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"Thinking in Code" Audio Interviews now Available铪

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现在,音频点播(padcasting)越来越丰富,而且带宽也是越来越宽。所以我最终决定将它们放到网上以供大家下载。虽然那些节目是几年前的了,但是内容还是值得一看的(the material is fairly timeless)。希望你们能喜欢它们。






    Thinking in C++Vol 1Vol 2

    《Thinking in C++》是C++编程领域的一部经典之作,由Bruce Eckel撰写,分为两卷,Vol 1和Vol 2。这本书深入浅出地介绍了C++语言的各个方面,旨在帮助读者不仅掌握C++的基本语法,还能理解其背后的编程思想。 C++是...

    thinking in c++

    Thinking in C++, Volume 1, 2nd Edition Completed January 13, 2000 Bruce Eckel, President, MindView, Inc. Planet PDF brings you the Portable Document Format (PDF) version of Thinking in C++ Volume 1 ...

    Elements of Programming Interviews in Python The Insiders Guide.zip

    Elements of Programming Interviews in Python The Insiders Guide.pdf Elements of Programming Interviews in Python The Insiders Guide.pdf Elements of Programming Interviews in Python The Insiders Guide....

    Coding Interviews

    are met during interviews, candidates should figure out solutions before they write code. After reading this chapter, you may get three strategies to solve problems: figures to visualize problems, ...

    Elements of Programming Interviews C++版

    Solutions include code snippets which are primarily in C++. Programs concerned with concurrency are in Java. Complete programs are available at epibook.github.io. Java versions of the C++ programs in ...

    Elements of Programming Interviews:The Insiders高清.pdf版

    Elements of Programming Interviews: The Insiders' Guide的题目和code都很赞,觉得是目前准备coding interview最好的书了,超全面超详细,有不少leetcode的题解。 书名:Elements of Programming Interviews: The ...

    Programming Finite Elements in Java

    Problems and exercises are provided for each chapter, with Java™ source code and problem data sets available from the book’s webpage at springer.com/978-1-84882-971-8. Graduate students using the ...

    Modern Code Review- A Case Study at Google.pdf

    In this paper, we make an exploratory investigation of modern code review at Google. Google introduced code review early on and evolved it over the years; our study sheds light on why Google ...

    Elements of programming interviews 高清非扫描 英文原版

    本书《Elements of Programming Interviews》是由Adnan Aziz、Tsung-Hsien Lee和Amit Prakash三位专家共同撰写,旨在为读者提供编程面试中的各种问题解决策略。Adnan Aziz是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校电气和计算机工程...

    Elements of Programming Interviews_interview_Help!_

    Elements of Programming Interviews. Authored to help in Tech interviews

    Elements of Programming Interviews

    他在组织Google Code Jam 2014中起到了重要作用。 Amit Prakash是ThoughtSpot的联合创始人兼CTO,这是一家位于硅谷的初创公司。在加入ThoughtSpot之前,Amit Prakash是Google的技术团队成员,专注于在线广告上下文中...

    A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews 书籍

    A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews pdf,




    Some people weren't available or couldn't be reached. But I persevered and managed to pull together a well-rounded set of representatives of the Python programming community. In this book, you will ...

    Elements of Programming Interviews in Python -- 2016.pdf

    Aziz, Lee, Prakash -- Elements of Programming Interviews in Python -- 2016

    A curated List of Coding Questions Asked in FAANG Interviews.zip

    这份名为"A curated List of Coding Questions Asked in FAANG Interviews.zip"的压缩文件显然包含了这些顶尖科技公司面试时可能会遇到的编程问题集合。 编程面试通常分为几个阶段,包括算法、数据结构、系统设计、...


    There is news, software, white papers, interviews, product reviews, Web links, code samples, a forum, and regular articles by many of the most prominent and respected PDF experts in the world....


    People often get confused about open source programming languages, focusing merely on the technology behind the language — be it the language itself, the libraries available for it, or the impressive...

    Dynamic Programming for Interviews

    在对编程面试中动态规划的理解和应用方面,《Dynamic Programming for Interviews》这本电子书旨在帮助读者掌握面试中常见的动态规划问题,书籍由Sam Gavis-Hughson撰写,他是ByteByByte LLC的创始人。这本电子书...

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