping between the Java type and C type is
Type Chararacter
boolean Z
byte B
char C
double D
float F
int I
long J
object L
short S
void V
array [
Note that to specify an object, the "L" is followed by the object's class name and ends with a semi-colon, ';' .
The javap utility (included with the JDK) is very useful to show the signature to be used in JNI.
public class java.awt.Label extends java.awt.Component {
public static final int LEFT;
/* I */
public static final int CENTER;
/* I */
public static final int RIGHT;
/* I */
java.lang.String text;
/* Ljava/lang/String; */
int alignment;
/* I */
static {};
/* ()V */
public java.awt.Label();
/* ()V */
public java.awt.Label(java.lang.String);
/* (Ljava/lang/String;)V */
public java.awt.Label(java.lang.String,int);
/* (Ljava/lang/String;I)V */
public void addNotify();
/* ()V */
java.lang.String constructComponentName();
/* ()Ljava/lang/String; */
public int getAlignment();
/* ()I */
public java.lang.String getText();
/* ()Ljava/lang/String; */
protected java.lang.String paramString();
/* ()Ljava/lang/String; */
public synchronized void setAlignment(int);
/* (I)V */
public void setText(java.lang.String);
/* (Ljava/lang/String;)V */
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This method returns a copy of the invoking Listing object sorted by the field name given in the parameter. Use an appropriate STL sorting function to sort the advertisements. To sort based on the ...
the Kariba dam is in desperate need of rehabilitation, otherwise the whole dam would collapse, putting 3.5 million people at risk. Aimed to look for the best strategy with the three options listed to ...
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determine the location of the vehicle. A database management system is implemented at the remote server for the storage and management of transmitted data and a graphical user interface (GUI) is ...
An important method for the systematic evaluation of functions obeying a linear recurrence relation with respect to one of their parameters is to solve the relation recursively, making use of known ...
from which we derive high-order statistics as features for a classier to determine the presence of hidden information in an audio signal. Extensive experimental results for the Least Signicant Bit ...
This book demonstrates the inevitability of a continuously growing role of data in our society and it stresses that this role does not need to be threatening: to the contrary, collection and analysis ...
Riel has captured this elusive, subconscious list, and in doing so, has provided a set of metrics that help determine the quality of object-oriented models. Object-Oriented Design Heuristics offers ...
The model can be used not only to determine the reliability of the degraded systems in the context of multi-state functions, but also to obtain the states of the systems by calculating the system ...
To determine the value of a bond, one must first identify the sequence of cash flows it will generate, such as interest payments (coupons) and the principal repayment at maturity. Next, the ...